




                            1.the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens.

"Yifan where are we going?" I asked as I clutched onto his back. We were riding in light speed in Yifan's black bicycle. He told me that he's gonna show me to a place I've never seen before. I buried my face in his back and embraced him tighter. Yifan, the name is so warm.

He suddenly halted in a forest, full of bushes and vines, everything. "Y-Yifan I'm scared" I mumbled as I clung to his arm. Embarrassed as I am right now Yifan just smiled at me and patted my head "There's nothing to be scared about when you're with me" he replied. "You won't leave me?" I asked. "Never" 

We were in the middle of the forest, bruises and scratches from tree barks were present on our skins. "It hurts Yifan" I grumbled wanting to go back. "Just wait it's worth the wait" replied Yifan smiling at me again. What can I do? Who would say no to Yifan's warm smile?

I bumped into Yifan's back as he stopped suddenly. "Ouch" I mumbled. He stood tall and great as he held a helping hand "We're here" he said. I took his large warm hand and he scooped me up, bridal style. I blushed at the sudden action and covered my face. "I know you're tired so I'll just carry you there its only a few more steps so hold on to me and don't let go okay?" 

"I will never let go of you Yifan" he chuckled and carried me to wherever he's planning to.

All the embarrassment was worth it when we arrived at the destination, it was spectacular. The lake looked amazingly purple, the water was so clear you'd see the cloud's reflection on it and swans were flocking around. And it looks like there was an abandoned Carnival beyond the end of the lake. The scenery was worth it, it was fantastic. As I was admiring the beautiful lake I didn't see Yifan discard his shirt and dived straight in.

"Yifan!" I yelled. There was no response. Did he drown?! Afraid as I was, I jumped straight in too, not caring if I didn't knew how to swim or even discarding my shirt. I tried to keep myself from drowning trying to look for Yifan. But it was no use, my lacking skills for swimming drowned me. I was deep down the lake when I felt a pair of large arms hoist me up to breathe.

Blonde locks flourished my sight as I felt air slowly succumbing in my nostrils.

"Cough..Y-Yifan!" I yelped like a stray puppy. He clung unto me the way I would. He chuckled at me before swimming us both back to shore. The cold breeze slapped against my skin as I let my shirt dry over a rock right next to Yifan's. I buried my face between my knees to feel more compact heat but it was no use.

I felt warm arms surround my body. I looked up to see Yifan embracing me with a rosy tint on his cheeks. "I told you not to let go.." he mumbled twitching his index finger on his cheek. I smiled and lay my head on his broad chest trying to feel as much as I can right now. "I will never let go of you Yifan"

We were sitting by the shore, backs against a tree and heads shooting straight up towards the night sky. Time flies so fast when you're enjoying. "Yifan look, that group of stars looks like a woman" I said pointing towards the cluster of bright and shining stars. "Silly, that's Sagittarius, it's an archer not a woman" Yifan replied patting my head with a bit pressure this time. I whined like a puppy beneath him, writhing as much.

"I wish we could do this again.." I mumbled.

"Sure we can" I shook my head in disbelief. We're in 7th Grade right now, and as soon as we step 8th Grade and onwards our lives would be busier and we won't have much time for these.

He stretched his arms for a yawn and secretly hung his right arm over my shoulders pulling me in a tighter embrace.

"Remember  if you're sad or lonely, look into the stars shoot at it like a Sagittarius Constellation and call for my name" I cocked my head in confusion.

"Let me rephrase that--" he mumbled feeling awkward as he was getting on his nerd side.

" If you're sad or lonely, look into the stars and call for my name"



Yifan, where are you.


"Let out the beast , Let out the beast!!!" Baekhyun, Luhan and D.O were singing again in the clubroom, yet forbidden but it was siesta time. The only time we could break rules ourselves as the school's Disciplinary Committee Club. I slumped my back on the chair and lay my foot on the table for support, drinking my favorite earl gray tea along.

Xiumin was playing with his PSP, headphones plastered on his ears so that he won't hear the three's noisy cacophony. Chen just came in barging through the door. "Morning" I said offering Chen some cookies and pastries Kyungsoo brought.

