
Skool Luv Affair

*Gabbie's Pov.*

I sighed into the phone as I walked aimlessly in circles. Emma and I were discussing, once again, how we were going to convince our mothers to let us go to South Korea for high school. We had talked about it to them before but they only shrugged it off. 

"How about we write our mothers notes and slide them under their doors like we used to do when we were younger! It always works!" I said excitedly while I played with my Exo 'Wolf' snapback that Emma had gotten me for my birthday. 

"Oh yeah lets do that that'll make us seem real responsible!" Emma sarcastically told me and though I couldn't see her I could tell she was rolling her eyes. 

"I was only joking! You decide the plan!" I said as I flopped onto my bed and fiddled with my stuffed animals. 

"You know I can't decide things!" 

"Well neither can I!" We both laughed and decided to just ask them together. 


*Emma's Pov.*

I was on my way to Gabbie's house with my mom we live fairly close to each other so the drive was short. When my mom and I got to the door Gabbie greeted us, "Hey, come in!" 

Gabbie brought us to her living room where our moms sat on one couch and us on an other. Her mom began first, "No. I say no. You guys are to young and could die out their!" 

"We want to go to South Korea not the jungle!" Gabbie whispered so only I could hear. I kicked her with my foot and she glared at me. 

"Well I actually think this would be a great experience for them. I mean they both know so much about it already I think they would do just fine!" My mom said while Gabbie's mom stared at her in disbelief. My mother paused but continued, "I say they go and if they don't like it then they can come home!" 

"Well what do you girls think? You go and if you don't like it you can come back? Is that fair?" Gabbie's mom asked us looking at us with defeat. Gabbie jumped up and threw her fists in the air wile yelling 'Yehet!'. I just laughed at her and thanked both my mom and hers. Gabbie thanked them both then we headed off in separate ways to start packing. Our flight to South Korea was in two months! We were finally going!


Note: This is my first fanfiction so I'm sorry if it's kind of awkward... Also sorry the first chapter is so short!!


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Chapter 5: Wow! Finally updated???ㅋㅋㅋ now update more!!!
Chapter 4: I'm sorry hhahaha yieeee kiligers!!!!!!!! BTW kiligers means like fangirling like 'kyaaa~ or yieeeee~'
Amazing story!
Yea you really are a dramatic person... also I sent you a friend request!!