


 noun, often attributive \ˈdrēm\

an idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not real

"Y-Yifan.." I mumbled as I stared through the window of mere nothingness. Rain was pouring down and the air was foggy. I bent down to my knees, my head laying down the window staring, waiting, dreaming for Yifan to come back.

"J-Junmyeon...Y-Yifan is gone we already told you right?" My mother's voice was quivering in fear. I shook my head otherwise.

"No, he's here mother, he told me he won't leave me" I replied, I couldn't see my face but I'm sure my eyes were empty. And so is my mom's. She would tell me every single day that Yifan was gone, he's not here anymore. She's lying to me again.

"Junmyeon! Stop this nonsense! Yifan is GONE!" she screamed her hands banging the table beside me.  I laughed, it was sinister. "You don't know Yifan" I chuckled.

"Junmyeon please...Yifan..Yifan is in Canada!"

At that moment I knew Yifan was alive, I was oblivious to believe but yes, he is.


My mother told me that after that suicidal incident he managed to be alive since the cut wasn't too deep. He was sent to Canada after his father knew about Yifan's abusing mother. Her stepmom was sent to prison, Yifan was sent to Canada to study there and hopefully forget.

The thing is, if Yifan was alive would he not forget about me?


Kris P.O.V

God, don't tell me I'm gonna go to Korea? I don't want to leave my friends, money, girls, friends, money, girls and more girls that I already have here in Canada.

"Kris please you got to move here, it's for the business too" My father was rumbling in our phone call.

"But dad--Everything I'll ever need is here!" I kind of yelled.

"No buts mister or I'll take Sehun instead"

Ugh, why does he do this to me?! I managed to succumb into his words and agreed for me to go and live in Korea. It wasn't my choice, I just don't want to be apart from my brother Sehun. My maid, or auntie as I call her since she was my maid since I was 3, told me that Sehun died when my mother gave birth, she said I didn't get over him for quite some time. So my father sent me to Canada to study and he adopted me a little brother and named him Sehun. He's like a replacement brother, I would've got mad but Sehun..he was like an angel in a devil's disguise. Yes, I would've loved the real Sehun but this Sehun was not bad he was like a little brother I never had.

Well that was when I was 15 year old and sehun was like 12?

Now--he's a lovable rascal.

"OH SEHUN!!!!" I screamed as I kicked off my keds seeing it full of whipped cream.

"Yehet yehet brother dear!" said Sehun standing near the doorway, a skateboard on his left. "How dare you" I said as I went near him, barefooted and covered with cream. "Oh, How dare I?" he said as he chuckled and zoomed away with his skateboard.

"Dear God Sehun we aren't allowed to use skateboards in the mansion!!" I screamed.

He went back to my direction and said "Yes, like you don't bring girls over" He chuckled once again and left. I can't help but chuckle too. It's really fun having a brother around. I picked up my shoe and tossed it near the sofa. I lay down my back on the soft cushion and closed my eyes. I was about to sleep when I heard a familiar ringing from my pocket.

I picked my phone up and saw that it was my girlfriend, Jessica.

"Hello queen" I said through the phone my eyes closed this time.

"Hello ice prince" she replied.

"So what is it this time?"

"I heard you brought my friends over to your house"

"Whaaat? No haha that's silly"

"Megan and Jennifer told me they went to your house last night, and they said they had a blast"

. Those es have large mouths. I swear we didn't do anything. I mean it's true that they went to my house but I swear we just talked about Sica. They were asking me if I still loved Sica and all and of course I said yes. Then they started seducing me and started saying "Oh Kris take us out raw" I didn't get it at first and then they started stripping. Sehun went in on us and screamed. I tried to explain that what he saw was wrong and all but he called auntie and thank God for auntie, she drove them away. I swear I didn't touch them or anything. I just stared at them and tried to go back as much as possible.

"Sica, we didn't do anything ask auntie" I replied my lips were trembling.


"I'll buy you Mocha-Latte later just believe me"

"That's not my favorite flavor!"

"Ummm Mint? Frap? What?"

"Ugh Kris I hate you! You know what, once we'll be in Korea I'll make your life a living hell!"

Then she hang up. What a .

The thing is, I don't know why Mocha-Latte suddenly popped out of my mind. It certainly wasn't Sica's favorite flavor, nor mine. I don't know who or why.

Besides, Sica is going with me to Korea? As expected. Sica's father is my father's business partner and I think investing in Korea would be another bomb for them. I didn't even know why Sica is my girlfriend right now.

"Kris! Guess what?!" screamed Sehun. I replied with a 'what' and he screamed on my face again. "Our flight to Korea is today!!!"




And there I was on the plane with an excited brother and a caring auntie with me on our way to Korea. Sica texted me that she will leave for Korea three days after me. I can get a little 'me time'.

