
Midnight Friend

(remember, the purple font represent the scene where I wasn't there!)


"Oii, slave! Carry these stuffs for us..!" I almost faint for the stuffs that being hang around me. For God sake, I'm not a bit difference from Christmast tree when all those glittering clothes, boxes, bags and 'bling-bling' gadget that belongs to those idiotic idols, where all over my body. (on my head, around my neck not to mention in my hands!) I glare at those idols who smirk at me with the most evil smirk that I never see for my whole life.

"Kuso...." I can't hold that word from my lips. Those five idols who just load their stuffs on me just walk away without any feeling of helping me out.

"Kuso o tabero soe shine!" (Eat and  die!) once again I curse them but it is nothing more than just whispering to myself. T_T

I sigh and walk slowly along the hallway to those demon bullies' room. I just take my seventh steps on way then suddenly, a small round box from the top of the mountain stuffs that I carried, fall, rolling on the floor.


Wait..!!! Box-san! Don't roll too far...!!!

A few steps that I take to chase that rolling box end up as all the stuffs that I carry fall to the floor.......

"Mo-ii-yo!!!" (I've had enough!) I throw the rest of stuffs in my hands to the floor, let them scatter all of the place and sit on my leg on the floor. I lean to the wall, thinking can I survive in these 6 months?


I'll definitely unable to survive...

Moreover I'm all alone in this place...

Yui couldn't always keep me company since she also busy with her tight schedule. Pi is just a midnight friend that I met several days ago. Beside those two, I don't have any friends anymore in Japan.


Why do I keep having misfortunes since I come to Japan? Am I really that bad that God want to punish me that much?

"I believe this is yours." suddenly a male voice comes struck my eardrum. I startled a bit when I look up and see a very angelic face is smiling at me. 

"Ah..? Angel-sama?" my thought totally blurt out without I realize. That Angel-sama burst out his laugh when he hear that.


Are you seriously laughing at my not really in best mood?

"sorry, sorry... I saw you just now carried all that kind of stuffs and then this box suddenly fell and somehow you finally threw everything else on the floor."

Don't elaborate everything you just see, Mr. Angel!

I take the box from him without any intention to get all the stuffs altogether and carry them to my final destination. I just got silent and stare at the floor. That Angel-sama stare at me and smile. He picks up all the stuffs that scatter all around.

"Let me carry all things with you. How's that sound?" he said and smiles while picking all the stuffs.

Aahh... so you're really an angel! I can see your wings and your ring on your head!

"Sankyu..." I finally pick up those stuffs with him.

"This is all those demons' fault..." I whisper but it enough to make him hear that.


"You know, a gang of five demons. I don't really know their name but I heard one of them called the other Nino." I said while get all the glittering clothes all together. Angel-sama chuckles a bit when he heard that.

"It's Arashi. The sempai's group in Johnny. Well, you can say that all of them are sort of bullies especially to their kouhai but I think they're actually a good sempais." Angel-sama gives me his thought.

Good? I don't see any good cell in them at all!

Angel-sama once again chuckles when he sees my depress face after hearing his words.

"Ouh, by the way, I'm Nakayama Yuma. Yoroshiku ne." that Angel-sama finally gives me his name. I grin a little. Even his name is full with sweet things. Hehehe...

"Ou, I am...."

"Suzuran-san, right?" Nakayama smiles with a very, very, very sweet smile. He doesn't need to put any sugar in his drink! He just has to smile to his drink and his drink will be as sweet as him!

Damn it! This boy is too dangerous...! I might faint if I stare too long at his face! <------(weak to the sweet and cute boy. Umm, like -shota type? Maybe...)

"Anoo... How did you know my name?" I ask after trying hard to restrain myself from having the nosebleed.

"Sora 'Angell' Suzuran, right? I think everyone in this Jimusho knows your name since you're the one who sent Kawaguchi-san to hospital." he really straight forward!!!

So... Everyone knows it already, huh? I doubt that Kawaguchi dares to show her face in this place after this. XDDD (Hate that !)

"Anyway, don't call me Suzuran. It's disgusting. Call me Ryuu instead that name. Also, don't put any stupid suffix like '-chan' or '-san'. Just Ryuu. It's better." Well, at least I have to look cool in front of this Angel.

Nakayama nods.

"So, then. Just call me Yuma, instead of Nakayama-kun or Angel-sama. Just Yuma. It's better."  he said and smiles again.

*Heart throb!

Damn it! Don't just cluelessly shove your smile to people! And where the hell did you know that I imagine your name is Angel-sama?

"Sora-san!" a male voice intterupt out 'sweet' conversation. Both of us turn our head to a man who walks his way to us.

"Sumimasen, Sora-san. Johnny-san need you at his office, right now." that man, Kameda, Ossan's assistant pants a little while he reaches us. Yuma and I look at each other. 

"Sorry, I need to go." I grin a bit. Yuma nods and smile again *Sparkle *Sparkle

Gyaahhhh...!!!! He smiles again! If I stay with him too long, I might end up turn into sugar and being crowded with the ants!

"Kameda-san, can you carry this bull for me?" I shove all that stuff to Kameda and run away with all I might!

" What the hell with that speed?" Kameda felt dizzy wizzy while Yuma just stare at the girl who run away from him. He chuckles.

"Just Ryuu, ne? How fun..." He whispers slowly.


"O jaman shimasu!!!" I open the door of Ossan's office. And after that I startled.


It's better to use the word shock!

A guy who sit on the sofa in Ossan's office also look shock.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE...???!!!!!" amazingly we synchronize our words with each other. So harmony....



Ossan who just look at both of us look confused.

"What? Both of you know each other?" Ossan asks to both of us. Both of us nod slowly. And all of sudden, Ossan's face turns all furious.

"Moshikae, she's the one who put the bruise on your face?" Ossan asks Pi directly and without thinking hard, Pi just nods. My jaws drop to the floor when I remember how hard I punch Pi this morning and how severe my punishment that being said by Ossan 3 hours earlier.

"Kono otoko onna!!! I just give you the hard warning just now and you actually already hit my 'money'??!!!"  Ossan grabs my collar shirt and yells out loud to my face.

(P/S: 'Kono otoko onna' is a foul language in Japanese language. It's mean 'Tomboy'. Good kids shouldn't use this words! ^_^)

"That's not all my fault! I don't even know he's the idol in your agency! I thought he is some kind of creature like Albert Einstein!!!" I yell back at him. Pi just watches us with 'this is very fun' face.

"You should know that by just look at his face! He's fricking an idol, okay!!! He's not like Albert Einstein! He doesn't look too old and he doesn't have white messy hair!!! Furthermore, Albert Einstein doesn't sing, kono bakayaro!!!" Ossan babbles out again.

"At least Albert Eistein is a noble man! He is smart and intelligent although he's not as smart as me!!!"

"Anoo... mina-san..." Pi interrupt our arguing about Albert Einstein. Both of us look at him.

" Sorry to say but, Albert Einstein.... isn't the main point here..." said Pi slowly.



Ossan returns to his table after blushes red. I just rub my nose to cover my laugh. Who can imagine the succeed man, Kitagawa Johnny getting all fuss about Albert Einstein? That's funny..!

"Anyway, since both of you already know each other, I'll just tell you about my intention of bringing both of you to my office." said Ossan after coughes a little.

"Yamaa-san will be the in a collaboration drama with Korean Entertainment Industry. The KEI has made and arrangement to have the shooting place here, in Japan begin next week. Yamaa-san will be the main character in that drama with Aragaki-san and several other idols in our agency." said Ossan. I nod my head, understand.

"So, Yui will acting in that drama too. Who is Yamaa?" I ask in curiousity just to be flicked my forehead by Pi.

"Yamaa... It's me... Yamaa Tomohisa." said Pi. My mouth very much turn into 'O' shape.

"How do I know that's your name? We never know each other name besides 'Pi' and 'Ryu'! I thought your name is Pimon!" I rub my forehead. Damn! He always flicks my forehead!

"Your name is Sora 'Angell' Suzuran, right? At first I thought your name is Ryuuwo." said Pi with the expressionless of his face.

Ryuuwo? What's with that stupid name?

"Are? How did you know that? I'm surely remember that I never tell you my name before?"

