
  1. 1. a mere possibility or probability.

    "You think I'll become a great singer one day?" I ask. There was a feeble response, almost a growl it seemed. "Didn't I tell you that you won't become a singer?"

    I frowned, that statement hurt me and crushed my dreams and hopes.

    "Because you're supposed to be my wife Junmyeon, if you were to become a singer lots of girls would horde over you, I can't get you to myself" muttered Yifan as he lay down his phone and averted his gaze towards my brown orbs. I can't help but stare into his orbs either, they had me in a silly trance well since--since forever I guess.

    "I hate you" I mumbled out cutting the trance. Yifan chuckled at the said response and whispered in my ear, softly and clearly. "Are you sure you hate me?"

    I blushed and my ears went red. I tried pushing him away but greatly, his force was greater than mine. "Y-Yifan y-you're a tease"

    He chuckled again before smiling at me.

    It wasn't a smirk or a smug on his lips but it was a true smile, a smile that showed his gums and pearly whites. It looked quite dorky on him but nevertheless it was sincere and really heartwarming.

    A kind of person Yifan was.


    Kris. P.O.V

    What time is it? I swear if I'm late once again Junmyeon would nag at my face again. Not that I mind though, his brown chocolate hair that's perfectly framing his face, those mocha brown orbs that I can't help but trance over, oh god don't even get me started about those plump pink lips that I would yearn to kiss for. And oh my, that flawless bright skin, I must admit..Junmyeon's skin is brighter than my future.

    Oh it's 7:45 already! Junmyeon will surely nag at me saying,

    a good man must mark his own words right?

    That annoyed me less.

    I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, my blonde locks sprawling over my face. Once I reached the door there was a small creak.

    "Kris Wu I know you're there" and that voice came from a feeble lil' man named Kim Junmyeon.

    I grabbed the door knob and twisted it open. It was rather empty today, just Junmyeon sitting down the sofa reading his math textbook. I let myself in and regained my composure. My blazer was offset from the running I just did and the first two buttons of my shirt was ed revealing my collarbones.

    As I was walking towards Junmyeon's direction I could see him eye me. From the toes til the bare of my back. I walked teasingly slow, seeing Junmyeonfix his gaze upon my body, from my hips to the bare collarbones until our eyes met contact. He blushed when we did but hurriedly averted his gaze away from mine making me chuckle a bit.

    That's cute.

    "You wanna eat me up?" I asked in English chuckling a little bit. Junmyeon doesn't seem to understand what I was saying but I guess he has a clue or two about it. He stands up and kicks me near the groin albeit too hard.

    "Excuse me?!" he exclaimed his face was so red and embarrassed at the same time. I can't help but groan and moan at the burning sensation near my groin left from the shorter man's kick. I fell down the floor yelping in pain as Junmyeon went straight near the door.

    "I'm gonna pick up some things from the clinic--I-I'm sorry" it was a heartless and forced sorry. Yet I couldn't believe that his ears and cheeks were furiously red due to blushing when he said those words.

    You er.

    He left and banged the door. I tried to stand up by carefully placing my right hand on the edge of the sofa to hoist myself up but instead of doing as planned, I tumbled over a ming vase just near the coffee table.

    Yes, an expensive $1,000 costing vase. it.

    I didn't care about my aching groin anymore as I picked up the pieces of the broken ming vase. I was mentally praying that Junmyeon wouldn't see the mess I made or it'll cause more trouble just this day.

    "Oh dear god I hope Junmyeon doesn't see this oh " I grumbled out picking the broken glass, some have accidentally pierced my skin making it bleed but I didn't care as long as he won't see this mess.

    "Too late Kris, I already did" my face went pale and I could feel my soul being out hearing Junmyeon's voice from my back. I shifted my body around to face him seeing that he was holding a first aid kit and his expression was gloomy it was really sorry.

    "Oh boy"

    Then the lights went out after feeling an aching sensation on my left eye. I must agree, this shortie does punch and kick well.


    Junmyeon's P.O.V

    It didn't take me awhile to register the thought in my head.

    Was I being too rough on him? I mean it was his fault for saying those English words! He meant to embarrass me, he totally deserves that kick. Yet the painful expression he had on his face was the same expression Yifan had when he was about to end it all.

    "Hey Myeon here you go" Nurse Hyoyeon handed me a white first aid kit with a red cross in the middle. It was large, almost the size of a briefcase. I curiously opened it to check what contents it held and amazingly it was complete, a bunch of medical tapes, bandages, some ice packs, and a couple of band-aids and yeah there were more.

    "Thanks" I said before hurrying down the hallway. Have I been too harsh on him? Was he okay? I couldn't stop pondering over my thoughts. Just as I was about to open the club's door I heard a clash. Kris you .

