He Used to be...

Don't Say Goodbye


At the canteen...
-Min-yi's POV-
"1 coke please."
"That will be 25 won" said the ahjumma vendor
'ughhh, slow service' 
"Thank you for buying, come again!" said the ahjumma vendor with a flashing smile in her face. I nodded and looked around to find my friends.
'Great they already left' I thought to myself.
I Squinted my eyes and looked around again, no such Luck. My Friends already left the canteen.
Suddenly the school bell rang 4 times. *SFX ring ring ring ring*
A guy from the cafeteria said "YEAAAHHH! The Class is Suspended.." and all the students at the canteen started shouting at the same time.
I gathered my things from the table and walked my way out of the canteen.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen, as some stupid guy suddenly bumped me.
I felt my ice cold Coke slowly drenching my white skirt.
"Now who in their right mind would be so stu---" 
"Oh it's you" I told him with a straight face.
The guy raised his eyebrows and glared at me furiously and said.
"Hello to you too. Sorry for bumping you, NOT"
I suddenly felt adrenaline rush through my vein as I tried to stop myself from strangling him. So I calmly said. "Okay, what ever you say man " 
He was about to say something but I dashed out of the canteen barely containing my anger and find my Friends. 
'Why is Jaejoong so arrogant and stupid when He used to be my friend. I guess people do change' I sighed and continued looking for my friends.
When my mother was alive she used to bring me at the park every after school there she would meet her best friend Kim Jin-ah and her son Kim Jaejoong. We used to buy Ice cream and  my mother would sit with Jin-ah at the bench, while Me the little park min-yi and little Jaejoong would play at the playground. 
One Afternoon, little Jaejoongie decided to explore the Park. I tagged along and we ended up by an old cherry blossom tree. I remember it was autumn the cherry blossom was in full bloom.
"yaah! min-yi I dare you to climb that tree with me. Last one to go up there will do what the winner tells him to" jaejoongie grinned TOTALLY.
I smiled and said "Your gonna lose!! DEAL!!"
Then we climb the tree, and expectedly I LOST :( 
"Jaejoongie, I can't jump it's too high! Im scared" I said tearily.
"No it's not" said jaejoongie.
"Just close your eyes and jump. I'll catch you"
Jaejoongie spread out his arms and smiled his toothy grinned.
The wind suddenly blew hard and I screamed so I let go, closed my eyes and jumped.
"ouch!" Jaejoongie cried.
I opened my eyes and found that I landed on Jaejoongie's tummy.
"See, that wasn't so bad" Jaejoong said and laughed.
I giggled and jaejoong asked. " why are you giggling there? " and he pouted.
"You didn't catch me, you just served as my cushion". I giggled again.
"well yeah, but someday I will catch you with my own strong hands"
I smiled and he smiled. Then we heard our mother's voices.
They never saw each other again after an incident happened.
Min-yi fished out her cellphone and dialed Shin-yi's number her only best friend in their group. The phone rang 3 times and a sweet voice answered "yaaah! Min-yisshi, where were you?" Min-yi furrowed her eyebrows and said " Where the hell was I? Where the hell were you?" 
Shin-yi giggled and said "well, I was hurrying and yeah.. I'm home hehehe" 
She glanced to her right and left and said "Oh well, You're already home.. what can I do? well see you tomorrow" 
" OK! annyeong and mianhe" Shin-yi said.
"This is gonna cost you an ice cream" then Min-yi ended the call and started walking home and then she saw her crush.
hope you like the first chapter, it's kinda boring but it will be awesome later on. hehehehe.
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aww that was so sad *cries* but jae must forget it now. i hope doesn't intend to do that
Hi. your poster & bg are ready to pick up!<br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/55701/43<;br />
Thanks for requesting from us! <3
jijiballs #3
@mariehumbly you'll see.. haha! next chapter will be post soon :) thank you so much for reading my fic :) :)
woah i like the 1st 3 chapters. i wonder what happened and jaejoong hates her