A Nice Way To Start

What is Real ?

So hi. Im Elisa, a 17 year old girl forced to move to Korea after my dad got a job out here. I have no friends, no money and to make it worse im starting a new school in a language i have trouble understanding.

It may sound like im complaining but seriously whats wrong with America?

Negative attitude, what a great way to start the day. *mental slap* Ok, here i am walking down some street in what is, i must admit a cute uniform, even if i do feel totally uncomfortable in it. Maybe some music will make this better? Walking down the street with The Rocket Summer blaring from my i-pod, ahh perfect.

I must pull myself together
This is a brand new day
Pull myself away from my mistakes

And this is when my  real story started.

Somewhere during my crazed feel good singing and what can only be called my awesome walk dancing *oh yeah im that cool*, my feet failed me as i ended up launching myself forward into some poor guy. With a very loud scream, sadly it was mine i opened my eyes to find myself lying on top of a relativly handsome guy...Now from ym experience the best thing to do at a moment like this is to get up, say sorry and walk away. But no that would of been to easy. Instead;

OMG, IM SO SORRY! No don't move you might of broken something OMG IS THERE A DOCTOR!

Why did i do that? Screaming loud in english, as if enough people hadn't stopped to look already. As i grabbed my bag ready to leave a firm grip came around my wrist and i was pulled, very close to a guys face. His eyes met mine, they were big, brown and well completly irresistable. Fighting hard to keep my composure he began whispering to me in korean. What he said. I have no clue but his eyes came over with a mischevious slightly evil glare as he spoke. Completly lost in his eyes, i didn't realise when he let go of my wrist to walk away, i stumbled forward like an idiot

He looked back at this point giving me a superior smirk as he headed towards the school gates. Thaat was a nice way to start, i've already ruined any chances i had of being cool. I smashed my earphones back into my ears and blasted the volume once again. Todays going to be fun.




I hope you like my first chapter, i tried to make it interesting but it is an opener

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adlinriz #1
Chapter 10: um.. i'm quite confused where did she met yesung and kyuhyun and when.. waa~ i'm confuse
angex99 #2
i think kyuhyun is kind of bipolar ... hope he won't hurt her ;)
Omo... Now i am really going to think that the (you) is me since my name is also Elisa... keke
**korean :)) [typo]
I feel sorry for her not to understand korea :"< Update soon pls.! :))