The Day Continues

What is Real ?

Minho POV:

To be all alone. I ask for it, but i never get it. Now i see how it affects a person. Shes lost, drifting but being pushed by some jerk *i hate him already*

Yah stop scrunching you face like like pabo. Jonghyun sneered at me as he tossed a pillow in my face.

Stupid Dino *sigh* I don't like this.

Elisa POV:

I never understood how people could form a relationship over the internet. But this guy. We've been sat here talking for... CRAP! 3 hours oh dear oh dear i was ment to deliever orders. Running i stuffed several orders with the directions into my arms. *oh dear god please don't get to dark, im not to good with directions*

*pant pant* ok to much exercise. i might die. Aish why is this so difficult.  Juggeling flowers while walking down a street not fun. Ok last delivery.. Thats a big house.

I reached up to grab the door knocker. Just as i touched it the door moved away from infront of me. I stumbled forward into a man dressed in a suit. Is he a butler? i stare at him with raised eyebrows. I opened my mouth to ask. Uhmm is this...

Miss Elisa? Please come with me. Wait what. Argh whats happening. Keep calm breathe. breathe Ohh...My..God this house is amazing. He was leading me down a hall decorated with elaborate art and furniture. *Where am i >_<*

The corridor opened up suddenly into a spectactular room, i stood there gazing at each wall, ignorent of the other people in the room. The bright lights stung my eyes abit, especialy when the light strikes once of the many polished objects place around the room. It wasn't until the deep cough of the butler and a few smickering giggles from two maids brought me out of my day dream. I stood there, dazed, stratled with wide eyes invading my face. Thats when i first noticed him. The man. dressed in seemingly casual clothes considering the majestic hall we were in. He was sat on the floor, ignoring the plush furniture, focused intently on the game.

Sit down. That voice sounded familiar. *please don't let it be one of these moments...>_<* I headed towards the closest couch. Just as i turned to sit his voice echoed again. Not there here. he was gesturing to the space on the floor next to him. Once again i shot the butler a raised eyebrow look and all i got was a bow and a badly hidden smile as he left the room with the cackeling maids from the corner *don't like them >_>*. As i sat down i glanced at the man on the floor. I couldn't see his face as it was covered in thick dark hair. *what is going on today* I sat there waiting, just waiting for him to say something. It must have 10 minutes later when he finally paused the game.

Give me the flowers. his voice seemed warmer but a had a sharp edge. i moved my hand towards him with flowers. He examined them for a while gentally caressing the petals.

Their beautiful. He turnt to face me. Oh not him again. Quickly i stood up to leave. Please wait. I want to appologize proplerly. A look of shame was spread on his face with a shy cute smile. Unlike last time he gentally took my hand and looked me straihgt in th eyes. His look was genuine. Im sorry. His whisper was soft, heart warming and sooo dreamy.

Im sorry for everything. i shouldn't of acted that way but theres just something about you. Please can we start over? His eyes kept growing, getting cuter and cuter. I felt my anger flowing away. *sigh i saw this coming*

One last look into his eyes. I caved. Ok lets start again. Annyeong im Elise. I bowed cutely and smiled.

He smiled. *so cute* Annyeong im Kyuhyun, but please, call me oppa. I like this version of him alot better. Are we friends now?

Sure. As long as you don't revert back to the weird guy i first met. Deal? i held up my little finger.

He let out a low laugh. *omg melting melting* as he wrapped his finger around mine. Deal.

Now since were friends, would you liek to come to the carnival with me? I promise nothing weird.

I really should of learnt by now.....


Sorry its been a while since last update i have 5 days of holiday left to do sooo much work and i have my driving theory test soon >_<

But please keep reading ill use all my school free periods to work on this :)

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adlinriz #1
Chapter 10: um.. i'm quite confused where did she met yesung and kyuhyun and when.. waa~ i'm confuse
angex99 #2
i think kyuhyun is kind of bipolar ... hope he won't hurt her ;)
Omo... Now i am really going to think that the (you) is me since my name is also Elisa... keke
**korean :)) [typo]
I feel sorry for her not to understand korea :"< Update soon pls.! :))