Han River

A Way to Confess

Crystal's POV

"Come on let's not keep our relationship a secret we've been dating for 3 years."Ailee said Then everyone gasped

except the boys,Jenny and I.Then the teacher came in."Everyone take your seats."Mrs.Kim said I am on the verge

of crying so badly right now.Then I raised my hand."Yes what do you need Crystal?"Mrs.Kim asked "Im not feeling

to good may I please be dismissed until lunch?"I whispered "Sure just make sure you'll be back on time."Mrs.Kim

said "Thank you."I said grabbing my things Then Jenny whispered something to me."Where are you going,are you

 okay?" "I just need a break I'm gonna go to Han River and relax."I whispered to Jenny with a smile then walked out.

Aissshhh I need a boyfriend.I thought

Suho's POV

Ugggh Ailee is going to pay for what she has done.I thought but was interrupted by Crystal leaving."Hyung do you

think she's okay?"Sehun whispered "How am I supposed to know we'll find out later okay?"I said Then he nodded

like a puppy.

Crystal's POV

*Han River*

Why does bad things happen to me.I thought while tears were running down my cheek nonstop."Nice to see you

again." A voice said I heard that voice before.Then I turned around and saw my ex,Daehyun."What do you want?!?"

I asked coldly "I miss my girlfriend."Daehyun said "Im not your girlfriend anymore."I said giving him a death glare.

"Ouch but you know I still love you."He said trying to make me fall for him again. "Stop the act its stupid.You don't

love me and I don't love you."I said as a tear of anger slipped out of the corner of my eye."I love you."He said

walking close."STOP Im not the same girl you used to know.I hate you."I said

Daehyun's POV

I really do still love her.I thought "STOP Im not the same girl you used to know.I hate you"She said Just those three

words my heart is tearing apart.Then she walked away.I fell onto the cold ground on my knees."I will win your heart

again."I whispered to myself I never meant to do it with that girl I was drunk.I thought as tears slipped nonstop.

Crystal's POV

I walked off to make it look like I don't care once I was far away I started to run.But I tripped over a rock and

scraped my knee.Now blood was running down my knee.Why why why just why me.I thought

*At the gates of SM high(lunch time)*

I was walking around the school.I saw a music room so I went in.I saw a piano."Hmmmm perfect"I whispered

Then I started playing the piano then began singing.I was so into the music I never noticed that EXO and Jenny

was watching.

Jenny's POV

I was with EXO but saw Crystal in a music room.So I told the boys to follow me quietly.Wow she's really good I bet

100% she'll make it into SM ent.I thought.OMG why is her leg bleeding!!!!????I thought

Kyungsoo's POV

Dam she's good.I thought I was watching her carefully but then notice her leg was bleeding.Why is she bleeding?I

thought.Then she finished and got up and her eyes widened when she saw us.I noticed her eyes were puffy and her

cheeks were wet.

Crystal's POV

I was finished I stood up and saw EXO and Jenny so I turned back around and wiped my face fast.And then turned

back around and they started clapping.Then I smiled."Do you guys like me singing?"I asked EXO with a smile

trying to avoid eye contact with Suho."You were awsome and were you crying?"Sehun asked "Thanks and no."I said giving him a bright fake smile.But I

noticed that Jenny wasnt buying my act."Ummmm boys can Crystal and I 

have some alone time we'll meet you guys at the cafeteria."Jenny said,

all the boys nodded and left."I was at Han River and he was there."I said to 

Jenny "What did he do this time?"Jenny asked worried "H-he said he still

loves me."I started to cry."Dont believe him he just wants to play with you."

Jenny said "Im scared."I said to Jenny Im really scared, I feel like im living in

hell.I thought "Oh and about Ailee and Suho forget about your crush ill set 

you up on a blindfold date okay?"Jenny whispered Then I hit her playfully

"YAHHH"I whined "Okay okay geez calm down but im still going to find 

someone for you. "Jenny said Then I rolled my eyes at her. What you both 

didnt know someone was outside hearing your little chat.

Kyungsoo's POV

So she cried because of a guy. It must be her ex since she said he still loves

her. I thought


I walked over to where EXO was."So why was she crying?"Kai asked

Kyungsoo "Apparently she went to Han River and met her ex and he said he

still loves her.And Jenny said something about setting her up on a blindfold 

date."I said "Ohhhhh hyung has competition."Tao said "Well im going

to ask about this blindfold date and volunteer to be the lucky man."Suho said

proudly. "Wait why was she bleeding?"Xiumin asked I shrugged. Honestly I 

think it has to do something with her ex. I thought






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CinaLee #1
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Suhanah #2
Chapter 17: But continue though. Wanna see about Ailee.
Suhanah #3
Chapter 17: Why r u making Ailee such an evil... i bet Ailee can sing better than this girl.... this girl even a bully to her. I wish u make a senario about Ailee singing Heavenly... in front of everyone. then actually ailee got one sickness and blah blah blah. Well.. thats my way of doing it...
weareangels #4
Chapter 17: I love Suho too!^_^ I'd be so happy to see him with someone special to make his life better!
exotics_aileean #5
Chapter 15: Woohoo~~ Sweet moment of Luhan~ :3
Chapter 10: Weeee! Update authornim!
7tofu7 #7
Chapter 7: I Luv it
LOVE IT! Thanks for the me and sehun thingy <3 I love youuuuuuu! :) <3
khmerlaosprincess #9
Chapter 6: Opps I mean I'm falling over heels for this story update soon lol