
1. something remembered from the past; a recollection.


"Junmyeon-ah, do you know what this is?" the blonde boy was staring oddly at his ipad. I peeked over to see a weird image, two guys hovering each other like their hips and actions were in rhythm.

"Y-Yifan! Don't look at that!" I screamed as I shoved his iPad away from his sight.

I mean we were still 12 year olds who barely knows about these mature things.

"You're funny when you're embarrassed Junmyeon" said Yifan as he rolled on the grass. We were in 'serenity' right now. The place where the lake seems purple, the sun's rays hovering above us, the place where the flowers and trees mingle, an abandoned carnival beyond the lake that shines when you see it. Yes, Yifan's serenity.

Nobody knew about 'serenity' except me and Yifan.



"So, do you remember anything, 1095 days ago?" I muttered hoping Kris would answer back. He looked at me, confusion in his eyes. He walked back a few steps before he bumped into a pail of water and a mop. The water leaked on the floor like a snake, that is when Kris slipped.

His back and head fell on the cold hard floor earning a familiar groan. "Oh my god, Kris are you okay?!" I yelped as I helped him stand up. He was silent all throughout when I self-supported him towards the clinic.

"Is he okay?" I mumbled. The blonde nurse nodded her head as she proceeded towards the medicine room. "And Junmyeon, you better hurry in there..he keeps mumbling your name and the word serenity? I don't know what exactly happened between you two just now but you better hurry"

I nodded my head and replied with a 'thanks' before nurse Hyoyeon went in the other room.

"K-Kris?" I mumbled as I opened the white door to let myself in. The clinic was really beautiful, it's painted in white and patient's rooms were so large, clean and its airconditioned.

"J-Junmyeon?!" he yelped. I sat next to him as he sat up. He was ruffling his hair, now in a mess, his just bitten red lips, that angsty expression on his face. God, I swear I could kiss him right now, that is if he was Yifan.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled out drawing circles on my thighs to avoid pressure and embarrassment. Kris nodded his head before screaming a weird yelp.

"Are you trying to mess up my mind huh?!" said Kris as he shuffled his blonde hair again. Damn it was y.

"W-What are you saying?" I chuckled awkwardly as I stood up trying to avoid Kris. And I swear I regretted having a small frame, Kris easily pulled me into his embrace. It looked like I was hovering over him, like the one you'd see in gay videos.

"K-Kris!" I exclaimed, my face as red as a matte lipstick.


Did he call my name?

"Don't leave me Junmyeon" said the blonde man hugging me tighter into his embrace. Large arms keeping me within his warmth. I could hear sobbing noises from his mouth. Suddenly my arms found itself wrapped around Kris' large back as well, as if automatically.

"D-Don't leave me Junmyeon.." Kris continued sobbing. I don't get it, did he just remember me or is he playing with me again.

"W-What..." I mumbled.

"Junmyeon, you didn't call my name" said Kris who was, as if, begging for something. At first I was confused, I couldn't bring the words out of my mouth instead the tears did, swelling down my face.

"Y-Yifan"  I choked out. Sobs and tears were forming up within me.

"Y-Yes..say my name again.."

"Y-Yifan...Y-Yifan..Yifan!!" I hugged him tighter and my balance threw me off. Kris--Yifan was laying his back on the warm, soft, white bed with me in his embrace.

Is this a dream? Yifan is that really you?

Suddenly the arms that was wrapped around me was gone.


"You left me Junmyeon"

The room was now pitch black. I could see the young 12 year old Yifan.

"You left said you'd hold on to me Junmyeon"

"Y-Yifan I--"

"I hate you Junmyeon, you're a liar!"

"What no!!" I exclaimed. Where am I. I don't know what's happening anymore.

" left me, 1095 days ago" Yifan muttered.




It was pitch black.


I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the club room. Odd, for a second there I know I was in the clinic--or was it the janitor's room? I can't tell.

I heard Kris' muffled voice though.

"Junmyeon-ah are you awake?" it was Kris. I nodded my head and he helped me stand up onto my feet. I looked around the room for a while, it was just me and Kris, no Baekhyun, no Chen, Xiumin, nor D.O.

"Are you okay?" asked Kris as he gave me a glass of water.

"Umm..yeah..what---what just happened?" I asked.

"Well-- we were in the janitor's closet, we talked and then you asked me a question, something like 'do you remember anything 1095 days ago' or whatever and then I said no, you started laughing hysterically with tears on your eyes then suddenly you fainted, so I brought you here"

So that was a dream...

"O-Oh I see" I muttered. For a second there I thought everything was real but it wasn't. Memories must've drifted in and out of my head causing me to faint. I should really de-stress sometimes.

"Don't go" I heard Kris mutter.

"What?" I replied stopping my tracks.

