Chapter 6 - Never Trust Him

Opposites Attract

**Taeyeon POV**


Uhh. My head hurts. Darn it.


I rubbed my eyes. I didn't know what just happened to me. I was just walking back home when I felt dizzy then all of a sudden I out!

I sat up, then scanned the room I'm in.


Taeyeon: Where am I?- I said silently.


It's a very big room. I feel like a princess here, well, a geeky princess that is. I scanned the room again with awe. 

I layed back down again and touched my forehead. I was burning. Am I sick? I feel like I do. What am I supposed to do now? Jessica might get worried.


I suddenly heard the door open. Someone walked in carefully, thinking maybe I'm still fast asleep. I then pretended to sleep and closed my eyes.

He or she touched my forehead. I was curious. That person spoke.


???: Stop pretending to be asleep. I know your awake.

Wait, I know that irritating voice. It's..

Taeyeon: Donghae?- I opened my eyes and was met with smirk on that guys face.

Donghae: Nae.- He looked at me in the eye.

Taeyeon: Ahh. Where am I?- I avoided his gaze.

Donghae: You're in my mansion. I brought you here, cause you fainted about 4 hours ago.

Oh, I fainted tha—wait, in his mansion?! I've been here for 4 hours?!!! Omo!!


I saw him grin. Ugh. What now? I bet Jessica is really worried now. What to do? What to do? Aish!


Donghae: Stop panicking little girl. I called your friend and told her you'll be staying over here, cause of a project you need to do. So will you put that panick face off your ugly face now?

At first, I thought it was sweet of him to do that, but then he had to bring up an insult.

Taeyeon: Why thank you for the wonderful compliment!- I replied with sarcasm.

Donghae: You're welcome.- He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, but I admit he's kinda cute when he smiles.

Taeyeon: Whatever.- I rolled my eyes.

Donghae: Now that your definetly okay. You hungry or something?- He asked me in a polite manner.

I was going to say 'yes', but something struck me. Why is he being polite all of a sudden? Is this a dream or something? I'll have to ask him that.


Taeyeon: Well, I am a bit hungry. But wait, why are you being so polite to me? Am I sick or is it you who's sick?

He grinned and looked at me in the eye again. His brown eyes just trying to the life outta me.

Donghae: Is it wrong to be polite?

Taeyeon: Not really.- I looked away.

Donghae: So I guess there's nothing wrong with trying to be polite to you.- He stood up.

I stared at him, wondering what he's planning to do. He stretched out his hand to me.

Donghae: You're hungry right? I had dinner set up. Come eat with me.- He smiled.

I took his hand without a thought and he helped me get out from bed.


It's so sweet of him to be this way, but I gotta be careful. He might be planning something bad on me. You can never trust anyone, especially if that person's name is Lee Donghae.

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Updated Opposites Attract Chapter 9! -CrazyWriter17


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Chapter 9: Please Update . I love your story!
Foreverpinksonegg #2
Chapter 9: Update soon
nouel114 #3
Chapter 9: Please update soon :)
sea0horse #4
Chapter 9: update soon~
Chapter 9: This is really cute! Please update <3
Chapter 9: update soon please
Chapter 9: oooooooooooh, date~
Taehae97 #8
Chapter 9: Omg your back :) missed your updates Xl keep the good work up :)
Chapter 9: Update soon(: