Home Of The Lost: Fix Me

“Kai-“ She pushed Sehun from her as she stared at her boyfriend. He saw it, even she did not know what was happening. Even she didn’t expect him to kiss her. He could see it.

“Your door was...” Looking back at the opened door, he met her gaze again as he looked at them. “I wanted to apologise for my behaviour. But I...” He cracked a confused smile. A smile that broke her heart. “I should go.” He continued and looked down, deciding whether he should do so.

Su Min found herself helpless as she could not find the proper words. “Kai.” Taking a step further, she ignored Sehun, who was staring at the scene, confused and feeling like a third wheel. Was there something he didn’t know about?

“Sehun you should go.” As if those words broke his heart and dreams in a million pieces. As soon as he could say something, Kai shook his head. “No, Sehun-ssi.” He smiled again. “I am the unwanted third party. I’m sorry for barging into your home.” Bitterness was the main feeling as he spoke, feeling as his heart sank. He was right, and he knew it.

Kai just had to accept it, he was never in the picture.

“Were you seeing someone?” Sehun broke the silence after Kai suddenly left, causing Su Min to glare at him. “What were you thinking?!” She screamed and ran out of the flat, leaving him alone.

Was it because of the tone of her voice, or just because she followed him – Sehun understood that nothing would be the same, even if he gave his life in trying.

“Kai, please wait!” Su Min screamed as he opened the door to his car. Looking at her, he froze. “Go back.” He almost ordered as he found himself unable to say or think anything else. He wasn’t himself and the last thing he wanted was to throw his anger at her. “Just go back.” He forced a weak smile, ignoring her gaze. He didn’t want to see her as he suddenly became rude. He couldn’t bear in seeing her in anyway.

Letting out a deep sigh, he got into his car, leaving her stunned just a meter away.

Realization came to her as he drove off.

Did she just cheat on him?

“You should really go.” She walked in her apartment, passing by him. She was too tired to deal with him and just needed sleep. It was always better when problems were slept off. It always worked in making her less stressed and since she was afraid that she would burn her apartment right now, if she lightened candles, she just decided to sleep it off.

“I really don’t want to go back.” She spoke softly as she reached for the door knob of her room. “I just want a clear beginning.”

Sehun heard as her voice cracked, before facing the cold white wall slammed in his face.

Even if fate was screaming that there was no chance with them being together, he refused to accept the defeat.


I am seriously exhausted. I am sorry for the extremely short chapter, but since I didn't update in such a long time, I thought that I should give you at least something. I had no inspiration lately because of a lot of things that happened, one being the sinking of the Sewol ferry and I found myself unable to write more. I hope that I will update in the next few days. Exams are near and I will try to balance everything, so don't worry. By the way, I don't know if I told you, but I made a new story not long ago: Click on the image if you would like to see it.

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269 is killing meeeee can someone please make it 270? I feel as if I have failed at life rofl


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Chapter 16: Nice story!
95 streak #2
wow i love the plot aaaaa i love aNGST
Chapter 17: Good story, I really enjoy reading this fic. So good.
Thankyou for the fic authornim.
Hope u will finished the sequel one.
Chapter 17: this was the 2nd time i read psychological movie and it's pretty good. i enjoyed it thanks!
Chapter 16: Third times reading this.
Still the best!
Chapter 16: Good story
Chapter 16: I'm so happy!! I really enjoy this story!
Chapter 12: Oh nooo! Kai, let her explain things first! Don't turn your back on her!
Chapter 7: So, Sehun is hinding something. It wasn't his choice to leave her? But whatever it is, I want her and Kai to be together! And I'm so happy Kai is "having feelings" for her!
Chapter 4: I'm so happy Kai is opening up to her! But poor Sumin, one week before the wedding?!