"Don't leave me here alone...I-I'm afraid of the d-dark" he mumbled twitching his index fingers together, a tint of blush embarrassment on his cheeks. I chuckled before offering him my hand.

"Don't let go of me okay?" I said smiling.

How odd, the tables have turned this time.

"Never" replied Kris as he smiled at me reaching my helping hand.

I checked my wrist watch, its already 6:30 PM and it was getting dark. Awkward as it is, me and Kris were walking down the dark empty hallways hand in hand. My face was blushing really bad, it looks as if we were couples from afar because of our huge height difference.

"U-Um..Thanks" muttered Kris tightening his grip with mine. Now seriously I can feel the heat surround my face. I twitched my eyes involuntarily and closed them.

"You okay?" asked Kris as he went near to my face, exactly 5 cm apart from mine.

"Y-Yes!!" I trembled as I said those words pushing him away. This is not good, my face is beet red and my actions were futile. I didn't know what to do anymore, I have to get away. I was about to run away as fast as my legs could carry me when I felt a pair of large hands wrapped around my waist from the back. It was so warm, like the ones Yifan would used to do.

"Goodnight, Junmyeon.." he nuzzled against my head.

"G-Goodnight K-Kris!" I mumbled not knowing the right words to say.

"Do I like you?" muttered Kris.

I literally couldn't stand this anymore, my heart was beating so fast and my cheeks were flushed red. I pushed his hands away and ran towards the other side of the school's building where he could not see me.

I lay my back against the wall and sat down. My hands were in my face, knees bent and tears were spreading from my eyes.

"Y-Yifan..S-Still..Still you.." I cried out.

"Yifan!!! Where are you?!" I screamed as I looked at the stars.

" If you're sad or lonely, look into the stars and call for my name"

Where are you...Yifan.


I couldn't stop thinking of him, each and every time. Kris, could it be? I mean, Yifan is in Canada as far as I could remember and Kris? I didn't even know a single thing about him. Questions were pondering inside my head, thoughts, delusions, thinking that Yifan might come back.

I needed to know him more before I could judge and determine whether he is Yifan...or not.

And I need to do that within the 2 weeks of Jessica's absence.

"You okay Myeonnie?" asked Chen poking my right cheek as we hung out in the school's rose maze. It was a pretty good feature to have a rose maze in our school, kinda like a place where we could just hang out by nature.

"Have you ever felt so ---weird before?" I muttered cocking my head to his direction. He scratched his head in a messy way making his brown locks fly away from his face.

"Maybe?---Myeonnie something's definitely wrong with you can you tell me?" he asks.

"Sigh okay, remember that Kris guy? He--He reminded me a lot of my old friend, Yifan" I mumbled.

He nods his head and smiles at me, I continued to tell him the whole story until the bell rang and it was time for classes to start once again. Chen abruptly stood up and whispered a 'I badly need to go math needs me' before zooming out leaving me all alone once again.

It's not that bad though, the feeling when the cool air gently slaps against your skin, the red roses that adorn the place, yeah it was like 'serenity' just maybe not that beautiful as 'serenity' but it'll pass, just like as Kris passes as Yifan. But then again, nothing good can be replaced that well--or so I thought.

As the days passed by me and Kris got incredibly close. During those 2 weeks that Jessica was away along with the other Student Council members, Kris and I were like best friends already!

It started when we were deciding whether to let Kris clean the bathroom as a punishment for breaking the club's expensive ming vase then soon we all decided to help Kris with his 'punishment'. We sprayed water all over ourselves, giggling with each was enchanting.

The next few days Sportsfest was up. During Sportsfest, club members of opposing clubs shall battle each other in terms of Sports, booths, fun houses, food stalls were placed in school. It was like a mini  festival and we were so hyped into winning this year's Sportsfest Club Champions.

We always were in third place, student council would always be in the number one spot, then the basketball team, then us sadly. It was a tough decision for Kris to fight alongside with us since he was originally the basketball club's team captain. But he gave in anyways, that is after Chen and Baekhyun threatened him to something.

"Alright, so does anybody knows how to play basketball here?" asked Kris as he stood up leaning over the white board, a pen dangling from his ear. We were in our club room quietly discussing our plans for this year's Sportsfest.

Baekhyun raised his hand excitedly as Kris called his name.

"Oh Baekhyun, so you play basketball?" asked Kyungsoo attaching his arm over Baekhyun's. The said male laughed before whispering a silent 'no'.

"Oh dear, so none of your gay asses knows how to actually play basketball?!" yielded Kris as he tapped the pen on the board quite loud.

"Language Kris--always mind your language" I muttered before he replied with a 'sorry'.

"I guess you have to train us then" said Xiumin as he stood up and glancing over my direction. A smirk was then formed. "Excellent idea--prove to us how much capable you are...Kris" I said chuckling as he gave out a groan and a slap on his neck.

Saturday was practice day for the Disciplinary Committee Club.

