
1. the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.



"Yifan what would you do if you suddenly forgot about me?" I ask playing with my PSP. Yifan chuckles for a moment before brushing his golden locks. He ponders about it for a while staring at the sun's bright rays with his hand covering his peripheral view.

"That won't happen" he assures me looming over. I arched my brow to show him that not all things are certain in this world.

"You might not know.." I replied pressing the buttons as he laughs again cupping my face.

"Junmyeon, may you never grow tired of seeing the world as it is that nothing will amaze you anymore" He says. At first I didn't get it but when I grew up without Yifan every single day was just a bore now. Nothing amazed me anymore, seeing the window stills, chewing the same food, going to the same school each day, learning the same crap every day, going home with the same car, stepping in the mansion where I live in every day, sleeping and hopefully repeat the whole boring cycle once again.

Nothing amazes me anymore.

Not without Yifan.


After that incident with Kris, I didn't go to school for a week. My eyes just literally popped out of my sockets and my lips were as pale as ice, I didn't even eat these past few days. My mind was making me crazy, it's making me mad.

Kris was making me crazy.

Did I do something wrong? I was just in my right mind to tell him that he wasn't Yifan. He was not even close. So why would he ask me to take him to serenity? It wasn't my duty to do so. It was his problem.

*ring* *ring*

I hazily picked up my phone that was near to losing its power. It was an unknown number, I wasn't in the mood to answer these calls right now. I let it ring for about 3 times. It never stopped. As soon as the ringing ended, I decided to call the unknown number.  I wasn't in my right mind at this point.

"Hey Myeonnie! This is Luhan, we're kinda worried for you but can you please head over here?"

I was about to hang up the call when Luhan said something that caught my attention.

"I know you're gonna hang up but listen....Kris has been missing for 3 days now"

Kris...I'm sorry it's my fault.

I quickly hang up the call by pressing the red button and took my jacket with me. It's my fault Kris has gone off, all those horrible things I've said... will never bring back Yifan. I hurriedly went out of the door, seeing that it was raining quite hard my mother was worried.

"Y-You should stay" she asked looming over the door.

"I'm sorry mom but it's my fault this time, I'll be back" I whispered as I kissed my mother's forehead. I twisted the doorknob open and grabbed the nearest bike I could find.

It was raining and the road was slippery, I didn't mind though. I knew where I was headed off to, it was 'serenity'. I used to go there every after 2 weeks starting when Yifan was gone. I stopped though when I deemed it was enough and that I had to move on as well. I slowly forgot where 'serenity' was by the days that passed by. I have to find it, and I must.

I was cycling over the open road checking every forest area. My black leather jacket was now soaked and so is my white overall shirt. Scratches and wound from tree barks and bushes were present in my skin.

Kris where are you.

Apparently Kris made my boring days amazing once again. Letting me discover each and every new thing each day.

"Kris where are you?!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. I need to find him, he's waiting for me. The only thing is... how can he ever forgive me?

I cycled through every obstacle, I cycled over to school but no Kris.

I cycled over to his mansion, no Kris.

I cycled over to the park, but no Kris.

I cycled over to the hospital, but no Kris.

I cycled over to the intersection, but no Kris.

Where are you Kris.

Soon enough I was cycling over the diversion road, it was raining harder and the road was slicker and slipper. I was losing my consciousness due to the extreme fatigue. I didn't eat for a few days, restless nights, and now I'm cycling half the world for this man named Kris Wu.

I was about to turn back when a really huge truck was after my direction. It's huge lights blinked at me and before I knew it I was toppled down the hill avoiding that truck.

My bicycle was toppled elsewhere and so was my body. I was rolling down the steep hill until bam. Everything was pitch black. Last thing I saw was, the purple lake that seemed oddly familiar.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Everything was dizzy and blurry. The green leaves that were damp and dewy adorned my eyesight. The smell was divine. I tried my best to sit up with my back hurting like hell.

Blood and open wounds were present in my body but they seem to have band-aids right now. How odd. I looked around and saw a tall figure in all black holding a black transparent umbrella. His golden locks and black polo made him look like a greek god of some sort.

"Oh you're awake" he says his back still facing mine.

"Umm thanks" I muttered. The stranger turned his head to my direction and smiled at me.

Oh my god.

