Trouble,New couple

A Way to Confess

Taeyeon's POV

*Monday in class*

"Good morning."Mrs.Kim said cheerfully "Good morning"Everyone said "Hey do the dare"Tao said when he walked pass me OH GOD what if I get expelled?!?

I thought "I gave everyone homework im going to walk around to check if you did it okay."Mrs.Kim said than started walking around but stopped at me.

"Where's your homework?"She asked "In the trash where it belongs"I said IM IN TROUBLE I thought than everyone oohhhed "E-exuse me?"Mrs.Kim

said angryly "I have better stuff to do than your garbage."I said "You know what if my work is garbage to you how about you stay after school and clean this

room and the gum under the desk,and how about you make a little trip to the office."Mrs.Kim said smirking "B-but"I whispered "Mrs.Kim she didnt mean it,it

was a dare Taeyeon show her your homework."Luhan said and I showed her my homework "Oh well Taeyeon never play those games again but you still have

to stay after school,who told you that dare?"Mrs.Kim asked as EXO,Jenny,Crystal and I pointed at Tao which made everyone laugh. "Okay Zitao you will

help Taeyeon and clean the gym by yourself."Mrs.Kim said "Not fair."Tao said and slid down in his chair and pouted "Okay back to the lesson"Mrs.Kim said

as I glared at Tao

Crystal's POV


"GREAT JOB TAO NOW I HAVE TO STAY AFTER SCHOOL BECAUSE OF YOU!"Taeyeon shouted at Tao while she slammed her tray on the table which

made everyone look at us weirdly."Im sorry okay ill clean and you can watch okay?"Tao said asking for her forgiveness "Fine"Taeyeon said "So what are

you guys..."Kyungsoo started talking as I was thinking and couldnt hear the rest of the conversation. What is Ailee planning ,why does she want to fight

me,she knows im way stronger,is she planning on going to the hospital or what???I thought "Hey Crystal you okay you seem to be out of it?"Chanyeol

asked "Yeah im fine just thinking about stuff."I said "So we made a new song its called Overdose,the tickets we gave you we are going to perform all of our

new songs but in one song Suho has to do a duet with a girl,and our manager said to choose a girl we know whos good at singing."Kai said grinning "So

whos that lucky girl?"Jenny asked "Well we dont know yet we are either going to ask other artist from sm or ask one of you."Kris said smirking "Hold up

whats with you guys grinning and smirking about this???"Taeyeon asked "Yeah whats with it??"I asked "Well maybe Suho can ask his love."Chen said

Oh yeah Suho loves someone and that someone isnt me.I thought sadly "Yahhh stop who said I AM going to do the duet Luhan can do it."Suho said "Then

who's gonna do it with Luhan"Sehun asked "How about Taeyeon they make a cute couple just look at them."Lay said while everyone looked back and forth

at Luhan at Taeyeon "Yeah they do."Some of them said causing Taeyeon to blush madly "AIGOOO Taeyeons blushing~"I sang making her blush even more

"Hey look Luhan is blushing too~"Xiumin sang as well as Luhan and Taeyeon burried their faces into their hands "Umm got to go bye."Taeyeon said and ran

out."Hey Luhan run after her."Sehun said and then Luhan ran after her.

Taeyeon's POV

I ran to the park at the back of the school and sat on the swing.Then I felt a presence beside me and looked over to see who it was."Hey."Luhan said

softly."Hi what are you doing here."I asked "Taeyeon I want to tell you something."Luhan said "Yeah sure tell me."I said then he got up walked infront of me

"Taeyeon ever since you came here I couldnt stop thinking about you,your smile,laugh,and personality makes my heart flutter.When I spent time with you,

you taught me what love is,will you be my girlfriend?"Luhan said softly looking into my eyes holding a rose. "Yes"I whispered than he lifted me hugging me

to death as he set me on the floor he gave me a soft tender kiss."You just stole my first kiss,and stole the place for my 1st boyfriend"I mumbled "Same

goes for me."Luhan said then we heard cheers,and whistles.We turned and saw EXO,Jenny and Crystal.

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CinaLee #1
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Suhanah #2
Chapter 17: But continue though. Wanna see about Ailee.
Suhanah #3
Chapter 17: Why r u making Ailee such an evil... i bet Ailee can sing better than this girl.... this girl even a bully to her. I wish u make a senario about Ailee singing Heavenly... in front of everyone. then actually ailee got one sickness and blah blah blah. Well.. thats my way of doing it...
weareangels #4
Chapter 17: I love Suho too!^_^ I'd be so happy to see him with someone special to make his life better!
exotics_aileean #5
Chapter 15: Woohoo~~ Sweet moment of Luhan~ :3
Chapter 10: Weeee! Update authornim!
7tofu7 #7
Chapter 7: I Luv it
LOVE IT! Thanks for the me and sehun thingy <3 I love youuuuuuu! :) <3
khmerlaosprincess #9
Chapter 6: Opps I mean I'm falling over heels for this story update soon lol