    I creaked open making sure it wouldn't make too much sounds, I was right--he broke our treasured ming vase.

    "Oh dear god I hope Junmyeon doesn't see this oh "

    "Too late Kris, I already did"

    His eyes went wide staring into my mad ones. I had the desire to punch him right now, and I did. He lay down the floor after that punch, his eyes were closed and his restless actions were now still. He was sleeping now I guess, Did I punch too hard? Nah.

    I left the first aid kit on the coffee table as I went near Kris. I crouched and stared at his sleeping face, it was angelic. His fluttering eyelids now in a deep slumber, his nose wrinkled a bit, his lips so plump and shaky a while ago now in rest a bit ajar showing his pearly whites and gums that I've come to admire. Yes, he was perfect just like that, reminded him of dorky Yifan too.

    I brushed his blond locks away from his face earning a mumble from the older.

    "Ungh--Junmyeon...ngh" I cocked my head listening to his oh-so-cute mumbles. He drifted back to sleep right after that though. I giggled seeing him like this, I continued to pet his head pushing his blonde locks away from his flawless face. I wanted to see more of his innocent face right now, it was lavishing. I couldn't help but tear away remembering Yifan.

    "Oh dear" I mumbled as I brushed my tears away. I put Kris' large hands around my shoulders and tried to hoist him up to the sofa. But his frame was really large and heavy for me. I almost tripped having him over my lithe and unstable shoulders. But once he was laid safely against the soft cushion I let out a sigh and a few pants before unconsciously laying my head on his shoulder.

    "God this is so wrong" I muttered as my head was still placed on his shoulder, I closed my eyes trying to remember the times with Yifan where he'd place my head on his broad shoulder and we would watch the stars together in the place where he would call 'serenity'.

    I snapped out of my fantasy as I remembered  what I needed to do. I stood up and reached for the first aid kit that was laying down the coffee table. I went back to the sofa as soon as I got it and opened the kit. I was about to apply cold pack near his groin but it would be embarrassing and I knew the pain would be gone soon, as I've experienced being kicked near the groin too. I decided to pay attention on the cuts that were present on his hands. Some were deep and some were just scratches from the glass but it would cause much further infections if they weren't treated quickly.

    I took a few band-aids and an ice pack. I started by applying the ice pack on some wounds earning grunts and groans from the asleep Kris. As soon as I was done I proceeded by adding some anti-infection liquids, this one was betadine, it was used for open wounds. I took a soft cotton and added a few drops of betadine then placing it on his wounds, I took the bandages from a while ago and placed them on the open wounds.

    I guess it was fine. I put the items I used back in the kit and disposed the cottons. I lay my back on the soft cushion feeling a bit tired and droopy. Before I knew it I fell asleep.


    Kris P.O.V

    "Uh..ungh" I muttered opening my lips as I felt a pressure near my stomach followed by a familiar growl. Sigh, I am once again hungry. That didn't shock me though, the body that lay beside me did. Small and petite frame hanging over my large one. His eyes fluttered for a while before shutting again. A snore was heard it was cute though, and his lips--plush pink. I was about to lean over and kiss this man without him knowing but that might be a bad choice.

    Oh yeah, I was punched by this very man laying beside me, Kim Junmyeon. He was in a deep slumber his head lay on my broad shoulder. I really couldn't contain myself anymore, I had this powerful urge to force my face into his and close the gap. Maybe I could even for a few seconds? It won't be that bad.

    Out of curiosity I leaned my face closer to the smaller's. Slowly but surely I hovered my lips above his, at first nervous, but then I regained my confidence and decided to linger around for a while thinking it over.

    Oh dear god just do it Kris, it's not like you're taking this man's ity.

    But I'm straight I couldn't possibly be--gay.

    But oh those lips! It's making a tent on my pants just thinking of kissing those.

    Don't do it! You might go wild and lust up over this poor man.

    He won't mind if I just took a peck right?

    Fine. Just this once Kris.

    After much pep talk with myself I gained the guts to do it. I leaned my face once again, oddly butterflies were flying in my stomach, a weird gut feeling, my heart was beating fast, and ever so oddly my was throbbing.

    I know I'm disgusting but Junmyeon was making me feel---gay?! Ugh.


    I quickly pressed my lips against his soft ones, it was delightful, it wasn't as lustful as I thought. No it wasn't my goal, lust was never there, I pressed mine with his much softer, it was delicate and passionate kinda like a peck actually. My heart was beating so fast I couldn't explain why. My hands were trembling and twitching, I couldn't constraint my excitement. I couldn't believe I was kissing Junmyeon.