We would always have cookies and pastries during break times in our clubroom. We would have delicious tea as well. I mean, even we deserve to rest for a bit.

"Thanks but no thanks I've got a date on 7:30 and I don't want to be full" replied Chen slumping down on a chair beside me.

"It's still 7:00" I mumbled thinking of what will happen to these huge amount of pastries if they've gone to waste. "We can't date Chen" said Xiumin from afar, we were shocked how he heard us from afar with his headphones on.

"Who says I've got a date with a girl?" Chen snorted.

"Oh no what is it this time Chen?" asked Luhan who quit playing a game with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo as the younger ones cheated on him. "Not much, I guess our math teacher ditched algebra for me"


"You're telling me you're taking credentials?!" I asked as I banged the table. Members of the DCC (Disciplinary Committee Club) aren't allowed to have detention records, rule breaks, and most importantly bad grades.

"Don't judge me too much! Remember that one month absent I got due to a bad case of chickenpox? That break time killed my grades" he explained as he chewed on a heart shaped cookie. Sigh, at least this was quite reasonable. Still, I can't tolerate such a behavior next time.

The door banged open again, a tall figure hovering over the door frame. I curiously peeked from my bangs to see the person who just came in like a hog. Messy brown hair, hazel orbs, loose uniform and a tall unique figure.

Park Chanyeol, Basketball Club's Vice President.

"What are you doing here Park?" asked Baekhyun who abruptly stood up from where he was sitting to face the obviously taller male. At first they share glances at each other and then it turned into steamy death glares.

"Obviously not for you Byunnie" said Chanyeol patting the shorter male on the head. Baekhyun then swatted the taller man's hand away and backed off huffing and puffing.

"D-Don't call me that! I already told you!!"

"Heh..Whatever Byun" Chanyeol then moved towards my direction and banged his hands on the table.

"We need you.."

A few minutes later we arrived at the open court. It was a vast open space made for basketball players. Bleachers on the left and right sides, basketball rings, and a shiny floor. What caught my attention was the man on the floor, blood bathed it seemed.

I walked over to see who it was only to find him.


"W-Who is this man?" I mumbled moving back as far as I can until I bumped on a cold hard wall. Chanyeol then said that the blood bathed man was Kris Wu. K-Kris Wu? Nah. I was just being delusional again, thinking that this blonde man might be---no he's gone.

"Stand up" I ordered as I regained my confidence. I walked towards that very man. He was wincing in pain, back on the floor and arms spread. He looks like he just got beaten up by a gang or whatsoever.

"I said stand up" I repeated louder and clearer. He didn't even bat an eyelash. I kicked him near the groin, not too hard of course. He winced in pain and tried to kick back but it was no use.

Soon, basketball club's maknae Oh Sehun comes rushing in to aid Kris.

", brother who did this to you?!" Sehun cried asking for Chanyeol's help to carry his older brother. He put an arm around Kris' shoulder and so did Chanyeol helping him stand up and go to the clinic hopefully.

"T-There was a fight you see---" Tao was about to continue explaining when I cut him off.

"A fight ey? This clearly explains his incapability of being a leader of such club"

Sehun growled at me and replied " off you dirtbag! You know nothing but to punish others no matter what"

Tsk. Bad move.

"Oh really? And did you know that creating school havoc and spitting bad words counts as major offenses? Let me think of possible punishments shall we?" I threatened. He glared at me and shot me a dirty look before moving on.

"I wasn't finished"

"Shut up"

"As a punishment, I sentence you Oh Sehun to take your brother's sins to commit DCCSS"

Everyone in the court gasped at the said words. I smirked at their helpless reactions earning another growl from Sehun. I heard him mumble 'fine' before I heard another husky voice. It was so familiar yet I couldn't put my tongue into it.

"M-My brother has no need of sacrificing for me, I'll take this DCCSS whatever it is"

Kris opened his eyes, swollen and purple with droplets of blood pooling around. He let go of Chanyeol and Sehun's supporting arms and made his way to me, limping but full of confidence.

