Home Of The Lost: Fix Me


“Lay, do you want breakfast?”

“Kai, please.” Kai looked up at his brother. He looked awful as his eyes reddened more and more with every single second. Raising a brow, he noticed as how their surroundings suddenly changed. It was dark and lonely. It was cold and Lay wasn’t looking at all happy. Why was he like that everytime he saw him?

“Kai.” His brother gulped as his skin lost its rosy color. In just a matter of seconds, he became so pale that Kai could definitely see his main vessels through his arms and neck. His lips were gray, with his eyes colouring in a red shade. Kai felt as his heart dropped. He didn't know if he should be scared or not, since he didn't have a clue of what was happening.

“Lay,” Immediately after saying his name, his lips went dry in a flash of a second. Suffocation slowly followed, bending forward his body, slowly, making him writhe in pain. Closing his eyes, he tried to take a breath, no matter how short it would be. He felt as he was slowly dying from suffocation. Was he going to die for real?

In one moment, he managed to open his eyes, only to find his dead-looking brother still standing in front of him, watching as Kai slowly sank to the floor. “Lay...” He barely whispered, until he permanently closed eyes.

“Wake up, Kai.”

Kai jumped as he woke up from the nightmare he was having. As he looked around to recall where he was, he noticed that he was covered in sweat, desperately gasping for air. Returning his gaze to what was in front of him, he calmed down a bit, sighing. After the failure to gather any strenght, he collapsed back on the bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. The chandelier over him was shining, his little crystals reflecting on the moonlight. How beautiful it was. How prescious it was when he watched how Lay admired it when they were younger.

Sighing for the second time, he pushed away every thought about his brother, as he stood up and headed to the bathroom. Passing by the hallway, he glanced at the clock that was just signalising three o’clock. Ignoring the feel of exhaustion from the dream, he walked in the bathroom, where he took all of his clothes, tossing them on the ground, before stepping into the shower cabin.

Turning on the water, he felt his muscles relax as warm water hit his skin. Leaning on the tiled wall, he closed his eyes, enjoying the silence, thoughts of his dream slipping in his mind in the mean time. His heart raced for a second, before it relaxed again, getting used to the unpleasant feeling. If someone was in the room with him, he would definitely say that Kai shed a tear, even though his skin was wet from the running water.

But what Kai didn't know, was that he did. Even though he may not have noticed, a hot and bitter tear rolled down his pale cheek as he recalled his brother’s state. Feeling his chest tighten, Kai inhaled deeply, closing his eyes in the end. The tear washed away with the rest of the water immediately after it was let free, leaving Kai completely unaware of its existence.

“How was your day?” She asked as she smiled at him. Kai stared at the clock, sighing, as session just started. Ignoring her question, he looked to the ground again, counting the black dots on the carpet. Last time he counted, they were 52 in his area. He had lost count last time, when she asked him another question, in a more demanding tone, which had succeeded to piss him off.

“For how long do I have to come?” He suddenly asked, startling her. Their eyes met as Su Min raised a brow, showing her surprise, causing him to look down again. This was the second time he talked, ever since their talk, four weeks ago. “No one is forcing you. You can stop coming if you want to.” She spoke as she continued to stare at him. For her, his sudden social contact was a sign, a sign for an improvement.

“I am being forced.” He answered truthfully, causing her only to wonder.

“Who is forcing you?” She asked as she concentrated on his facial expression. No movements, no signals of pressure or anxiety. Nothing, just a blank, monotone face. When was he going to open up? When was he going to tell her something else?

Kai looked up with an irritated and lazy look. “My uncle.” Su Min nodded as she opened his folder, where her notes were. Kai chuckled as he saw her click her pen. “Are you seriously going to write that?” Asking out loud, Kai couldn't believe how simple humans were. Su Min looked up, smiling. “Don’t worry. I won’t show it to anyone. These are my notes that I need to write.” He looked down, leaving her without any response. He failed to offend her, since she knew that he barely talked. Their sudden dialogue was the main topic in her mind at the moment.

“Kai.” She spoke as she stared at him. After a long pause, he looked at her, giving her the same lazy look. Su Min smiled softly. “If you share, it will be a lot easier for you. You are in charge of your emotions.”  

He listened as she spoke and wondered how easy this sounded. “Easy to say.” He spoke and looked down again. “But a success after done.” She continued as she closed her folder. Looking at him, she frowned softly as she opened to ask him the next important question. “Do you want another psychologist?” She asked and he shook his head. “You don’t talk to me, it makes me think that I can’t help you-“

“No one can help me, Miss Choi.” He muttered as he stood up. Glancing at the clock, he nodded his head and left the room, leaving her alone. Su Min glanced at the clock, seeing that an hour has already passed. “Omo.” Sighing, she went back to her desk. Glancing for the last time at his file, she widened eyes and cursed in her mind. “Happy Birthday, Kai.” She muttered as she felt regret that she forgot to congratulate him earlier this session.

Kai felt as the wind blew and he felt as any fear he had, suddenly left him. Looking at the town before him, he chuckled as he took a step forward, kicking the little rocks down the tall building. “Why don’t you all yourself after I’m gone, ne?” He muttered as tears formed in his eyes. The tears weren’t from sadness. He was way too happy. He was happy to finally leave this word and go where his place was-next to his brother, next to his best friend.

Looking down, he felt shivers pass down his spine as he saw how tiny the cars and people looked beneath him. He chuckled. Was that how they all looked like from an eagle’s eyes? Little ants that had no purpose in life. Little nothings. Even ants were better than people, for they had a purpose and will.

Glancing up at the sky that was coloured in orange with the sun setting down, he smiled as he imagined him being there in moments. Glancing back down, he chuckled. He had to go down, in order to rise up, right? That’s how life was, up and down.

“Wait for me, Lay.”

And with no hesitation left, he walked further to the edge, leaning forward, from where he fell. Closing his eyes, he awaited for the end to come, before it all went back.

"Happy Birthday, Brother."


"You had one chance and you ruined it."


Don't kill me! TT.TT 

The story is not ending, just so you know :D 

I'm feeling wicked today, how about you? I have backpain and it hurts like hell. Anyways, I'll update soon. 

I'm thinking of doing the third chapter tomorrow, and maybe I'll post in on Thursday. Have a nice week! Mua!

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269 is killing meeeee can someone please make it 270? I feel as if I have failed at life rofl


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Chapter 16: Nice story!
95 streak #2
wow i love the plot aaaaa i love aNGST
Chapter 17: Good story, I really enjoy reading this fic. So good.
Thankyou for the fic authornim.
Hope u will finished the sequel one.
Chapter 17: this was the 2nd time i read psychological movie and it's pretty good. i enjoyed it thanks!
Chapter 16: Third times reading this.
Still the best!
Chapter 16: Good story
Chapter 16: I'm so happy!! I really enjoy this story!
Chapter 12: Oh nooo! Kai, let her explain things first! Don't turn your back on her!
Chapter 7: So, Sehun is hinding something. It wasn't his choice to leave her? But whatever it is, I want her and Kai to be together! And I'm so happy Kai is "having feelings" for her!
Chapter 4: I'm so happy Kai is opening up to her! But poor Sumin, one week before the wedding?!