"Kris.." I cried the tears were welling in my eyes. He continued to smile at me, then slowly he walks towards my direction. I couldn't help but gaze at his perfect blonde locks, his black polo that had the first two buttons ed showing his collarbones, his black fit pants that sculpted his tall legs, and the black keds he loves to wear.

"W-Why are you in all black?" I asked out of the blue. He crouched and put the umbrella around me to shelter me from the rain. "Just thought of visiting 'serenity' I'm having a condolence party for Sehun.." he smiles.

How can he talk to me so casually about this when I literally said bad things to him the past few days.

"I-I'm sorry" I muttered. I turned my face away so that Kris couldn't see me. I was in guilt. He chuckled a bit and cupped my face. The action sent my heart throbbing and the pulsating sensation I felt when he touched my face.

"Just call me by my name and I'll forgive you"

"Y-Yi--" I couldn't bring the words out of my mouth because I simply can't believe that this is him.

"Yifan" I said tears trickling down my face as I closed my eyes. The feeling of saying his name again was so warm, like butter would melt quickly in my mouth. I heard sobbing and then a soft giggle that caught my attention.

"C-Can you say that again..m-my name?" cried Kris now caressing my cheek with a smile sculpted to his lips.

"Yifan.." I repeated a smile was brought forth to my frown softly caressing the hand that was on my cheek. I couldn't believe whatever was happening right now. This might be a dream or a pigment of my imagination again. I closed my eyes and held it tight.

When I opened my eyes he was still there smiling at me.

It's real. Yifan.

I quickly regained myself and hugged Yifan making as topple down the soft green dewy grass. Yifan was smiling and laughing, it showed his pink gums and pearly whites, yep this is the dorky Yifan that I knew.

The transparent black umbrella was now laying elsewhere as me and Yifan were on the ground. I was above him snuggling him even though the rain was pouring hard, I didn't care Yifan was here now.

Yifan slowly leaned his face towards mine. I-Is this a kiss? I have never kissed anyone before though. Our lips were know 5 cm apart and my heart was beating fast but my mind was hesitating.

"Y-Yifan.. are you gonna kiss me?" I asked the blush in my cheeks were undeniable.

"You don't want me to?" he jokes around.

"I-I never kissed anyone before though.." I frowned.

"It's okay just follow after me" he replies.

Before I was about to protest again Yifan crashed his lips with mine. It was soft, undeniably sweet. Yifan's lips tastes like strawberries. It was just lip brushing at first try, quite experimental. Yifan took it to the next level, he bit my bottom lip trying to gain entrance and my mouth opened up for his tongue to roam around. I couldn't keep up with his abrasive actions, and the feeling of Yifan's tongue inside my mouth tingles a part in my brain.

I pulled away from the steamy passionate kiss leaving a string of saliva connecting our red plump lips. I blushed at the thought of the saliva sharing.

"I-I'm sorry" I mumbled as I wiped my mouth. Apologizing for my lack of kissing skills. Maybe I should've practiced before but this was totally out of hand. Before I could mumble something out of my mouth Yifan turned our positions now hovering above me. Then I realized he crashed his lips on mine again entering my moist cavern when I gasped.

We kissed like that for a while, fighting for tongue dominance and each other's roofs. When we finally pulled away gasping for air Yifan hugged me.

"I won't let go of you anymore" he says.

"You took my first the rain" I mumbled.

"Nope, this was your second kiss" he chuckles. I was confused I pushed him away from me and arched my brow. "What do you mean?"

He blushes and he puts his right index finger on his cheek circling it while mumbling "I kinda kissed you when you were asleep on my shoulder...please don't get mad!"

I laughed at his silly concoction and I pulled myself to his embrace.

"Thanks for everything Yifan"

"Don't let go of me Junmyeon..." he says.

"Never" I replied nuzzling my head on his neck.


It didn't take a while and the rain was slowly gone. We sat there on the grass talking about what just happened, my head on his shoulder and our heads were looking up the sky.

"How did you remember things so quickly?" I ask cocking my head.

"Who says I forgot about things?" he smirked.

Was Kris being Yifan all along?

