Eye's Like Heaven

A Way to Confess

Crystal's POV

When I turned my head I saw Suho.Then Jenny came running back with the first aid kit.She look so tired.I thought "Suho can you do it for her?"

Xiumin said smirking. "Sure."Suho said.Then everyone else went back to the T.V."Does it hurt?"He asked "A little...."I responded.Then he rubbed

something on my arm."This will help relieve the pain.It will sting for a couple minutes."He said OMG Its starting to sting alot!!!I thought

Suho's POV

I could see in her beautiful eye's shes in pain.Then I tucked a patch of her smooth hair behind her ear.I could smell her strawberry smell.She smells

like heaven.I cant stop fanboying over her.She's the piece that completes my puzzel.I have to confess soon before she's taken.I thought.But her

eyes are so beautiful that i cant even explain it.Her heart is so pure like a puppy.I got up and went to the freezer and saw a ice pack.I took it and

gave it to Crystal."Thank you Suho."She said with a smile.OMO I could see her dimples."You should smile 24/7 you're dimples are cute." I said

Then she blushed and I let out a little chuckle

Crystal's POV

OMFG he just called me cute.I dont really like my dimples because they remind me of my ex-boyfriend.Because he always said my dimples are

the most beautiful things he saw.I dont like my dimples because of him,he cheated on me.I was heartbroken for 3 months.But Suho said I look

cute with my dimples.So now i will like my dimples just for him.I thought.Then I blushed which made Suho chuckle.

Chanyeol's POV

*Two days later at the studio*

"I dont know how to move like that.Who chose TroubleMaker!!!"I whined "Chanyeol just move with the beat and me"Jenny said.Then Lay played

the song again.I danced with Jenny and moved with the beat.I touched her alot to make Sehun jealous and angry.I glanced at him and he gave

me a death glare and I gave him my evil happy virus grin.After the song finished Jenny said "Wow Chanyeol you did it so well." "Thanks!"I said

with a smile.

Sehun's POV

I will so kill you later Park Chanyeol."Watch you're back Mr.Park"I whispered to Chanyeol.Then he ran to Kris.Kris cant protect you happy virus.I

thought."Hey Chanyeol want to get some bubble tea with me?"I asked "N-n-o-o ask Tao."He said nervous "Why do you sound scared."I said with

a smirk."Im not scared!"He said crossing his arms."If you're not come with me."I said Then he walked over to me scared.When we were walking

on our way to the bubble tea shop Chanyeol stopped.And now he was on his knee's."I'm so sorry please dont hurt me,I'll never touch her like

that again!"Chanyeol said on the floor closing his eyes with his hands together.Then I just laughed."You're forgiven but if you ever try to pull

off stuff like that again,dont hide."I said.Then he just smiled and clinged onto my arm on our way there and back.

Crystal's POV

When we were chatting Chanyeol suggested something."Do you guys wanna play Truth or Dare?"He asked Then everyone nodded. "Okay

hyung truth or dare?"Chen asked Suho."Dare."He said Then Chen was thinking then he was smirking at Suho and I."I dare you to kiss Crystal on

the lips."He said.Then Suho and my eyes widened at Chen."Are you crazy,or are you high?"I complained to Chen."DO IT DO IT!!!"Some of the

boys chanted.Then all of a sudden I felt a pair of lips on my lips.I widened my eyes.Then I took my bag and ran to a park nearby where Jenny

and I used to go when we were kids.Then I just placed my bag down and sat on a swing.

Suho's POV

Man her lips taste like heaven.After the kiss she stood up and took her bag and ran somewhere."ARE YOU HAPPY!"I shouted at the boys.I

could tell they felt really guilty."Sorry hyung."They said "I think she went to the park where she would always go when she's either confused,

depressed and frustarated.We always went to that park when we were little."Jenny said."Thanks"I said while running to the door.I was not to far

from the park.I saw Crystal on a swing looking at the clouds.Then I sat on the swing beside her."I'm sorry Crystal."I said.Then she look at me.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked "For kissing you isnt that the reason you came here?" I asked "Oh yeah well you're forgiven,it's just that when

you kissed me I thought about my ex and I was just confused why he popped into my head so that's why I came here."She said Then she looked

back at the clouds.And I saw her beautiful eyes again.She looked really sad for some reason.

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CinaLee #1
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Suhanah #2
Chapter 17: But continue though. Wanna see about Ailee.
Suhanah #3
Chapter 17: Why r u making Ailee such an evil... i bet Ailee can sing better than this girl.... this girl even a bully to her. I wish u make a senario about Ailee singing Heavenly... in front of everyone. then actually ailee got one sickness and blah blah blah. Well.. thats my way of doing it...
weareangels #4
Chapter 17: I love Suho too!^_^ I'd be so happy to see him with someone special to make his life better!
exotics_aileean #5
Chapter 15: Woohoo~~ Sweet moment of Luhan~ :3
Chapter 10: Weeee! Update authornim!
7tofu7 #7
Chapter 7: I Luv it
LOVE IT! Thanks for the me and sehun thingy <3 I love youuuuuuu! :) <3
khmerlaosprincess #9
Chapter 6: Opps I mean I'm falling over heels for this story update soon lol