
1. that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.


"It's funny how you always forget to call my name whenever you're in trouble" Yifan his head towards my direction and grins. I thought about it for a while. My hair was soaking wet and so was Yifan's, our shirts snags up onto frames revealing the flesh through a transparent shirt.

"I wasn't expecting your help" I replied brushing my wet bangs away from my face as Yifan lay us both down the soft green grass. We've been spending quite some time here in 'serenity'. It was fun.

"Hey Yifan! You think you could take me there one day?" I ask pointing my index finger towards a weird machinery just over the lake. From our guess, it was an abandoned carnival. There was a good ol' canoe and a paddle over the dock to cross over the lake to get to the carnival.

"Maybe someday, I'll promise you! I'll light up that whole Carnival and make sure lots of people will go there, somewhat like a festival! There'll be lights and music and games oh and don't forget the rides! And when the parade is over...I'll clutch your hand and confess to you" he says.

I blushed quite visibly and I shove my hands on my face not to let Yifan see my flustering face.

"We're still 12 year olds though, I can't do much yet--wait for it Junmyeon"

"I'm counting on it"

"Bet on it"

We then burst into laughter. At first it was a kiddy promise but soon I expected much on it, the day Yifan will confess to me. My dream bubble suddenly popped when Yifan abruptly stood up with his phone in his ear. He was murmuring and half grumbling to the person he was talking to.

"I'm sorry but I have to go Junmyeon..." he says with a frown on his face. I nodded my head but it was  sad to see him go so soon. I clutch onto his vest as he was turning his foot to leave. I gripped it tighter a frown was visible on my lips.

"D-Don't go.."

Yifan smiles and pats my head. "I'll be back!" he says assuring as he pats my head the last time with a ruffle and turns his heel to leave.


After that, Yifan never came back.


(12 Y.O) Yifan P.O.V

We were resting at our usual place during afternoons, serenity. I had given this place a name as soon as I got attached to it. Today was quite a unusual day.

I arrived at serenity at exactly 1 PM hopefully meeting Junmyeon. We agreed to have a picnic this day, and maybe go for a little swim. Junmyeon never knew how to swim though, at least that was my standard. He can float and wiggle his hips in the water to keep him above sea level but after a few minutes and helpless s he would eventually drown. Nevertheless I'm always here for him, that's my job. I'm his superman as I'd like to say.

"It's funny how you always forget to call my name whenever you're in trouble" I called out smirking as I see him in the water nearly drowning. He was wearing a white shirt and his hands were in the air, casually waving at me asking for help. It was been a habit of Junmyeon to stick his head out to practice his swimming skills just to keep up with me.

How cute.

"I wasn't expecting your help" he grumbles as I grab him from his waist. Oh really, he wasn't. I grip onto his waist tighter, pressing my fingers firmly down his waist. He moans for a bit before brushing his bangs away from his face. Once we reached shore I lay Junmyeon down the soft grass and I headed to discard my wet shirt.

"Hey Yifan! You think you could take me there one day?"

Junmyeon was pointing towards the nearby carnival. How odd.

"Maybe someday, I'll promise you! I'll light up that whole Carnival and make sure lots of people will go there, somewhat like a festival! There'll be lights and music and games oh and don't forget the rides! And when the parade is over...I'll clutch your hand and confess to you"

I gaze at Junmyeon's brown orbs and I could see his face fluster for a bit. He never fails to amaze me.

"We're still 12 year olds though, I can't do much yet--wait for it Junmyeon"

"I'm counting on it"

"Bet on it"

We laughed afterwards, hearing Junmyeon's sweet giggle fill my ears made me smile. He was just so cute. All the laughter ends when a familiar ring was heard from my pocket. I stood up taking the call, it was my father.

"Where are you Yifan? You need to go home, somebody is waiting for you"

"But I'm busy--"

"No buts come here or you'll be dishonored" I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to be dishonored, what would my late mother and little brother say? I'm such a disgrace then.

"I'm coming there.." I replied a grumble rolled off my tongue.

"I'm sorry but I have to go Junmyeon..." I didn't want to leave yet, I wanted to stay and enjoy the rest of my day with him but--

A familiar hand grabbed onto my vest as I stomped my foot away. Junmyeon's face was in a frown and he mumbles something out, "D-Don't go.."

