New Students,New friend

A Way to Confess

Crystal's POV

Today I'm gonna act happy and bright!!!I thought 

I walked downstairs and heard the boys chatting."Good Morning everybody!"I said in happy voice "Why are you so

happy today??"Sehun asked raising his left eyebrow "I just am."I stated with a fake smile I was glancing at 

everybody.But then I stopped at Suho he was staring at me in the eyes.We stared for a couple seconds then I 

look away."Well Jenny and I are going to be walking to school and we'll meet you there."I said and grabbed 

Jenny's arm and ran out. "What the hell why'd you do that for?!?!"Jenny said in a whining tone. "Ummm~"I

said "Just spit it out!"Jenny said annoyed "Well when and how should I confess to him?"I said fiddling with my 


Jenny's POV

My gaze softened when I heard what she said. "I don't know."I mumbled "Do you like anyone?"Crystal asked 

out of the blue. "Yes."I said nervously "Really???"She asked me wide eyed "Yeah"I chuckled and scratched my 

head. "WHO TELL ME IM YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!"Crystal begged "Okay it's Suho your crush sorry."I whispered

jokingly. "Wh-a-t" Crystal stuttered backing away from me "Hey I'm just joking you should of seen the look on 

face."I laughed "Thats not funny now who!"Crystal said stepping infront of me with her hands on her hips.

Crystal's POV

"Okay okay it's Sehun,Oh Sehun Suho's friend."She whispered "REALLY!!!"I said exited "Yup"She nodded 

"Hmmm what should your couple name be?"I asked Senny Jehun,JEHUN I thought "Jehun for ever~"I sang

"What's that stand for?"Jenny asked "Well Jehun is your couple name,J-E stands for Jenny and H-U-N stands for

your prince."I said smirking "I like it."Jenny winked at me Then we laughed our way to school.

*In class*

"Class we have new students,come in" A girl and a boy came in. My eyes widened when I figured out who he 

was,Daehyun."Hey Crystal you okay your shaking"Jenny whispered "He's here look"I said scared Then Jenny 

widened her eye."What the hell is he doing here."She said gritted through her teeth "Okay please introduce 

yourselfs."Mrs.Kim said "Annyeounghaseyo Taeyeon imnida,please treat me well."Taeyeon I guess said 

"Annyeounghaseyo Daehyun imnida,I came here for someone special."Daehyun said keeping his daze on me.

A tears slipped out of my eyes and I quickly wiped it away."Okay well Taeyeon sit with Crystal and Jenny,raise 

your hands girls."Mrs.Kim said and we raised our hands. "Annyeounghaseyo Crystal and Jenny I hope we can be

friends."Taeyeon said smiling I could tell she is a really nice. "Of course."Jenny said "Hey Crystal you okay you

seem gloomy."Taeyeon asked "Can I trust you?"I asked "Of course ill tell you my secrets too"Taeyeon said holding 

my hand "Okay ill tell you at lunch"I whispered "Okay Daehyun sit beside Kyungsoo and Kai,boys raise your hands

up."Mrs.Kim said Then Kyungsoo and Kai raised their hands up.


"Lets go to the rooftop."Jenny suggested "Yeah let's go"Taeyeon and I said at the same time.All of us laughed

"Okay umm so do you know Daehyun?"I asked "No I came from a different school."Taeyeon said "Okay well we 

were a couple."I said looking down "What do you mean by were?"Taeyeon said "Well they broke up and last time

he told her he still loves her but she's scared to go back to him."Jenny explained Then in a matter of seconds

Taeyeon hugged me. "It's going to be okay."Taeyeon said patting my back like a mother "When's your birthday?"

I asked "September 6"She replied My eyes widened "What"She said "Well when you hugged my I felt like you 

were my mom and like your younger then us too you look kinda older."I said


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CinaLee #1
Chapter 19: UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Suhanah #2
Chapter 17: But continue though. Wanna see about Ailee.
Suhanah #3
Chapter 17: Why r u making Ailee such an evil... i bet Ailee can sing better than this girl.... this girl even a bully to her. I wish u make a senario about Ailee singing Heavenly... in front of everyone. then actually ailee got one sickness and blah blah blah. Well.. thats my way of doing it...
weareangels #4
Chapter 17: I love Suho too!^_^ I'd be so happy to see him with someone special to make his life better!
exotics_aileean #5
Chapter 15: Woohoo~~ Sweet moment of Luhan~ :3
Chapter 10: Weeee! Update authornim!
7tofu7 #7
Chapter 7: I Luv it
LOVE IT! Thanks for the me and sehun thingy <3 I love youuuuuuu! :) <3
khmerlaosprincess #9
Chapter 6: Opps I mean I'm falling over heels for this story update soon lol