"You think you're so high that you can insult my younger brother just like that? Think again." he growled in a deep voice that I can't forget. Somehow the husk in that voice makes him attractive and seductive at the same time without him trying.

"Whatever, you start DCCSS tomorrow Mr. Wu" I snorted leaving him and his team behind heading towards the men's comfort room. I shuffled towards a cubicle and locked the door, sniffling in pain. Why does this Kris remind me of Yifan?! H-He's gone I'm sure about it. He doesn't even remember me. He doesn't know me.

Yifan is gone, 1095 days ago.



"Boss you okay?" I can hear Baekhyun's voice from outside the comfort room. I managed to reply an 'Ok' as I wiped my tears away and fixed my composure.

"Always am Baekhyun, always am"


"I'm afraid Yifan" I trembled and so did my plump lips. The dark was hovering over us, the cold hitching against our necks as we cradled along the empty rooms, like searching for something only Yifan knew.

"Hold on to me and don't let go okay?"

"I will never let go of you Yifan"

He pulled me in a tight embrace, so tight like it was the last embrace he'll ever do. He held my hand together with his as we secretly ran off the Kim Mansion heading towards the night life to a place where Yifan would like to call 'serenity'.

 Yifan's plan was to celebrate his baby brother's birthday with his family, yet he wasn't allowed to and there was no party held. I heard it was because of his stepmom, a rude gold digger of a wife to his needy father. Yifan would always share to me his thoughts, this one hit me right in the heart that it left a scar that could never be healed.

"Junmyeon, may you never get tired of seeing this world as it is that nothing will amaze you anymore"

I cocked my head and lay it on his shoulder as we admire the gazing night stars.

"I won't Yifan, I will never" I replied.

"You can't say that" he said as he pulled me and pushed my back unto the soft grass.

I blushed madly at the sight of him topping me. I looked away and covered my face with my right hand praying that he won't see me in this condition. I felt his body hovering over my lithe one as he blew hot air in my ear.

"You can never be too sure for what's in the present, sooner or later in the future you'll forget about things and move on"

I was too amazed in the words he was saying right now and my eyes went doe for a while there.

He hoisted me up and we lay our backs on the grass hand in hand admiring the beautiful night.

"Hey, Happy birthday to your younger brother what was his name again?" I asked turning my head to his direction. He closed his eyes and hummed. I bet he's thinking of how precious his younger brother is.


Sehun died though, the day he was born. Yifan would like to think he's still alive. I would pretend with him though, Sehun would've been 10 today.

Happy Birthday Sehun.

"Junmyeon.." I heard Yifan mumble as he sat up fixing his composure. I tilted my head to see his face, it was sad, full of sorrow. Did he finally succumb into reality?

"Sehun is dead right?" he asked tears welling in his eyes. I managed to nod my head and look away, I cannot stand to see Yifan crying. It hurts me the most, Sehun could've been his only remembrance from his late mother and it seems that his mother took that last reminisce away from him.

"I'm so oblivious" said Yifan as he took something from his pocket and lashed it on his throat.

"I don't deserve to live"

My eyes went wide as I realized that it was a knife he was holding, piercing the flesh on his neck.

"Yifan no!" I screamed, loud enough for birds to flock away. I tried to reach him but it was too late, he made a slashing sound with that knife of his and scratched a wound from the nape to his throat.

"I won't forget you Junmyeon" he said with a smile on his lips. At least I could see him smile for the last time?


After that incident I heard he was rushed in the hospital, then on I hadn't heard news about him. My parents locked me in the mansion because of that. Yifan? I don't know, last words I heard from him was that he will never forget me.

But who is this Kris that's standing in front of me?

The next day passed in and as usual I was early. Around 6:30 AM I already arrived at school. Classes starts at 8. And due to me being early each day the school principal awarded me spare school keys so I could go in.

Normally I'd wait in the clubroom, alone. Today was different.

"Y-Yif--Kris?!" I mumbled as I saw him sitting on a chair reading a textbook. How did he get in?! H-How did he get keys?

"Morning" he replied glancing upon my direction before focusing his eyeballs into the textbook again.