I smile and pat his head slowly, touching his soft brown locks and gave it a ruffle.

"I'll be back!" I reply.


I never came back though.


As soon as I reached the mansion, my father held me from my wrists and spanked me hard. I grumbled from the sting that was on my behind now. I didn't know why he started spanking me all of the sudden ut the pain made me moan.

"D-Dad w-what are you doing?!" I yell turning my figure to face him. My eyes were wide and were in shock and fear. I would've punched him by now but the thought of dishonoring my hurts.

"I told you to come here at 12 and you weren't! Now your clothes are wet. What is the meaning of this Yifan?! Don't even explain just hurry up and get dressed--"

This was so unreal, my father was a kind man but after my mom  died he changed, he became gloomy and remarried but this new wife made him insane.

"Y-Yes..Right away" I replied tears were already welling in my eyes. I hurry up and ran towards my room. I twisted the doorknob open and hung my head up to cry. I barely cried but this just hurts now. I glance to see a fine coat and new set of clothes were set up. I went nearer and clutch them. These were the clothes my mom gave me from my past birthday, the recent birthday were my mother was still alive.


"Yifan hurry up!" I heard my father's deep voice from below and I hurried down fixing my tie. I was properly dressed, quite fancy even just for this occasion. If there was an occasion that is. As I walk my way down the steps of our large staircase that adorned the entrance I see this fine lady.

She was about my age, her black hair glistens as the sun's rays hit her face. She blows her bangs away from her face and clutches onto her black and white dress adorned with a huge white bow in the middle of her chest. She was cute to be honest.

I in the meanwhile, was wearing a trench black coat, a brown vest and a white polo underneath, black slacks and leather shoes. This was not my style but I had to, I mean I had no other options.

"Yifan this is Mr. Hwang and with him is lovely Tiffany"

I was staring at her, the funny way she tried to brush her bangs away with her petite plump lips. She blows had trying to keep those chunk of hair out of her vision. They were quite long maybe she needed some haircut.

Her father introduced me to her and she was not that friendly as I imagined her bubbly attitude to be. My father pushed me towards her and I could swear I could see her picking her nose. She didn't even have a single sophistication in her cell of being!

"Have fun you two while we discuss some matters" the two old men left leaving us alone.

"Umm hi Tiffany" I mumbled not knowing what to say. I scratched the nape of my neck as I see her picking her nose and throwing it off somewhere.

"Umm hi Yifan.." she replies quite awkwardly. I wanted to break the ice between us so I grab her hand, despite the picking incident, and led her towards the garden without her having a clue. I led her down the rose bushes as she halted and was now panting.

"H-Hey why did you lead me here?!" she asks back bent and her hands placed on her knees panting for air. I smirked and whispered something in her ear, "To keep you away from picking your nose"

She blushed crimson red and slapped my face.

"H-How dare you! I wasn't picking my nose! It was just itchy! I never--oh my god I'm a girl with manners! I pick my nose in public--oops I shouldn't have said that..but still! ugh I hate you" she yells her face flustered and she kept moving from place to place.

Gotta admit that was a little cute.

"Okay Okay I understand!" I say before she tries to slap me again. She was flustering a crimson red, her hands on her face.

"Hey Yifan.. would you befriend me?" she asks. I cocked my head and thought for awhile , why not?

"Why not?" I reply turning my head back. She smiles at me and tucks her shiny black hair behind her ear and giggles. "I'm expecting our friendship to blossom, Yifan" I smile back at her, maybe she wasn't that bad.

Soon enough her visits became unexpected and often. We would talk and have tea time together, play some games and just talk about life. I drifted my mind off Junmyeon at those times, I was 'too' focused on Tiffany to even bother what Junmyeon was doing right now.

Me and Tiffany became closer, we became best friends soon enough. We would go out together sometimes and chat it was so fun. Yet a part of me missed Junmyeon and his ever-so-cute giggles. Tiffany's eye smile was unique too sometimes it made me think that it was better than Junmyeon's childish yet so so so cute giggles.

One day, everything changed.

We were in the cafe, drinking chocolate drinks, coffee was strictly forbidden for us at that age. She was wearing a polka dotted dress and she sat on the other end of the table sipping her hot chocolate drink. I sipped mine too careful because it was hot. Beads of marshmallows floated around our drinks, man it was delicious.