"So okay when you shoot you must aim it as if the ring was the---" Kris was already starting to each the others about basketball when I arrived in the school's gym. Luckily we were able to ask permission to use the gigantic gym.

"Why are you late?" asked Kris as he stopped lecturing and threw me the ball.

I clumsily caught it in my arms before completely falling on the floor.

"I could explain---my alarm clock was...and the traffic came..---"

"Stop... a good man must mark his own words right?" Kris says as a smirk was now forming on his lips picking up the ball and shooting it, bam! It went in the hoop and he glanced at me before giving me a wink.

"And that class is how you throw a ball"


Oh I swear I will hate you forever Kris.

"Ohorat, look who's here~"

A familiar voice was heard as the gym's doors were flung open. Four huge figures started appearing and looming over the door. Yes, it was Oh Sehun, Park Chanyeol, Huang Zitao and Kim Jong-in, the basketball club's most popular and fiercest members.

"Hey Sehun listen we're practicing right now and--" says Kris as he got interrupted my his younger brother Sehun.

"Shh-Shh-Shh I don't need your explanation or whatever, in fact you shouldn't be practicing with those losers right're all gonna lose anyway..."

"What did you say mushroom head?!" screamed Baekhyun throwing the basketball over to their side. Chanyeol caught the ball with his right hand only.

"Byunnie..hello there" said Chanyeol before finally expressing his inner thoughts by laughing at Baekhyun's poor throw.

"Tsk let's get out!" said Baekhyun as he went out the other door from the other side of the gym. I was about to follow him when I heard Kris scream.

" think I'm betraying you guys!?" he shouts rather loud that it ringed my ears. He balled his fists together, his face was looking down the floor so I couldn't really see his expression but I knew he was angry.

"Technically, yes" said Tao.

"Shut the up..I'm just helping them!!" replied Kris looking into Tao's eyes steaming with hate and pure anger.

"We don't care, helping or not you'll still lose, besides why help a lumpy guy named Jeungmyeong anyway?" said Tao, going nearer towards Kris his eyes squinting.

"His name is Junmyeon you " said Kris.


"Shut don't know Junmyeon and these 'lumpy' guys..they--they might be actually better than you s now get away or this will turn bad"

Tao clicked his tongue before following Chanyeol and the others out of the gym. Kris was still looking down the floor. He seemed calmer this time as his ball of fists were not present anymore.

"Kris--" I mumbled as I placed a hand on his shoulder. I heard sobbing, painful sobbing.

Kris turned around and hugged me, it was unexpected--soft yet sorrowful, warm yet painful.

"Did I do wrong in taking care of Sehun?" he cried sorrowfully as he held me tighter.

This scene reminds me of the day Yifan decides to end his life.

"No..No..You were a good brother.." I say as I reach out his head patting it. I don't want to loose you like I lost Yifan, Kris.

"You're the best out there...Kris"

"Hey Junmyeon...could you take me to 'serenity'" Kris cried his head still buried in my shoulders with his back bent.



Did I hear what I just heard.







I made the chapter, not detailed and short. 


anyways~ leave comments and subscribe if you have time. Thanks! ^^



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2451 streak #1
Chapter 8: uhmmm no sis, he has Jun...
just how much richer and more powerful is Tiffany from Jessica that Yifan's father instantly cut off Jess like that?
oh how i wish this was continued!
2451 streak #2

why is Yifan's father just so willing to sell him out tho HUHUHU they just got back together UGHHHHH
2451 streak #3
one thing for sure, he's a tho! HAHAHAHA
2451 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahhhhh i really thought Kris remembered already! that wasn't just a dream, that was Jun's fantasy HUHUHUHU
2451 streak #5
but if i were Jun, I'd be crazy with overthinking of all the possible scenarios, it ain't gonna be healthy for me...

i guess Kris's brain held back memories from Korea to help him deal with his trauma, noh? the "Sehun" adoption part was so... wow, just wow...
2451 streak #6

Chapter 8: nooooo!!! fany, fany, go away. .
don't comeback ever again..
Chapter 8: I think this story gonna be so heartbroken. Especially, to my baby Joon :c
Update soon juseyo ~
falafalafel #9
Chapter 8: reading about Yifan's past makes me sad. his dad is so bad!! plz yifan, this time plz fight for Junmyeon. don't just keep enduring everything like in the past. i hope Junmyeon knows about the deal with Hwang Enterprises and Tiffany so he'll be able to help Yifan too.

this fic makes me sad =(

aaaand author-nim!!! i'm super glad you updated. i've been reading this story diligently from the very first update, so i hope i can at least makes you reconsider about discontinuing this story bc i really really like it.
Chapter 8: Pls continue this fic. This chapter breaks my heart though. I think tiffany is a tough rival. Yifan please don't give in to her. Suho fighting!