"When we were 12 remember that suicide incident? After that I was sent immediately to the hospital turns out I was father wasn't though he was in trauma for letting his own son do that he told me he was a bad father so he sent me to Canada and a few years later he eventually adopted a boy from Korea who he named Sehun and well was sent to Canada as well. Little did I know that the pills that I was taking were pills that made me forget about things--"

He breathes in and exhales.

"I almost forgot you Junmyeon..My father told me those pills were for my medication for a fast recovery but my auntie told me they were actually pills that makes me forget about things, I grew accustomed to Canada living my life as free as a bird, I was introduced to Jessica and well she became my business girlfriend because of our family at the moment but I doubt she even likes me, and when I heard that we were going back to Korea my mind just fluttered out thoughts about you--I kept it a secret that when I first met you I knew it was you Junmyeon.. I continued acting as Kris because I didn't want to hurt you--because...for the past 1095 days that we were apart...--"

Yifan was now crying this was unusual.

"For the past 1095 days that we were apart...-- I was missing you Junmyeon"

I can't help but smile. This--This was Yifan. I pulled him into my embrace and asks, "How come you remember 'serenity' Yifan?"

"Because I was the one who found it in the first place...I promised myself when I was 12 that I would take you here and I did.. and I will never forget that and this place" he cries.

"Thank you Yifan you've done enough you can rest now" I said patting his head.

"Hey Junmyeon..."


"Can you say 'I love you'"

I blushed at the sudden statement and punches his arm. "No.." I replied my face and ears now red. "I might forget that I'm actually Yif--" says Yifan.

"I-I love you!!" I muttered before walking away with embarrassment. Suddenly a pair of large arms wrapped around my waist backhugging me.

"I love you too Myeonnie"

I swear to the seven seas I hate you Yifan.



"Oh he is a delightful man.." a voice was lingering over the phone. It was seductive, a venom it seemed.

"Yes indeed he'll be a wonderful pair for you... Ms. Tiffany" replies Mr. Wu cackling through the other end of the line.

"I might let daddy sign that business contract with you Mr. Wu as long as--"

The other end was silent waiting for the condition.

"As long as Wu Yifan is mine"


The phone suddenly hangs up and a beep was heard. The laugh of an old man named Mr. Wu shook the room. It was odd how he could do such things in an easy manner, it was odd how he can just sell his son off to a lady named,

Tiffany Hwang.

Author's Note: So how did ya like it? :) REVELATION. hahaha I got tired writing so I didn't put much detail this time but hey I updated over two consecutive days now yeeey acchievment! :) 

I hope you enjoyed this chap as much as I do and I hope to hear from you guys. So COMMENT now~ because I love reading comments hahaha. 

Ne annyeong~


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2456 streak #1
Chapter 8: uhmmm no sis, he has Jun...
just how much richer and more powerful is Tiffany from Jessica that Yifan's father instantly cut off Jess like that?
oh how i wish this was continued!
2456 streak #2

why is Yifan's father just so willing to sell him out tho HUHUHU they just got back together UGHHHHH
2456 streak #3
one thing for sure, he's a tho! HAHAHAHA
2456 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahhhhh i really thought Kris remembered already! that wasn't just a dream, that was Jun's fantasy HUHUHUHU
2456 streak #5
but if i were Jun, I'd be crazy with overthinking of all the possible scenarios, it ain't gonna be healthy for me...

i guess Kris's brain held back memories from Korea to help him deal with his trauma, noh? the "Sehun" adoption part was so... wow, just wow...
2456 streak #6

Chapter 8: nooooo!!! fany, fany, go away. .
don't comeback ever again..
Chapter 8: I think this story gonna be so heartbroken. Especially, to my baby Joon :c
Update soon juseyo ~
falafalafel #9
Chapter 8: reading about Yifan's past makes me sad. his dad is so bad!! plz yifan, this time plz fight for Junmyeon. don't just keep enduring everything like in the past. i hope Junmyeon knows about the deal with Hwang Enterprises and Tiffany so he'll be able to help Yifan too.

this fic makes me sad =(

aaaand author-nim!!! i'm super glad you updated. i've been reading this story diligently from the very first update, so i hope i can at least makes you reconsider about discontinuing this story bc i really really like it.
Chapter 8: Pls continue this fic. This chapter breaks my heart though. I think tiffany is a tough rival. Yifan please don't give in to her. Suho fighting!