It wasn't my favorite though, I'd still prefer drinking Mocha-Latte with Junmyeon secretly than this but it's not that bad at all. Tiffany puts down her mug and smiles at me before snaking her way to place her hand above mine.

"When will you confess to me Yifan?"

I choked on my drink and sputtered. I was blushing at this moment and I glanced at her, she was smiling, her special eye smile and she looked at the window reflecting her beautiful image tucking her hair behind her ear like she'd used to. It was magnificent.

"I-I don't know yet..I-I'll think about it" I replied drawing circles down my cheek.

"Will you marry me one day?" she asks again.


I slowly slid my hand away from her clutch but she gripped it before I could even snake away.

"Will you ever like me back?" she asks. Is she confessing to me?

To be honest I found her really pretty and charming but it's so different from Junmyeon. Whenever I was with Junmyeon we'd like to keep things simple, yet every moment and every touch I could get from Junmyeon would send chills down my spine and that odd pulsating effect with the throbbing of my heart.

Whenever I was Tiffany though, I could get attracted to her from time to time, sometimes I'd feel shy about my feelings for her but there's no excitement in loving her like I did with Junmyeon. She was oddly plain in my eyes, I'd rather have her as a close friend but I couldn't tell her just yet. At this age our feelings are still vulnerable to anything.

"I will Tiffany but today's not the right time yet.." I replied sipping the hot chocolate from the mug. She lets go with a chirpy smile on her face and says, "When it's the right time I'll come back for you" . I didn't think she would be serious though.

She then left to go to Paris to study, I was given the freedom I had back again. I used that freedom to go back to Junmyeon. At first he was frustrated and mad at me because I didn't met up with him for nearly 3 months and here I come barging like a bull asking him to come back to my life.

He soothed up afterwards, he accepted my reasons and gave me another chance. I lost that chance though, all the hectic problems at home. My father would get mad at me more than the usual, he would ground me and punish me whenever he was angry. I was like his punishment toy now, I couldn't live that life. An idea was stuck in my head, maybe the reason why he's like this is the death of my mother and younger brother. He blamed me for being here, he would sometimes yell when he's drunk that maybe I should've died and not my mother. It hurts but I try my best to understand him.

But the peer pressure killed me, my hectic mind decided to end it all.

I wished to see Junmyeon though, and I did. I invited him to serenity and we were having a good time that is when I slashed my neck and well, I was gone. The next thing I knew I was mindless in the hospital.

After that incident I was sent to Canada and I never heard of Junmyeon again, oddly when I was recovering my father started to give me these pills. I took them though, those pills gave me weird side effects. Haziness, blurry eyesight for the next 2 hours, headaches, nausea and worse... the loss of memory.

My auntie secretly told me that those were memory erasing pills, my father was sent a bunch of these pills from a medical company called Hwang Enterprises. My father told me it was good for me but my auntie told otherwise. She told me that my father secretly made business once again with long time partner Hwang Enterprises. They knew about the suicidal moment so to erase that bad image the Hwang Enterprises sent my father tons of those pills. They're trying to let me forget about Junmyeon, to marry this girl named Tiffany Hwang.


I didn't knew her though, who was she?


 I couldn't wait to wake up, last day I finally had the balls to tell Junmyeon that I, Kris was atually Yifan. And my heart would always skip a beat whenever I try to remember those kisses we shared yesterday. Man I can't wait to see him!

My alarm clock started ringing once again, today is our special day, a picnic date in serenity! I shuffled towards the bathroom and took a quick shower. Came back in with a towel dangling on my hips and chose to wear a black beater  over it was a black and red striped polo. Some gray jeans and my red keds and I was off with a toothbrush on my mouth.

When I reached towards the kitchen to pick up some food my jaw dropped, like literally and so did my toothbrush. There was a pretty lady sitting down next to my usual chair, she was wearing a black and white dress, her hair was curled on its tips and her black heels complemented her smoky eye makeup. She was gorgeous, her bangs were blunt and thin and her smile was captivating.

I quickly picked up my toothbrush and threw it elsewhere. I scampered off towards her direction, I didn't talk to her though, I just glanced at her from time to time while picking some food. Suddenly my father went in and called me rather loud but with a chirpy tone in it.

