South Korea

Skool Luv Affair

*Gabbie's Pov.*

A cold hand was tapping me furiously while I was trying to sleep. Emma and I had been on the plane for at least 13 hours and I only fell asleep about an hour ago. Still tapping me I groaned and pushed it off. 

"Get up! Get up! Yoohoo! Sleeping beauty you might wanna wake up! WE ARE FLYING OVER SOUTH KOREA AND YOU ARE MISSING IT!" Emma said particularly loud while she was shaking me. I shot up and plastered my face to the small window with Emma looking out right be side me. 

"We're here?" I said in whisper taking in the scenery below, "Emma we're finally here!" I squealed getting overly excited. 

We got off the plane and got our bags our next stop was to get a taxi. Both our moms gave a good amount of money to start off with but we would both need to get jobs eventually. Our school that we enrolled in was also providing a dorm for us. 

Emma called for a taxi and while we waited we practiced saying some Korean together. Both of us could read it fairly well but the pronunciations and putting together sentences we were still bad at. The taxi arrived and we headed for the dorm.


*Emma's Pov.*

We were of of the plane, we had our bags, and a taxi was on the way so Gabbie and I decided to practice our Korean. I'm not bad I can read it and write it. Some of my pronunciation is off but I'm pretty good. Gabbie on the other hand was pretty bad. She can read and write it too but is terrible at pronouncing it. We went over flashcards we made before the trip a couple of times before the taxi arrived. We grabbed our things and waddled out to the awaiting car. We got in and were off towards the dorm.


We walked inside the building and were greeted by girl about our age in her school uniform. 

"Annyeonghaseyo! (Hello)" She said as she bowed slightly and pushed her long black hair behind her ear. 

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Gabbie and I said in sync. We turned to each other and started laughing.

"Every time! We do this everyday!" Gabbie said as we calmed down. 

"Um. I am Eun Ae! I go to the high school you guys are in now. I was told to help you out and show you around. Your dorm is right next to mine. I'll show you." She said with a welcoming smile and she showed us the way.

"This is your room your uniforms are on the beds. you should probably just try them on to make sure there's no problems with them. Then after I can give you a tour of this building and we can get your schedules." 

Gabbie and I agreed and we got into our dorm and didn't worry about setting anything up. We tried on our uniforms then got back into our comfortable clothing we had arrived in. We were both in sweat pants with our matching Exo shirts on. We left our dorm and found Eun Ae very quickly and she started the tour.



*If you couldn't tell already I'm very into Exo... Also BTS will come in soon!! Next chapter I promise!*

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Chapter 5: Wow! Finally updated???ㅋㅋㅋ now update more!!!
Chapter 4: I'm sorry hhahaha yieeee kiligers!!!!!!!! BTW kiligers means like fangirling like 'kyaaa~ or yieeeee~'
Amazing story!
Yea you really are a dramatic person... also I sent you a friend request!!