"Auntie please tell me we're not going back to Korea" I shuddered. "Don't worry Yi--Kris, you'd soon remember the good things that happened to you in Korea!" she exclaimed clapping her hands together.

I never remembered anything about Korea.

"Don't leave me ----" his  voice was soft. It was like a craddle, a hum in my ears. He held on tight to my shoulder as we lay down on the soft grass. The breeze was refreshing, the body next to mine slept like a baby. I stared up unto the stars and closed my eyes.

"I won't leave you...Junmyeon"

Who is Junmyeon?


Three days prior of arriving to Korea. We were residing in another mansion, it was larger than the one we had in Canada , more maids and servants as well. I could get used to this.

"Kris you're home!" I heard my dad from upstairs, climbing down the huge staircase that centered the whole mansion. 'Yey' I mumbled as I dropped my heavy bags and proceeded to greet him.

"So, how's your thoughts about Korea?" he asks.

"Pretty foreign to me" I mumbled out.

Sehun was busy looking at the snacks in the kitchen. Auntie made her way to clear our bags, which means I'll be having an alone 'serious' talking time with dad. He guided me to his desk and there we talked about my soon-to-be-life in Korea.

"So Kris, you'll be attending in my school..remember that school project me and Sica's father talked about? Well it was developed years ago and now it's a strong fundament"

"I don't care"

My dad talked me into managing the school once I graduated, but I kept on saying no. Apart that it was too much work I didn't feel like it was my duty to. I mean, I would love to compensate with the money I'll be earning by taking this offer but there's a part of me that's saying it's too risky.

"I'll try it out" I replied tapping the pen on his desk. He smiled at me and whispered a 'I'm proud of you' before he stood to leave for the door.

"You be careful out there" he mumbled a smiled plastered on his lips.

"Why would I?"

"It's just that--you might remember--never mind" he replied as he zoomed out the door heading to god knows where. Something was up, I just couldn't put my tongue into it.


So finally Sehun and I are now in this school my father built along with Sica's father and so far so good. It's only been our first day here and about three girls tried to ask me out. I rejected them with respect telling them that I already got a girlfriend but they won't believe me since they say she isn't technically 'here'.

And that's where Jessica comes, suddenly out of the blue Sica broke her promise of leaving three days after I left Canada. The next day she rushed her flight hearing radical news from Sehun that girls were asking me out like crazy.

"J-Jessica?!" I stuttered seeing her in front of me, she was different this time. Back when we were in Canada she used to have her hair in a messy braid, she would also wear pastel colored clothes, and she didn't even use makeup. I didn't know why she was my girlfriend, I was forced into it due to business and every single day I regretted and secretly cheated behind her back.

But now it was different.

She wore the school uniform, showing her sculpted figure, her hair was longer, it was curled and in an ombre color, she was wearing a tinge of makeup and true red lipstick. Not to mention her heels that matched her height with mine.

Well, she was much more beautiful now, much more intense, cuter, ier. I might end up with a nosebleed at this point.

"S-Sica what's with the sudden change?" I whispered as she locked her arms with mine.

"I decided to have a better life here in Korea, not bad huh?" she replied snuggling her head on my shoulder. I didn't mind though, she was hotter now.

The girls in front of us started to whisper to each other before moving away for good. This--This wasn't a bad choice after all.

That statement quickly changed though.

One week after, I was recruited to be the basketball team's captain, and my subordinates became my new set of friends. Sica was in the Student Council, I wouldn't blame them though, Sica was like a mother so it wasn't a bad choice. Sehun was recruited too and was I glad!

Today wasn't my cup of tea though. We were in the court as usual playing with Chanyeol and the others when I heard men from another school ually harassing Sica near the back gate. We hurried to her aid and yeah we beat them up and taught them a lesson, hardly, they taught me a lesson too.

My face was pretty jacked up but as long as they're gone I'm fine.

That's when I saw him.

He walked towards me, I can't explain why but my heart was beating so fast. I couldn't see his face that clear though but he felt so familiar. He had a smug face on.

And that's how I got into the whole DCCSS thing.

You know who I'm talking about, Disciplinary Comittee Club's Kim Junmyeon.

The first time I saw him my heart was beating so fast, and my blood was curdling. It was a mixture of hate and awe. I couldn't comprehend my feelings at that time as it was crazy. But seeing him now, up close, it made me change my point of view about him.

He was like an angel.

"Yep, Jessica is my girlfriend" I replied tapping down the cup of coffee. He frowned before looking away sipping his coffee.

"Since when?" he asked again.

"Since forever I guess, it was a pretty long time"


Junmyeon's P.O.V

Forever is a pretty long word to say Kris.