"Yifan you're here!"

"Yes I am" I replied. He then rushes to this pretty girl's side and pats her head. "This is Tiffany Hwang, your soon to be wife" he exclaims.

What the.

"Dad you're misunderstanding, I have Jessica remember?" I couldn't tell him about Junmyeon just yet. He chuckles and a smirk was on his face. "Who's Jessica?" he implies laughing insanely.

"What the! Jessica! Jessica Jung of the Jung sister companies!" I screamed quite loud banging the food I just got on the table. He raises his voice and calls my attention leading me towards the back of the room where he talks to me in private.

"I broke the deal with Jessica, if you want to see her ugly crying face then come back to her like a little wussy that you are! Can't you learn to appreciate this fine lady I've presented?!" he says.

I nodded my head and stares at the pretty lady, she was sipping her tea quietly, she eye smiles at my direction, tucks her glistening hair behind her ear and giggles. I clutched my chest feeling that unbearable throbbing feeling.

My father smiles and walks away giving us two privacy.

She then stands up gracefully and walks her way towards my direction. I tried to fix my hair but the moment she came onto my sight she taped my wrists together and pressed her lips against mine. I moaned as I felt a needy mouth entering my moist cavern. I tried pushing her away but she won't budge, she insists on kissing me but I won't deny that she kisses well.

She then pulls away her red lipstick still in perfect condition tainting my lips a bit. She wipes her lips with her hand and it looked seductive and it had no sense of manner.

"I'm sorry that was quite unmanner-ish of me" I gazed at her, she invented a word 'unmanner-ish'. She smiles at me and takes my hand.

"Yifan do you remember me?" she asks excitedly. I shook my head otherwise, she frowned after that and looked back at me with hope in her eyes.

"Yifan how come you remember Junmyeon but you can't remember me..." she gloomily says. Wait, how does Junmyeon get into this. She laughs for a bit before regaining her composure and fixing her wild hair that was entangled from the passionate kiss just a minute ago.

"Just kidding!" she says.

"W-Who are you?" I ask once again not so sure of what's happening.

"Silly, it's me Tiffany, your wife, I came back for you Yifan after all these years of waiting... will you like me back now?" she asks her face flushed red and he takes my hand to cup her cheek. Tears were in her eyes but she was smiling.

Author's Note:

Hey guys finally had the balls to post this chap. Thank you for your feedbacks ;-; I was on the verge of stopping this story because I think it's getting boring but you gave me inspiration again! Thanks guys :"> Hope you liked this chapter and I wish to hear more from you guys by commenting thanks! :D





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2456 streak #1
Chapter 8: uhmmm no sis, he has Jun...
just how much richer and more powerful is Tiffany from Jessica that Yifan's father instantly cut off Jess like that?
oh how i wish this was continued!
2456 streak #2

why is Yifan's father just so willing to sell him out tho HUHUHU they just got back together UGHHHHH
2456 streak #3
one thing for sure, he's a tho! HAHAHAHA
2456 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahhhhh i really thought Kris remembered already! that wasn't just a dream, that was Jun's fantasy HUHUHUHU
2456 streak #5
but if i were Jun, I'd be crazy with overthinking of all the possible scenarios, it ain't gonna be healthy for me...

i guess Kris's brain held back memories from Korea to help him deal with his trauma, noh? the "Sehun" adoption part was so... wow, just wow...
2456 streak #6

Chapter 8: nooooo!!! fany, fany, go away. .
don't comeback ever again..
Chapter 8: I think this story gonna be so heartbroken. Especially, to my baby Joon :c
Update soon juseyo ~
falafalafel #9
Chapter 8: reading about Yifan's past makes me sad. his dad is so bad!! plz yifan, this time plz fight for Junmyeon. don't just keep enduring everything like in the past. i hope Junmyeon knows about the deal with Hwang Enterprises and Tiffany so he'll be able to help Yifan too.

this fic makes me sad =(

aaaand author-nim!!! i'm super glad you updated. i've been reading this story diligently from the very first update, so i hope i can at least makes you reconsider about discontinuing this story bc i really really like it.
Chapter 8: Pls continue this fic. This chapter breaks my heart though. I think tiffany is a tough rival. Yifan please don't give in to her. Suho fighting!