"Easy. You mumbled about how funny your name is when you get drunk last night. Sora 'Angell' Suzuran is the name that was given by your grandmother, right?"


Kuso..!!! How did I defendlessly tell him that! I swearr I'll never touch alcohol again after this...!!!

"Why did you casually address Gakky's name with 'Yui'? You know her?" Pi ask me when I still not finish  with my 'blushing' mode.

"Aragaki-san actually her only girl friend that she has." said Ossan after I don't answer his question because of 'blushing' mode. Yamapi nods slowly.

"How pathetic..." Pi whispers slowly but I hear that.

I hear that..!! I hear that 'how pathetic' sound, kono buta!! (you pig!)

"So, regarding the collaboration drama, I want you, Suzuran-kun, work your to help Yamaa-san and the other actors and actresses in their shooting. Got that?" Ossan gives his words.

"How can I help them?" 

"Easy. Like I said before, be their slave!" said Ossan.


Again? The punishment from God is too severe..! T_T

"Also, because you dare to hit my 'money', in the making of this collaboration drama with Korean Entertainment Industry, you will officially be Yamaa Tomohisa's dog!!!" said Ossan again.

His final words had turned me into rock. I slowly glare at Pi who is touching his bruise that I made on his face. He realize my glaring eyes and evilly smile at me. Supposely he might still have grudge against me because of this morning incident.

"Yoroshiku, ne... Inu-chan!" (inu=dog) he smiles and walks to the office door.

Pi.... I thought you're my midnight friend......



Because of my anger, I push Pi from his back when he's walking to his room.

"What the hell, Pi! I thought you're my friend! My midnight friend!!!" I yell at him when he trying to get his body balance back.

"Tsk.. I said that because you're my friend, idiot!" Pi yells back at me.


"If you're working as everybody slave then of course you can't take it! Since that Toma and the group of Arashi will also be there as guest characters in that drama. They will make you work like hell especially Arashi!" said Pi. I stun a bit.


Ooohhh!!! That obnoxious gang of demons!

"If you only be my slave then you don't need to work that hard." said Pi again. I stare at him with my watery eyes. *sparkle

So, Pi just wants to save me from those demons. You're really my midnight friend!

But, who is Toma?

"Speaking of hell, Toma-!!" Pi walks faster to a guy who stands not too far in front of us. That guy grins at us.

Woww... He has such a nice face! Must be an idol too!

"It's a very rare scene where Yamaa-sama talks casually to other girl." said that guy who I believe his name is Toma.

"She can't be considered as girl." said Pi bluntly.

I hear that, damn it!!!"

"Anyway, Yamapi, Keiko-chan is waiting for you at the back door." Toma whispers slowly but I can hear it out. Just after that, Yamapi's face suddenly change. He then rushes and leaves us behind.


That's the first time I see that kind of expression of him.

Who's Keiko?

Ahh... Maybe his girlfriend that he told me before.

I watch his back before he dissappears behind the wall.

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mskeziahhoon #1
Chapter 9: Please update ASAP ....... :)))))
hanzxxx #2
Chapter 9: Aieeeee....been waiting for so long....tqvm!! :-)
exo_23 #3
title is so mysterious!
hanzxxx #4
rolling on the floor because she forgot tu punch her card?pftt...buahahahahahahahahhaaa!!!!pi...stop with the flicking...XDD aishh..naughty arashi XD love this update.thanks :)
RuhiTheFangirl #5
ok kwl ^_^
RyuuShaoran #6
umm...i don't really sure because i never think of it before....well, let's say that she is just 20years 'bout that? :P
RuhiTheFangirl #7
i have a old am i in this story??<br />
i've only just started reading it and i'm really enjoying it ^_^
hanzxxx #8 first i really like keiko in this story..but after she reveal the truth...welll.... XD ryuu is so cute XD she's like the cutest thing ever!rough,yes but so damn cute heeee (^__^)
hanzxxx #9
hehehehhee XD enjoyed this ch. till the last bit XDD they r all too funny,cant stop lauhing XDD hehehehehee
RyuuShaoran #10
it just some sort of misunderstanding that Ryuu punch Pi.. she thought that Pi might 'do' something to her since she couldn't remember what had happen last night because she terribly drunk..:P