Sugar High

Fiction Collection

It was one of those days where Kevin had been fed a little too much sugar, causing adverse consequences and annoyance to the other members. 

"I AM SORRY." The maknae burst through the door, one of his arm being grabbed on tightly by Kevin. 

The rest of the members lounging in the living area looked up from what they were doing previously, staring questioningly at the two. 

"I shouldn't have agreed to let Kevin hyung buy the strawberry milkshake with double whipped cream along with his oreo cheesecake! I’m sorry!" Dongho cried as he tried to pry a giggling Kevin away from his right arm. 

Hearing Dongho's bad news, the members looked at each other knowingly, deciding to carry out the pre-devised plan. 

"Time for Plan A." Soohyun announced. 

And so Kevin was separated from Dongho, to the maknae's relief, and was thrown to Kibum. 

"Why do I get the privilege of looking after him?" Kibum glared at the other five, while holding an extra fidgety and giggly Kevin in place. 

"You're the boyfriend." Eli shrugged. With that, all the members quickly evacuated either to their rooms or out. 

Dongho quickly grabbed Soohyun and headed out once more. "Thanks hyung!" 

"Kibummie~ play house with me?" Kevin cutely asked, tugging Kibum's sleeve. 

Kibum let Kevin into his bedroom, settling him down on his bed. "Just sit here." 

"No!" Kevin pouted. "What is Kevin supposed to do here? Kevin is upset with you." 

Kibum threw over some Korean books as he did his own things at the study desk. "Read. Improve your Korean." 

Without looking, Kibum could already visualize the angry pout Kevin was wearing. He just needed some time for Kevin's sugar high to subside so he could get his slightly more normal boyfriend back.

Silence soon took over, and Kibum was thankful that the sugar rush Kevin had this time round was less severe than the other times. However, minutes later, weird strangled noises started emitting from behind him. 

Slightly looking over, he raised his brow at Kevin. "What now, Kevin?" 

"I need to pee." He meekly said, crossing his legs. 

"Just go then." 

"But you said I need to stay here and not move." He childishly reasoned. 

Kibum sighed. "So what do you want me to do?" 

"Carry me!" Kevin said cutely, stretching out his arms. 

Knowing the younger's character, Kibum could only give in, carrying him bridal style and dropping him in the bathroom. 

After doing his business, Kevin came out of the bathroom with a ridiculously happy smile on his face. Jumping onto Kibum's back, he kissed him on the cheek and giggled. "Let's go!" 

Returning to the bedroom once more, he hopped off Kibum's back and climbed back to the bed. 

Just when Kibum sat down at his study desk, Kevin asked, "Are you hungry?" 

Before Kibum could reply, he continued rambling on. "Do you want some fruit loops? I feel like having some fruit loops." 
"Yeah sure whatever." 

Kevin skipped out of the bedroom and moments later, returned with a bowl of fruit loops. 

"Do you want me to feed you?" 

Kibum mindlessly hummed a reply, mind fixed on completing his new song. He slightly opened his mouth, expecting Kevin to pop the cereal in. But instead, he found Kevin's lips on his, and a tongue prodding in. 

While he was still in too much of a shock, Kevin pulled away and smiled, “Is it nice?”

Kibum chewed the cereal that were in his mouth and nodded cautiously.

“Do you need me to feed you again?”

Resistance broke loose as Kibum held Kevin by his neck and pulled him over. Their lips met instantly with both tongues engaging in a fervent French kiss.

And just somehow, both of them ended up on Kibum’s bed, a flushed Kevin still giggling.

Maybe Kevin getting sugar high isn’t such a bad thing after all, Kibum mused. 



 Note: I have to announce that I've officially lost my touch on writing fluffs. I can only write angst nowadays. :( 

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Chapter 18: One word to describe the fic, AWWWWWWWW wait... is that even a word? O.o I can't help but have this nagging thought of what happens when Kibum dies? Kevin is going to be so heartbroken since his basically immortal :(

A ball of yarn. I think I can relate to this about love <3 Kibum is such a Kibum towards Kevin :p but it was sweet of him to stay at his uncles farm because he was hoping that Kevin would return to him. That's so AWWWWWWWW :D
Chapter 17: Holy cow.
Chapter 15: I'm quite sure I left a comment on LJ for the previous chapter :)
Hope my memory didn't fail me.
But :O! I don't think I understand!
It's past life? I was thinking Kibum is still alive since he has an annoying phone call from his boyfriend Sunghyun, and then he wished he was dead cause Kibum still wants to have fun, and then when Kibum calls out to Sunghyun half-dead its because Kibum is sad, but he doesn't wanna go around telling people.
No? :/
Chapter 17: whoa angst angst angst.
It's been a while since I read some kemaru fics ):
especially yours.
and this fic reminds me of a song.
katy perry's the one that got away hahaha lmao.
You've updated! *sobs* I was giving up hope that all Kemaru authors are going to update with the exception of fishykevinwoo >//<

*gives you cookies for updating*
HEEHEHHEEHHE that's nice I wish i had one too
what........ was the ending.
the whole thing was so poetic hehe i liked it a lot, but the ending............... :(
:( HEY, I thought it was looking so cute AND THEN YOU GAVE ME THIS ENDING!?!?!?!
He should be given a role! BIG BIG ROLE!
You know you want it :D!
I LOVE THIS. Really,I really do! :D
and the ending!
adfrtasgbhacnccudahvnnac !
ok. I'm being incoherent rn. lol
Update soon ^^