Especially if that forever was 1095 days ago.


I muttered daydreams into my head. This idea of Yifan being Kris keeps popping out of my mind. I keep telling myself that he's not Yifan, nobody will replace Yifan. Besides, he's got a fine lady and I shouldn't bother myself with it.

Soon enough the rest of the members barged in through the door making me sputter my coffee.

"Guess what!!" exclaimed Baekhyun as he was dancing. I cocked my head.

"The student council will compete with other schools in an academic contest and we were left in charge for handling the school!!! Can you believe it?!"

Well now I was literally in awe. I wasn't doubting those girls anyway, the student council composes of high talented girls, in terms of academics, sports, literacy, whiz in technology, and in looks. They're like the school's number one girls.

I heard that they'll be away from school for two weeks.

And so is Jessica.

Damn it, I have this selfish feeling of having Kris to myself during those two weeks. I couldn't explain why either.

"That's good" we heard Kris mumble. Our heads turned to his direction wondering with his sudden comment. He shrugged his shoulders before standing up and pulling me outside the club room and towards the janitor's closet.

He shut the door. the lights.

It wasn't tight, even the janitor's closet looked like a luxurious room. Dim lights, teal wall, a couple of detergents stacked neatly in a cabinet and so did the mops and brooms. It was spacious. Yet being in here with Kris made the space closer.

"K-Kris.." I trembled with fear.

His face went near mine, he grabbed me by the waist earning a gasp. He went nearer pushing his right leg in between my thighs, and forced my back towards his chest closer. I tilted my head away from him closing my eyes. I tried to push him away, but it was no use his strength was incomparable with mine. His lips now inches away from my own slowly parting, until I could feel his warm breath over my moist lips.

"Gotcha" he whispered.

"What?" I asked in awe.

He chuckled and moved away settling his back on the wall.

"Listen, Sica isn't really my type" he mumbled twisting his index fingers together.

"Why are you telling me this"

"I mean, she's hot but she's really--technically not my girlfriend"

"Why are you telling me this again"

"I-I don't know, I just feel like telling you, I mean I don't usually tell my feelings to my bros and whatever, but there's something that's telling me that I should tell you, I'm comfortable around you that's it."

I stood there in awe. My heart was skipping so fast and my eyes were spinning all around, not literally. But hearing Kris say these words keeps my temperature boiling.

"So, do you remember anything, 1095 days ago?"



Author's Note:

Heyyyy there! Thank you guys for subbing and commenting I appreciate it a lot! :) So yeah there's definitely a lot of drama here. And the reason why I chose Jessica as Kris' gf is because she seems like the y type of gal. I love sica <3 so no hate.

I'm planning a 6 chaptered fic tho. (too long? huehue)

So I wanna ask~

What do you think shall I add as a plot twist in the story:

a. One of the characters shall die and the remaining ends up together

b. New character that shall be twisting their world (I'm thinking of Tiffany <3)

c. A ridiculous scene of krisho! who was found out by jessica

I planned a twist already I just wanted to know if you wanted to add some. Just comment down below~

Thank you~


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2451 streak #1
Chapter 8: uhmmm no sis, he has Jun...
just how much richer and more powerful is Tiffany from Jessica that Yifan's father instantly cut off Jess like that?
oh how i wish this was continued!
2451 streak #2

why is Yifan's father just so willing to sell him out tho HUHUHU they just got back together UGHHHHH
2451 streak #3
one thing for sure, he's a tho! HAHAHAHA
2451 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahhhhh i really thought Kris remembered already! that wasn't just a dream, that was Jun's fantasy HUHUHUHU
2451 streak #5
but if i were Jun, I'd be crazy with overthinking of all the possible scenarios, it ain't gonna be healthy for me...

i guess Kris's brain held back memories from Korea to help him deal with his trauma, noh? the "Sehun" adoption part was so... wow, just wow...
2451 streak #6

Chapter 8: nooooo!!! fany, fany, go away. .
don't comeback ever again..
Chapter 8: I think this story gonna be so heartbroken. Especially, to my baby Joon :c
Update soon juseyo ~
falafalafel #9
Chapter 8: reading about Yifan's past makes me sad. his dad is so bad!! plz yifan, this time plz fight for Junmyeon. don't just keep enduring everything like in the past. i hope Junmyeon knows about the deal with Hwang Enterprises and Tiffany so he'll be able to help Yifan too.

this fic makes me sad =(

aaaand author-nim!!! i'm super glad you updated. i've been reading this story diligently from the very first update, so i hope i can at least makes you reconsider about discontinuing this story bc i really really like it.
Chapter 8: Pls continue this fic. This chapter breaks my heart though. I think tiffany is a tough rival. Yifan please don't give in to her. Suho fighting!