
What is Love

Sehun switched on the radio to break down the silent moment between him and Hye Sun in the car on the way to ‘their’ penhouse given by SM’s CEO, Lee Soo Man. The silent moment then turned into an awkward situation when the dj suddenly talking about marriage and such, how romantic it would be listening to next song with their spouse. But none of them uttered a word.

The previous romantic song was switched with a sad song about how broken hearted a girl not having the opportunity to say ‘I love you’ to his crush and it suits her situation right now. She was totally absorbed with the song, restraining her tears from falling, she looked outside the window, adjusting herself to the most comfortable position so that Sehun won’t be able to see her tears. ‘Thank God he’s so focused in his driving.’ The rain falls, drops by drops, as slowly as her tears streaming down onto cheek.

‘I just like the smell of rain.’ And she unconciously fall asleep. In a very deep sleep.


“Excuse me, we’re here. You can’t expect me to carry you bridestyle into the house. No I won’t do it, never will I!” Sehun nags at Hye Sun, feeling irritated since it’s his nth time waking her up since they reached. It’s been ten minutes and she’s still not awake.

Sehun opened the passengers door, quite shocked seeing Hye Sun’s leftover tears on her cheek. He flinched a bit when Hye Sun moved, maybe stirred in her sleep because Sehun was so near from her.

Carefully, he touched her shoulder using his index, checking whether she’s totally asleep. And she wasn’t moving.

‘I freaking have to carry this GOD WHY DO I MARRIED A SLEEPY HEAD WHY?!!!’

“Don’t even expect I’ll carry you in a bridestyle huh!”He talked to himself.

Sehun lifted her onto his shoulder, despite feeling like a kidnapper, he continued his job to the door when Hye Sun suddenly wiggle herself and stomped her feet, trying hard to escape from Sehun’s arms.

“LET ME GO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!” She let out a scream, feeling super frustrated realizing herself is being dragged in his shoulder.

“Heol! I freaking woke you up for fifteen minutes but you were continously snoring. Heol I should’ve just leave you there freezing cold in the car!” Sehun replied feeling rather mad than annoyed.

“Yes you should’ve just left me there why do you even bother lifting me. Don’t you ever freaking try to touch me!!” She screamed again.

‘Heol this girl’

“YES I WON’T! I NEVER WILL. Listen to my words! The day I touch you because I intended to is the day when you can ask me to divorce you! Ara?!!!!” Couldn’t hold his temper anymore, he marched into the house angrily and slammed the door.

Hye Sun froze at the moment Sehun mentioned the word ‘divorce’. The word that every wife is afraid at.

‘Was I too much? I was too emotional right? It’s not like he wanted to touch me tho.’ And again, she fall sitted at the garage, trying to calm herself, letting her tears streamed down her cheek bones.

‘Heol I was only helping her but she totally messed it up. Good you go live your off me. I’m not going to care about you anymore. I wouldn’t mind even if you are screaming at the top of your lungs crying for my help NO I WON’T GO FOR YOU!’ Sehun’s mind completely controlled by the devils’ thought.

He barged into the master bedrooms, didn’t even care to take a look at his ‘new house’ and threw himself onto the bed. He tried the best to calm himself, not going to let the devils control himself anymore. He knows his temper is quite awful so he better take care of it very carefully. It might harm himself. It might harm both of them.

The rains were suddenly pouring cats and dogs. Still laying on his bed, he tched and slapped his forehead when he suddenly remembered Hye Sun and their luggages are still outside. He runs to the front door, couldn’t help but to feel frustrated to see Hye Sun still crying on the floor, with her head buried in her knees.

“This girl is so stubborn tsk.” He threw a glance at her, couldn’t help but to feel angry and sorry at her.

‘I was too harsh tho’ his mind speaks

“Ya, are you going to sleep here?”


“Ya, I’m talking to you”


“Ya stand up already don’t act like a kid”


“Ya I’m going to lock the door aren’t you coming in?”


“Han Hye Sun stand up or I’ll….”

“My name is not Ya, I don’t act like a kid, I’m going in!” She stood up, walked soullessly like a zombie into the penhouse.

“Stubborn!” Sehun hissed at her, and continued his job to lock the door.

‘The last time I remembered it’s always the other hyungs that ensure our dorm is locked and safe now I’ve to do it as the head of the family.’ He sighed.


p/s : Comments would be loved :DD Dear silent readers, I think I need to listen to your opinions about the next chappie updates tho. So mind to comment? :))

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Tiffany_Wong #1
Chapter 1: I love the first chapter.
LindaMyungsooL #2
Chapter 9: This story is totally my type. Update soon juseyo admin nim :)
SeKai94 #3
Chapter 7: Woah grocery shopping :) a hahaha at least they polite towards each other
SeKai94 #4
Chapter 5: Hmm I think Hye Sun is a bit..hmm how should I say...she doesn't think before saying and I think she's quite rude to Sehun too :(
But Sehun's sooooooo nice
Chapter 5: Pls update soon! I teally like dis story! Update soon! :D