    I let go though, gaping for some air and I couldn't help but clutch my chest as the burning sensation was dancing near my heart, it was beating so fast and I could feel the blush over my cheeks spread over my face.

    I-Is this love Kris?

    I looked at Junmyeon again, this time I decided to kiss him with my tongue. Okay, kind of gross to hear but the softness of his lips made me addicted, it was like drugs, I couldn't get enough. His face was in deep slumber.

    He snorted then fell asleep again.

    "How cute" I mumbled as I reached his face, cupping it with my right hand bringing my face closer and closer. Inch by inch getting closer as I pressed my lips against his once again, at first it was experimental, then pleasure then it was this heart melting experience, it wanted me to hold Junmyeon in my embrace, I wanted to leave marks on his skin screaming 'mine'. I wanted to hug him in my presence, I wanted to be there when he smiles. I don't know why but it was fluttering in my head.

    I pushed my tongue in his moist and hot cavern, exploring his mouth. my tongue against his teeth, tongue and the top of his mouth as well. As I deemed it was enough and the bulge in my pants were getting bigger I pulled my lips away from his, leaving a string of saliva connecting our lips. I blushed at the sight before wiping my mouth and suddenly the doors opened.

    Baekhyun, Chen, Xiumin , Luhan and D.O went inside invading our privacy, or was there?

    "Ah! Kris-ah! WAIT WHAT" Baekhyun was startled seeing well--Junmyeon on my shoulder sleeping like a baby.

    "He fell asleep taking care of this" I explained showing him my bandaged hand. They examined it first before looking at the surroundings paying attention to the broken ming vase.

    "OH MY GOD KRIS" said Chen a bit loud which made Junmyeon flutter his eyes.

    At first he rubbed his eyes open. Then he looked at them, then to me, then back at them again, then at me. His face boiled red when he saw the position he was in, he quickly pushed me away and stood up.

    "T-That w-was an a-accident I s-swear!!!" he mumbled hiding behind Xiumin.

    "I see" chuckled Xiumin as he started poking Junmyeon by his waist, constantly teasing the younger. Junmyeon protested before the whole club started laughin at the little mishap that just had happened.

    "Anyways, Kris you need to pay for this" said Junmyeon fixing his tie. I gulped, I was constantly looking at Junmyeon's mouth whenever he was talking, the way his lips purses when he says the letter 'o' made me blush and gave me a raging hard-on.

    Gross, Kris.

    "Pay? We know Kris could pay, he's rich and so does the others it'll be like a penny to him, he needs a punishment!" Chen protested. The others arched their eye brows before agreeing with Chen.

    "I agree, he needs to clean the bathroom!!!" suggested Baekhyun.

    They started talking about letting me clean the bathroom alone and it wasn't part of my plan to comply. But they forced me to, and I swear Baekhyun and Chen are good at threatening.


    So here I am standing in the middle of the bathroom, gloves on, and a spray on my right hand. My face was blank though, like it was one of my annoyed face.

    "Tch" I mumbled as I sprayed the floor with water. My sleeves were rolled up and I ditched my blazer afraid that they'll get wet. My pants were rolled up too and I was barefooted. I can't stand to see my keds wet.

    I did the job as patiently as I could handle, because I never had experience cleaning. I was trying to remove this stain on the wall, it was chocolate I guessed. But who the would eat chocolate in the bathroom? I had choices of Chen and Baekhyun but it wasn't important, my goal was to remove this stupid stain.

    I rubbed this wet washcloth over it repeatedly and it still wasn't removed. I tried it several times again but it didn't budge. I was getting angry now and I grumbled.

    "Ughhh this!" I screamed.

    Suddenly Junmyeon appeared out of nowhere and was next to me. His uniform was rolled up like mine and he had a pair of gloves on and a bandana on his head. He looked like a housewife I swear I could him right here and now.

    "I-I guess you needed help" he mumbled taking the washcloth from my hand. There was an electric ting when our hands brushed against each other and we quickly pulled away. "Sorry" he mumbled before spraying some weird yellowish liquid on the washcloth from a pump spray.

    "This is dishwashing liquid it kinda helps remove stains.." he mumbles awkwardly as he adds a few water on the cloth before rubbing it against the stained wall.

    "You have to rub it hard so that it would be completely removed..."

    And soon it was removed, like magic. He gave me back the washcloth shyly before asking me, "N-Need help?"

    I smirked, "You really can't resist me" I muttered those words in English. He blushed and started hitting my shoulders. "S-Shut up.."

    I chuckled again, "I thought this was a punishment for me only?" I ask. His face was staring elsewhere obviously avoiding my gaze. his hands were folded back and his foot were drawing circles on the ground, his actions tell me he's really shy right now.

    "I-I c-couldn't stand seeing you like this" he says before looking directly in my eyes and screaming "Now get back to work!!!"

