Talent Show,Mrs.Jung

A Way to Confess

Crystal's POV

*One month later*

"Okay class I hope you all practiced well remember at 5 pm after school we have a talent show."Mrs.Kim said Yay im so excited!!!I thought "So ill let you guys

practice,who wants to go practice first?"Mrs.Kim asked than everyones hands went up. "Okay how about Jenny and Crystal."Mrs.Kim said "Okay"We said

then walked to the stage. "Okay umm how about we dance and than you can sing alone I dont want to sing anymore."Jenny said "Oh okay but im going to

do a different song."I said

*5 pm*

"Okay next we have Crystal and Jenny dancing."The MC said as we got into our postitions "Fighting"We both whispered


After we finished everyone stood up and clapped as we walked off stage."Wow you guys are amazing"Kai said "Yeah we have to admitt that was

awsome."Chen said "Thanks"Jenny and I said "Wow that was great well next EXO will be performing."The MC said as loud cheering fangirls started when

EXO got into their postitons.


Wow that was awsome I love that song.I thought "Wow"Jenny said "Crystal are you ready to sing"Jenny asked "Yeah I am"I said before EXO went off.

"How were we?"Lay asked "Awsomely awsome."Jenny said "Im speechless"I said "Hehe thanks"Chanyeol said "Okay next we have Crystal again"The MC

said which made everyone laugh including me.As I got on stage I was nervous but I sat on the piano stool and started.


Suho's POV

Wow shes amazing.I thought when she finished "Wow hyung isnt she amazing?"Baekhyun asked "Yeah"I said than everyone started clapping and whistling.

When Crystal got off stage everyone gave her a huge hug."You were great"Jenny said "I know I was"She said which made everyone laugh."Hey guys isnt

that Lee Soo Man?"I asked as I saw someone coming towards us."Hi Crystal im Lee Soo Man can I speak to you alone for a moment?"He said "Yeah

sure"She said

Crystal's POV

"So im in charge of SM ent and I would like you to audition for SM ent,your the whole package you can dance and sing and your pretty."He said "Im not

really sure."I said "Please think about it."He said "I will."I said "If you change your mind heres my card"He said and gave me his card "Thank you."I said

"No problem got to go bye."He said with a fatherly smile than walked off. "Wow he's like me dad."I mumbled "So what he say?"Taeyeon asked

"He wants me to join SM ent."I said "REALLY??"Jenny asked "Yeah"I said "You should go and maybe we could watch you train."Kris said "Im going

to think about it."I said "Lee Crystal please come to the office,Lee Crystal please come to the office."The announcer said "Ummm see you guys later."I said

"What did you do?"Jenny asked "I dont know."I said "Okay see you later bye."Taeyeon said "Yeah bye."I said

*Principal's Office*
"Take a seat."Mrs.Jung said "So why'd you call me down?"I asked "Well your an amazing singer and your the smartest in your class, I dont think you need

to go to class, can you help the teachers out in events, and sing in the events and since your pretty smart I could give you university work and if you pass

you have my permission to skip classes and help the school will you do it?"Mrs.Jung asked "Yeah sure but can I see and try the work first?"I asked "Sure I

may even recommend you to Seoul University or other big universitys."Mrs.Jung said "Thank you"I said as I took the work and bowed

*At home*

"IM HOME" I shouted "Welcome home sweetie did you miss us."My mom said "Of course umm mom and dad my principal said im pretty smart and let me skip

classes and she'll give me university work if I pass she'll recommend me and when im out of class ill be helping the staff with stuff like events and ill be

singing at the events are you guys okay with it?"I asked "Of course if you pass we will support every step of the way sweetie."My dad said

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CinaLee #1
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Suhanah #2
Chapter 17: But continue though. Wanna see about Ailee.
Suhanah #3
Chapter 17: Why r u making Ailee such an evil... i bet Ailee can sing better than this girl.... this girl even a bully to her. I wish u make a senario about Ailee singing Heavenly... in front of everyone. then actually ailee got one sickness and blah blah blah. Well.. thats my way of doing it...
weareangels #4
Chapter 17: I love Suho too!^_^ I'd be so happy to see him with someone special to make his life better!
exotics_aileean #5
Chapter 15: Woohoo~~ Sweet moment of Luhan~ :3
Chapter 10: Weeee! Update authornim!
7tofu7 #7
Chapter 7: I Luv it
LOVE IT! Thanks for the me and sehun thingy <3 I love youuuuuuu! :) <3
khmerlaosprincess #9
Chapter 6: Opps I mean I'm falling over heels for this story update soon lol