Home Of The Lost: Fix Me

It has been a month and Kai was getting worried sick.

It has been a month and Su Min refused to see anyone, who wanted to know how she was. It has been two weeks since she stopped returning his calls, talked to him, or even opened the door for him, when he actually was standing on the other side, waiting.

It has been a month and as Kai got better with his sessions, it was as if she was getting worse.

"I think I love you." He muttered as he kneeled in front of her door, his knuckles red from knocking. As he waited for an hour, he felt as depression clouded his mind, causing him to think the unthinkable. He could easily break the door, they both knew it. But what good would a broken door do, when there was a barrier in front of her that only her unborn baby could break? What good would he do when he scares her? He knew that there was no answer to this question that could work to his liking. Nothing could bring that awful night back and they both knew it. Everyone did.

He pressed his forehead to the door, his eyes staring at the nothingness. "I think I love you." He repeated softly, as if giving up, as if he lost a fight. And as soon as he spoke out those five words for the second time, he could swear that he heard a weep. He could swear that he heard her. As a tear rolled down his cheek, he sighed deeply, gathering strength for one last sentence, before he would go. "Stay together. For me, stay strong." He whispered and after a moment of waiting for a response, he stood up slowly, ignoring the sudden feeling of lightness in his legs. Walking to the elevator, he took a last glance at her door, his gaze dropping as the doors of the elevator opened.

"Kai?" As if by miracle, he managed to escape the closing doors as he threw himself out of the elevator and back into the hallway, where he saw her standing. Glancing at the elevator, whose doors had just closed, he sighed in relief that he got out in time. After he remembered what had happened and why he was panting like that, he shot his gaze at her direction, only to find himself frightened.

The woman in front of him had nothing to do with Su Min that he used to know. That woman was pale, tired with a puffy face. This was not Su Min, he thought, he had mistaken the door probably, or misheard, or whatever, but this, this was not her. And maybe the fact that he desperately wanted her far from this state, made his heart break upon seeing her exactly like that.

"I-" She tried to speak, she really tried, but as she opened , after saying only a sound, her hand travelled to her lips, muffling the cry that came out of her. As tears ran down her face for the millionth time, she physically searched for his embrace as she held out her hand, trying to reach him, her legs not moving an inch.

And as Kai walked to her and took her in his arms, she stopped. Letting herself get dragged inside her apartment, she relaxed her eyes and muscles as she leaned on him, finding the support that she needed. As if under trance, she didn't understand how he had carried her to her bed, laying her down and after that laying next to her, grabbing her body to place her again as close as he could to his body, holding her as tight as he could.

As he rested his chin on the top of her head, he focused his attention to her breathing. They both did. After she listened that relaxing sound, she closed eyes slowly, drifting off to sleep.

An hour after, Kai crooked a smile as he her hair, listening to her steady breathing. His grip was the same and he didn't even think about changing it. Gazing at her face, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her, swearing that she was the one. Those weeks without her were hell and he had no intention in letting  something like this happening again. Letting out a deep sigh, he watched as she slowly opened her eyes, showing a sleepy and puzzled look.

As his smile stayed on his lips, Kai placed a soft and hesitant kiss on her forehead, his smile turning into a soft grin in the end. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes again.

"I want to start again." She whispered, opening her eyes again. "And I want to have you as a part of my life." Looking down she hesitated. "If you want to." She couldn't say more, because her lips suddenly got occupied by his.

Giving a soft chuckle, she returned the kiss as he held her tighter, refusing to let her go.

"You might be the one to fix me after all." She mumbled softly as he kissed her again and again, until they desperately pulled apart, trying to get some air.

Sehun looked at his reflection in the mirror and gave a soft smile. This time he was certain, no one would play with his life as they wanted to. Even if his parents strongly refused their marriage, even if the whole world was against them, he knew that he should have not backed away. Did he mess up this bad? Could he undo it if he had the chance? Yes, he would. In one thing he was certain, he would make it all better.

He was going to fix things.

He was going to fix her.


-"I don't even know if I love him. Does he know for sure that he loves me as well?"

-"I will make it better, Su Min, I promise. I know you still have feelings for me and together, we can get through this."

-"Do you even love me?"

"I am sorry."


I had the need to update more often, since I have slowed things down recently. I am still crazed about Kai, Shut Up! Since it is hard to think of funny scenarios, since... if you have read "Fix Me" properly, you would know that I am NOT a comedy writer :D 

I need help with scenarios about "Kai, Shut Up!" guys, think of something amazingly stupid -.- xD

comments please~ ^^

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269 is killing meeeee can someone please make it 270? I feel as if I have failed at life rofl


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Chapter 16: Nice story!
95 streak #2
wow i love the plot aaaaa i love aNGST
Chapter 17: Good story, I really enjoy reading this fic. So good.
Thankyou for the fic authornim.
Hope u will finished the sequel one.
Chapter 17: this was the 2nd time i read psychological movie and it's pretty good. i enjoyed it thanks!
Chapter 16: Third times reading this.
Still the best!
Chapter 16: Good story
Chapter 16: I'm so happy!! I really enjoy this story!
Chapter 12: Oh nooo! Kai, let her explain things first! Don't turn your back on her!
Chapter 7: So, Sehun is hinding something. It wasn't his choice to leave her? But whatever it is, I want her and Kai to be together! And I'm so happy Kai is "having feelings" for her!
Chapter 4: I'm so happy Kai is opening up to her! But poor Sumin, one week before the wedding?!