    How cute. Trying to be strict when you obviously can't.

    I patted his head and unfortunately my gloves were a bit wet due to water and his hair got quite soaked. I patted him anyways, softly.

    "Thanks" I replied smiling continuing to pat him. He blushed before replying "Y-You dumb man! You got my hair wet!" he then sprayed water over me.

    "Oh how dare you" I threatened a creepy smirk plastered on my lips. I reciprocated his action by spraying him cold water too. Soon enough we were both wet and our figures and flesh underneath our clothes were visible now.

    I couldn't help but stare at his toned stomach and his chest. I turned around before depriving to lust. Our alone time was once again ed by Baekhyun and the others.

    "You're having fun without us?!" he yelped before rolling his sleeves and pants and proceeded to grab a spray and made a mess. Soon enough Luhan and Xiumin joined in as well as Chen and D.O who hesitated at first.

    We were having fun, playing. Spraying water over each other until we ended up having colds.


    Junmyeon's P.O.V

    "Hey Junmyeon...could you take me to 'serenity'" Kris cried his head still buried in my shoulders with his back bent.



    Did I hear what I just heard.





    "W-What?" I mumbled as Kris pulled away from the hug. The gym was empty and we were the ones left in it before the other members ditched away afraid from the angry Kris.

    "Take serenity" he said again. I cocked my head before giving off an awkward chuckle.

    "I-I don't know what you're talking about" I mumbled. I lied, I knew this place. I would visit it during my free time to remember Yifan. I couldn't lie, I don't want to lie but this was getting way off hand.

    "Junmyeon..please" he asks again, plead was in his eyes.

    "Y-Yi-Kris I can't!!" I screamed moving away from him before halting to a stop. 'Serenity' was for Yifan and me only. Kris...Kris wasn't Yifan. He was far from Yifan! I cried.

    The tears falling down my face, my hands were covering my ears and my head was hung low. I don't know what to do anymore.

    "Kris..I don't know you" I cried now kneeling down in helplessness. He tried reaching his hand for me but I swatted it away.

    "G-Get away from me!! You think this is a joke?! You don't belong to 'Serenity'!!! I don't even know you!! Get the hell out of here!" I screamed more tears trickling down my face like a snake.

    He was silent for a while before muttering something.

    "So that's how you want it huh? What kind of a friend are you told me 1095 days ago that you wouldn't let go of me...I promised to take you there, and I was hoping you'd do the lied to me"

    He then walks out stomping every step.



    What did he just say...

    Was that..


    Author's Note:

    Yeyyyy! An update! I made this extra cheesy and special for you, a celebration that I'm fast recovering from chicken pox! Thank you for greeting me by the way! So I hope you like this chapter, btw the story is gonna be quite long I plan out 3 or 4 more chapters is it okay? Haha anyways I hope you  have a good day and leave a comment, I love reading your comments :)

    I intended adding a lot of P.O.V switches in this story so that you'll hear each and every thoughts they make. :) Thanks! Leave a comment thankssss <3

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2451 streak #1
Chapter 8: uhmmm no sis, he has Jun...
just how much richer and more powerful is Tiffany from Jessica that Yifan's father instantly cut off Jess like that?
oh how i wish this was continued!
2451 streak #2

why is Yifan's father just so willing to sell him out tho HUHUHU they just got back together UGHHHHH
2451 streak #3
one thing for sure, he's a tho! HAHAHAHA
2451 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahhhhh i really thought Kris remembered already! that wasn't just a dream, that was Jun's fantasy HUHUHUHU
2451 streak #5
but if i were Jun, I'd be crazy with overthinking of all the possible scenarios, it ain't gonna be healthy for me...

i guess Kris's brain held back memories from Korea to help him deal with his trauma, noh? the "Sehun" adoption part was so... wow, just wow...
2451 streak #6

Chapter 8: nooooo!!! fany, fany, go away. .
don't comeback ever again..
Chapter 8: I think this story gonna be so heartbroken. Especially, to my baby Joon :c
Update soon juseyo ~
falafalafel #9
Chapter 8: reading about Yifan's past makes me sad. his dad is so bad!! plz yifan, this time plz fight for Junmyeon. don't just keep enduring everything like in the past. i hope Junmyeon knows about the deal with Hwang Enterprises and Tiffany so he'll be able to help Yifan too.

this fic makes me sad =(

aaaand author-nim!!! i'm super glad you updated. i've been reading this story diligently from the very first update, so i hope i can at least makes you reconsider about discontinuing this story bc i really really like it.
Chapter 8: Pls continue this fic. This chapter breaks my heart though. I think tiffany is a tough rival. Yifan please don't give in to her. Suho fighting!