Chapter 5

The Royals

After running around finding the new rides and waiting to ride them Mark started getting a little tired, but Minjoo was happily running around trying to find the next ride to ride. Of course Mark didn't complain a single bit because all he wanted was to see Minjoo happy. I don't know why.. But Minjoo has this thing. This thing that makes me want to see her, this thing that makes me want to be with her all the time.. Sh-..


"YA what was that for?" Mark turned and looked at Minjoo

"I've been talking to you for the last 5 minutes but you were in your own world! What were you thinking of?"

Just then Minjoo's stomache let out a loud rumble

"Oh.. Uh.. Right, I was just wondering when we were going to eat.. I'm starting to get hungry!" I was actually thinking about you.

"OKAY let's go then! I'm soooo hungry right now I could eat a building!!"

Minjoo and Mark walked and sat down at the new restaurant around the area, and ordered 4 plates of food.

"Minjoo.. Were you really that hungry?"

Minjoo nodded at Mark, her eyes were glowing. She's so cute, especially with those eyes of hers.. She looked like a puppy! Just then the food arrived and they began to dig in. While they were eating Mark felt that someone was watching them, but he just thought it might be some of the commoners in the restaurant so he shook the feeling off. 

As Minjoo was eating, there was this weird feeling she had.. That something was off. She looked up at Mark, seeing him watching her then quickly going back to his food, Minjoo giggled. He's so cute, he looks like he just got caught doing something wrong! I don't know why I've never noticed but.. Mark matured so much over the past few years.. I mean sure I knew, but I never really looked at him. Now with his red hair, and his eyes he looked.. Attractive...? Wait what. Why am I thinking of this?? Minjoo shook her head. 

At that time the waitress came and put down a drink with a piece of tissue next to it.

"Someone wanted to give you guys this drink."

Minjoo thanked him, looked at Mark. Mark gave her a shrug. Minjoo reached out for the cup.. When she touched it she shuddered. It felt cold. Not a cold cup kind of cold, but there was something more to it. Something dark.. Being Royals they had enhanced senses, they could hear better, move faster and see better. 

"..? What's wrong?" Mark asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I.. I don't know. It's weird that cup, it's not normal.. There's this weird coldness coming out of it. It's like.."

Just then the little black words on the tissue paper caught Minjoo's eyes. She grabbed it, it had the same cold feeling, and smoothed it out in front of her.

It's been a while. The world of Royals is coming to an end. I'm going to put an end to this, and when that time comes I want you to join my side. Bring your friends if you wish. But it is you that I want. 

I'll see you soon.

Double-update today! 

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 35: Update pleasee
LynTheRetard #2
Chapter 35: Will you be updating soon? please update! its really interesting :)
xdebbytje #3
Chapter 35: update please!!
XxmarkxiuminxX #4
Chapter 34: YAYY she accepted!!!
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 33: Oh..u hv to update nx chap soon..i want to know if she accpet it or not..
lovelyka #6
DirtyWea #7
Chapter 31: Pls, update soon! I'm still waiting *-*
kissmelover123 #8
Chapter 31: Omg please update i wanna know what happens next !!!!!!!!!!

Kpop4ever91 #9
Chapter 31: yay he is back but how will he help he help her please do something =-(
DirtyWea #10
Wowww! Mark is back babe!
Please update soon!! <3