Chapter 33

The Royals

Minjoo's uncle looked at her, he saw her covered in blood all over. He knew he had to keep Minjoo alive, so he scanned the group to find someone suitable to bring her to the lake. I could send a werewolf or a vampire but with her skills it would be likely that she kills them. I need to send a Royal, she wouldn't kill any of them. Jackson? No. He's not under my spell, there is a chance that they would run off together. Jr.? He's a good candidate. Mark? He was once her best friend, I think sending Mark while he's still under my spell will make her see the power I have, and possibly make her join me, fully.

"Mark, go with her. Make sure she doesn't do anything but clean her wounds and drink water." He ordered.

Mark looked at Minjoo's uncle and nodded. Mark walked in front of Minjoo and signalled her to move in the direction of the lake. He tried his best to act like he was still under Minjoo's uncle's spell, and it worked. Minjoo looked at Mark and looked towards the way to the lake, she began walking slowly but stumbled. Mark looked at her, he showed no emotion at all and didn't move an inch, and pointed at the path to the lake. Minjoo must think I'm a horrible person.. But I can't risk getting caught by her uncle. If anything, this is actually helping her. Minjoo understood the situation, she slowly got up and began walking towards the lake. After a while of walking Minjoo looked back and saw that they were so far from her uncle she could only see them as small dots. Minjoo bit her lip. 

"Mark..?" She asked carefully. She wasn't completely sure that Mark was back to her usual self but she knew she had to try.

"Minjoo, it's me. The real me. I'm so sorry for everything I've done, I really didn't mean to hurt you.. I was under.." 

"It's okay Mark, I know. It's okay, as long as you're back." Minjoo turned to Mark and gave him a big hug. 

Mark looked at Minjoo and smiled. It's finally back to normal. Should I propose my idea to Minjoo? But this is a lifetime commitment, what if she regrets when this all over? I don't want her to regret anything. I don't want to force her into anything. He had the idea that he could mark them, bond them together so they could work together, be more in sync, and best of all communicating with each other without actually talking. Mark was staring at Minjoo while he had his internal debates, and she knew he was thinking about something.

"Mark, just ask me." 

"Minjoo.. How?" Mark was slightly startled

"I'm your best friend remember?" Best friend. How am I supposed to even suggest this when all she thinks of me is a 'best friend'? 

"I... I have a solution.. Or I guess just an idea that could help us gain more time... But I don't know if this will work." 

"What's your idea?" 

"Well.. As you know when two people gets marked, they are in sync, they can communicate with each other without even speaking, and they could share the energy. I was thinking.. Maybe if we got marked we could benefit from it and possible defeat your uncle. We could plan something even with him being right in front of us." Minjoo looked at Mark, and stayed silent. 

"I know this is a crazy suggestion. And if we are marked we would be marked for life and there is no turning back. I'll understand if you reject this idea. This is not the only way to save the Royals, so don't be pressured by it. I don't want you to reject your decision in the future." Minjoo continued looking at Mark but didn't speak a single word. That's it, I did it. I screwed up.. I shouldn't have even suggested the idea. 

I know this is not the best chapter, but I wanted some Minjoo and Mark interaction :) 

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Seventeen_Minghao #1
Chapter 35: Update pleasee
LynTheRetard #2
Chapter 35: Will you be updating soon? please update! its really interesting :)
xdebbytje #3
Chapter 35: update please!!
XxmarkxiuminxX #4
Chapter 34: YAYY she accepted!!!
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 33: Oh..u hv to update nx chap soon..i want to know if she accpet it or not..
lovelyka #6
DirtyWea #7
Chapter 31: Pls, update soon! I'm still waiting *-*
kissmelover123 #8
Chapter 31: Omg please update i wanna know what happens next !!!!!!!!!!

Kpop4ever91 #9
Chapter 31: yay he is back but how will he help he help her please do something =-(
DirtyWea #10
Wowww! Mark is back babe!
Please update soon!! <3