You want a piece of me

Fiction Collection

Poking Dongho's arm, Kevin let out a cry of frustration. "What do I do?" Seeing no reaction from the younger boy, Kevin continued poking his forearm while lying down flat on the marble floor.

"Hey, stop that!" Dongho growled, pausing his psp game. With a sigh, he asked mechanically, "What is it, hyung?" 
"It's Kibum's birthday tomorrow, or to be more exact, in 12 hours time! I don't know what to get for him." Kevin sighed.  
"Get him whatever, he'll like it as long as its from you." Dongho replied nonchalantly before resuming his game.
Giving him a dirty look, Kevin spotted an innocent Kiseop walking by them, like a predator meeting its prey, Kevin lunged towards him. 
"Kiseop-ah~!" If Dongho wouldn't help him, he would find someone else that bothers. 
All the seven members sprawled across the floor in all sorts of position, dead beat from the intense practice they had for the Gayo Daejun coming up.
The silence was disrupted when Kevin stood up all and walked to the front of the dance studio. "Everyone listen up!" 
Everyone spared him a look except for Soohyun, who already fallen asleep. 
"It's 12 midnight now aka it's Kibum's birthday! So everyone fish out your phones and start tweeting him, NOW!" Kevin commanded before continuing, "Uhm, Aj and Hoon, you can ignore me." 
The two immediately fell back to the floor. 
Dongho pushed himself up from the couch he was resting on. "Can't we do it tomorrow? All I want to do now is sleep." 
"No." Kevin said strictly, turning his gaze on Eli. "Eli I see you holding your phone, tweet it now."    
"Then why aren't you tweeting?" Kiseop kindly pointed out. 
"Because I have other plans!" Kevin smiled knowingly. 
Due to all the commotion, Soohyun groggily woke up, looking around confusedly. Seeing Soohyun regaining his consciousness, Kevin asked immediately, "What time do we have to be at the broadcasting station tomorrow?" 
Through Soohyun's not yet functional mind, he managed to give a reply. "10am." 
Upon hearing his answer, Kevin could not help but flash a smile of complete joy. 
"I'll join you guys straight at the broadcasting station tomorrow. I'm sick now, I have to see a doctor." Kevin coughed twice awkwardly. "Bye." 
Scooping his bag pack from the floor, he dashed out of the practice room excitedly, pulling out the air plane ticket he stuffed at the front pocket.   
When he heard banging noises at the window, Kibum woke up from his sleep and decided to follow the noise. As he walked to the window, he noticed shadows of small objects smashing against his window. He opened his window and unfortunately, got attacked by one of those said objects. Rubbing his forehead, he looked down to whoever was throwing it. 
Shock struck him so badly when he realized he knew that person. "Kevin?! What are you doing here?! And why are you throwing stones at my window?!" 
"Bring me up, hyung!" Kevin shouted. Sighing, Kibum shut his window and went downstairs to pick up the younger boy. 
"So why are you here again?" Kibum asked, fixing Kevin a cup of hot tea. 
"I'm gonna celebrate your birthday with you, of course!" Kevin beamed, bringing out a box, opening it, revealing a small slice of cake. "I bought cake!" 
Putting down Kevin's cup of tea, Kibum scrutinised at the decorated cake. "It's cheesecake. I don't like cheesecake." 
"But I do!" Kevin said, scooping a mouthful of cake into his mouth.   
Kibum laughed, ruffling his boyfriend's dyed hair. "So you don't have a present for me?" 
"Hey, I rushed out of practice, took a 2 hours flight to come see you. Isn't that enough already?" 
Shrugging, Kibum replied, "I didn't ask you to come." 
Kevin smacked his arm and Kibum noticed something wrapped around Kevin's wrist. "What's that?" 
Kevin withdrew his hands but later, slowly showed it to Kibum. "Uhm... I didn't know what to get you so..." 
A brightly coloured wrapping paper of 5 inches wide was circled around Kevin's wrist, with a cotton candy pink ribbon securing it. 
Understanding Kevin's intention, Kibum asked, "So you're my birthday present this year?" 
Turning his head to a side, Kevin nodded shyly. 
"Well then," Kibum smirked, carrying Kevin up from the couch and towards his bedroom. "I guess I'd happily accept my present and use it wisely." 
Kevin leaned onto Kibum's chest instinctively, kissing the other's neck gently. "Don't take too long, I have a plane to catch at 7. If I don't go back on time, manager hyung will murder me." 
Dropping Kevin to the bed, Kibum straddled him. "I'll drive you to the airport. I'm sure you won't be able to walk after this." He whispered lowly, smirking when he saw a light shade of pink tinting Kevin's cheeks. 
Note: And this was why Kevin didn't wish Kibum happy birthday on twitter! To all my fellow kemaru shippers, cheer up! Kemaru is forever real. <3
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Chapter 18: One word to describe the fic, AWWWWWWWW wait... is that even a word? O.o I can't help but have this nagging thought of what happens when Kibum dies? Kevin is going to be so heartbroken since his basically immortal :(

A ball of yarn. I think I can relate to this about love <3 Kibum is such a Kibum towards Kevin :p but it was sweet of him to stay at his uncles farm because he was hoping that Kevin would return to him. That's so AWWWWWWWW :D
Chapter 17: Holy cow.
Chapter 15: I'm quite sure I left a comment on LJ for the previous chapter :)
Hope my memory didn't fail me.
But :O! I don't think I understand!
It's past life? I was thinking Kibum is still alive since he has an annoying phone call from his boyfriend Sunghyun, and then he wished he was dead cause Kibum still wants to have fun, and then when Kibum calls out to Sunghyun half-dead its because Kibum is sad, but he doesn't wanna go around telling people.
No? :/
Chapter 17: whoa angst angst angst.
It's been a while since I read some kemaru fics ):
especially yours.
and this fic reminds me of a song.
katy perry's the one that got away hahaha lmao.
You've updated! *sobs* I was giving up hope that all Kemaru authors are going to update with the exception of fishykevinwoo >//<

*gives you cookies for updating*
HEEHEHHEEHHE that's nice I wish i had one too
what........ was the ending.
the whole thing was so poetic hehe i liked it a lot, but the ending............... :(
:( HEY, I thought it was looking so cute AND THEN YOU GAVE ME THIS ENDING!?!?!?!
He should be given a role! BIG BIG ROLE!
You know you want it :D!
I LOVE THIS. Really,I really do! :D
and the ending!
adfrtasgbhacnccudahvnnac !
ok. I'm being incoherent rn. lol
Update soon ^^