"You didn't answer me, I said how did you get in" I asked once again as I went in and dumped my bag on the chair next to him. "Um..hello? My dad works as the principal here?" he replied as he fixed his hair.

It was true that nobody ever saw the principal before, we could hear his voice but we couldn't see his face. It's like a dictator kind of thing. Students from the school wouldn't even care about it, everyone here are rich brats. And this is a rich school.

The school looked like 20 huge mansions stocked together with 35 floored business-like buildings surrounding it. Facilities were high-class and so does our club room. It looks like my house in one room, expensive furniture, a kitchen, a living room, a meeting room and its all air-conditioned. That is if your club has 5 Stars. The principal made that rule, once you won a competition or did a good deed in school your club will be upgraded with a star. It lets you to either, upgrade you club room, add more members beyond capacity, offer you money as school funds, or use one of the stars to pass one member's grades.

Amazing right? Only catch is you have to be the best out of the best. I heard the old swimming club got disbanded for not earning even one star because they were always on the second place. You gotta be first if you want that star. School is harsh but nothing is as harsh as this Kris person.

"So I guess you know what DCCSS is?" I asked heading towards the kitchen to fix myself coffee and maybe one for Kris.

"Disciplinary Committee Club Special Service, wherein you have to work as one of them for 3 months until you learn your lesson" Kris explained it word by word. I was impressed, he was like Yifan , smart, memorizing things word per word, had a goofy smile on but Kris was different, he was cold, literally had bad records and grades as well, and he rarely smiled like Yifan. Although they look the same their attitudes and personalities aren't.

"Well i-it's good that you know" I mumbled bringing in two cups of coffee. Yifan took a sip from his coffee and smiled at me, "Mocha-Latte?" he asks. I nodded my head.

Yifan is that you?

The thought was going around my mind because I purposely made the coffee Mocha-Latte because it was Yifan's favorite even though we weren't allowed to drink coffee before but we sneaked in anyways.

A smile was plastered on his lips as he drank the sensual coffee. I could live with this, he might not be Yifan but--He can pass as Yifan.

His phone suddenly rang and he answered it.

"Hmm... yeah okay darling" I heard him through the phone.


"Who was that?" I asked as he put down his phone.

"Jessica, Jessica Jung of the Student Council" he replied.


"And she's my girlfriend why?" he asked his eyebrows furrowing.

Did Yifan really forget about me?

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2455 streak #1
Chapter 8: uhmmm no sis, he has Jun...
just how much richer and more powerful is Tiffany from Jessica that Yifan's father instantly cut off Jess like that?
oh how i wish this was continued!
2455 streak #2

why is Yifan's father just so willing to sell him out tho HUHUHU they just got back together UGHHHHH
2455 streak #3
one thing for sure, he's a tho! HAHAHAHA
2455 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahhhhh i really thought Kris remembered already! that wasn't just a dream, that was Jun's fantasy HUHUHUHU
2455 streak #5
but if i were Jun, I'd be crazy with overthinking of all the possible scenarios, it ain't gonna be healthy for me...

i guess Kris's brain held back memories from Korea to help him deal with his trauma, noh? the "Sehun" adoption part was so... wow, just wow...
2455 streak #6

Chapter 8: nooooo!!! fany, fany, go away. .
don't comeback ever again..
Chapter 8: I think this story gonna be so heartbroken. Especially, to my baby Joon :c
Update soon juseyo ~
falafalafel #9
Chapter 8: reading about Yifan's past makes me sad. his dad is so bad!! plz yifan, this time plz fight for Junmyeon. don't just keep enduring everything like in the past. i hope Junmyeon knows about the deal with Hwang Enterprises and Tiffany so he'll be able to help Yifan too.

this fic makes me sad =(

aaaand author-nim!!! i'm super glad you updated. i've been reading this story diligently from the very first update, so i hope i can at least makes you reconsider about discontinuing this story bc i really really like it.
Chapter 8: Pls continue this fic. This chapter breaks my heart though. I think tiffany is a tough rival. Yifan please don't give in to her. Suho fighting!