Revenge,Lotte World

A Way to Confess

Ailee's POV

"Holy cow how much does it hurt?"Naeun asked "What do you think!"I said annoyed "THERES NOTHING TO SEE HERE GO BACK TO EATING!"Namjoo shouted to

everyone in the court."She derserved getting beat up" "That other girl who beat her up rocks" "Yeah she's pretty that girl isnt."I heard people say "Girls im going home ill

talk to you later."I said and called my driver.Oh just you wait Lee Crystal I will learn how to fight and embarrass you infront of the whole school actually scratch that I will

embarrass you infront of Korea.I thought smirking

*At Ailee's home*


*5 minutes later*

"Oh my god what happened to your face"My mom asked checking my face "Well the new girl at school beat me up because I was bullying her."I said scoffing "Go on"

my dad said "I want you to hire the best fighting teacher in the world and on Sunday I want to be a pro at fighting so at school I will challenge her and put the fight live

so the whole of Korea can watch me beat her so I can embarrass her bad."I said grinning "Okay what type of skill do you want to know?"My dad asked "Wait!"My mom

said "What?"My dad asked "Your actually agreeing into your daughter embarrassing another girl in front of Korea,what if she is a pro too then Ailee might get

embarrassed!!!!"My mom said angry and scared "Dont worry dad's gonna hire a pro and I promise you she's weak."I said "Okay."My mom said giving up.Crystal get

ready for hell.I thought evily

Crystal's POV


*Couple minutes later*

"Okay since tommorow you guys will be going home we should do something together."I said "Do you guys want to go anywhere?"Jenny asked "LOTTE WORLD!"

Sehun shouted "Okay Lotte World it is."I said smiling "Wait wanna invite Taeyeon?"Jenny asked me "Y-"I got cut off by some of the boys. "YES!"Kai,Chanyeol,Lay,

Chen,Xiumin and Kris shouted Which made Jenny and I giggle I noticed Luhan blushing Hmmmm what is causing Luhan to blush I thought "Okay ill call her and ask."I

said and got up to talk to her somewhere else.

*Phone convo*
"Hey Taeyeon its Crystal"

"Oh hi wassup"

"Well Jenny,EXO and I will be going to Lotte World and we're wondering if you wanna come?"

"Sure ill meet you guys at the park near Lotte World."

"YAY,btw since EXO is an idol group they'll be wearing a disguise,so if you see us with 12 men you dont know its the boys okay?"

"Okay,so what time?"

"Since its 2 pm well meet up at 3"

"Okay bye see you later."

"Bye"I said

*At the living room*

Okay shes coming since you boys are famous youll be wearing disguise's and we'll meet Taeyeon at the park near Lotte World at 3 pm,got it?"I said

"YES MAM!"They said and I laughed.

*At the park*

"HEY TAEYEON OVER HERE!"Chanyeol shouted "Oh hi guys."Taeyeon said with a smile.

Luhan's POV

GOD DAM her smile.I thought melting from her smile. "We should split into groups."I suggested "Yeah great idea Luhan."Taeyeon said OMG she likes my idea and

and......SHE KNOWS MY NAME!!!! FANBOY MOMENT!!!GOD XI LUHAN SNAP OUT OF IT! I thought "Yeah how many people in each group?"Kris said smirking

"Since we have 15 people present we'll have 5 groups of 3."Crystal said "Wow your so smart."Sehun said "Well thats the result of studying and paying attention in

class."Crystal said with a wink which made everyone laugh and make Sehun pout. "Aish i'll treat you to bubble tea later okay??"Crystal said pinching Sehun's cheek

"YAY BUBBLE TEA"Sehun shouted running around everyone causing us to laugh.


"Okay here are the groups."Kris said then said the groups

"Suho,Kyungsoo and Crystal, Kai,Xiumin  and Tao,  Lay,Luhan and Taeyeon, Baekhyun,Chanyeol and Chen, Sehun,Jenny and me."Kris said while everyone went

to their groups of 3."Okay at 6 we'll meet back here and if anyone gets lost make sure you call any of us okay?"Kris said "OKAY"Everyone said and ran off with

their groups.

Suho,Kyungsoo and Crystal's POV

"So what do you guys wanna do?"Crystal asked "How about we ride a couple rollarcosters then play some arcade games then eat and when we finish eating it'll

might me 6 pm."Kyungsoo said "Okay so thats what were going to do,do you agree too Suho?"Crystal asked Suho "Yeah great idea Kyungsoo"Suho said Then

Crystal walked ahead of Suho and Kyungsoo.

*Suho and Kyungsoo's convo*(Their whispering to each other)

"So when are you gonna confess?'


"Why not today?"

"Because we dont know each other well,I want to get to know her."

"Okay but you better hurry shes pretty,boys might take her before you know it."

"Hey did you just call her pretty."

"No of course not shes ugly like hell"Kyungsoo whispered in a sarcastic voice.

Then they both laughed which caused Crystal to turn around. "Whats so funny?" "Nothing"They said at the same time and they all laughed.

Crystal's POV

"Guys im going to go to the washroom wait for me here."I said then walked to the washroom. When I came out someone pinned me to the wall.My eyes widened when I

saw his face. "D-daehyun"I stuttered scared "I missed you"Daehyun said in a husky voice "GET AWAY FROM-"Daehyun put his hand on my mouth.I bit his hand "Your

going to regret that."Daehyun said and walked up to me. "HELP"I SCREAMED Then Daehyun kissed me roughly and bit my lip making it bleed.

Suho's POV

"Hey that sounded like Crystal."I said paniking "Yeah come on lets go search the alleys near the washroom."Kyungsoo said

*2 minutes later*

I saw someone pinning her against the wall and kissing her roughly.I ran up to the guy and punched him then Kyungsoo pinned him down and I went to Crystal.She

looked up and I saw tears in her eyes."Are you okay?"I asked and hugged her She started to cry on my shoulder."Shhh its gonna be alright."I said and looked into her

eyes while wiping her tears away and hugged her again.

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CinaLee #1
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Suhanah #2
Chapter 17: But continue though. Wanna see about Ailee.
Suhanah #3
Chapter 17: Why r u making Ailee such an evil... i bet Ailee can sing better than this girl.... this girl even a bully to her. I wish u make a senario about Ailee singing Heavenly... in front of everyone. then actually ailee got one sickness and blah blah blah. Well.. thats my way of doing it...
weareangels #4
Chapter 17: I love Suho too!^_^ I'd be so happy to see him with someone special to make his life better!
exotics_aileean #5
Chapter 15: Woohoo~~ Sweet moment of Luhan~ :3
Chapter 10: Weeee! Update authornim!
7tofu7 #7
Chapter 7: I Luv it
LOVE IT! Thanks for the me and sehun thingy <3 I love youuuuuuu! :) <3
khmerlaosprincess #9
Chapter 6: Opps I mean I'm falling over heels for this story update soon lol