Summer (Part 3)

First Day of Summer

A/N: so as i said, shorter chapters mean faster updates hehe. I have nearly finished the whole thing but i just need to end the last part and im kinda at a loss at how to conclude so i'll finish it up by monday :) expect another update soon hehe but for now, enjoy. Btw, I've changed the setting from Korea to Cali n Jessica would b leaving for Seoul instead of sf.



“Come on, Els! Come on, come on, comeon comeon! The sea’s calling for us so let’s get going!” Anna whined and heaved a big dramatic sigh as her attempt to pull her unyielding Elsa into the ocean waters failed.

“No, Anna. I don’t want to swim.” Remaining frozen with her feet rooted in the hot summer sand, Elsa shook her head stubbornly. Usually she wouldn’t act this hardheaded, especially with Anna who always gets her way with her girlfriend. But that day she wasn’t feeling the most energetic with the sun burning down upon their heads and the big waves crashing against the shoreline repeatedly as if threatening to swallow the frail girl alive if she even put a foot into the water.

“But we’re at the beach; you have to! You have to feel the sun, embrace the wind, sink into the sand, and let the waves free you! So come on, let’s get into the water!” Anna, as usual, was relentless. She now tugged on the big baggy T-shirt that Elsa had worn over her skimpy swimsuit that Anna had bought her, pouting as she tried to persuade the older girl with her puppy eyes.

“No, I don’t want to get tanned! And the waves are scary! And the people!” Elsa sidestepped to avoid the pulling and Anna’s very persuasive cute look, and shielded her eyes from the bright sun’s rays. She looked around the almost empty beach, nervously at the other occupants minding their own businesses.

“Come on Els! As much control as you have over solid ice, I have over liquid water. Trust me! I won’t let the waves take you away from me. And it’ll be fun to lose some control some times. Not that I don’t think you’re y when you go all control-ly on me. But that’s not the point! Take your shirt off and let’s go! You need to get a tan anyways. Your skin is so pale! Not that it’s not beautiful. Just… getting a tan would make you beautifuller. Wait that’s not a word… more beautiful! Yeah, your skin is beautiful. And it’s not like you have anything to hide. You’re beautiful. And it’s not like I haven’t seen everything already. Opps, that’s irrelevant. Whatever, just take it—”

Anna’s rambling came to a sudden stop as the baggy T-shirt that was once on Elsa’s body was dropped onto the sand beside them. With slacked, eyes widened, Anna stared at her bikini-clad girlfriend standing in front of her with her hands on her curvy hips.


Anna’s dumbstruck look encouraging her, a smirk adorned Elsa’s sharp features as she straightened her shoulders and swung her hips to one side to accentuate her S-line even more. “You were saying?”

“T-the waves look curvy! I-I mean they look big… I mean! Oh, whatever, let’s go!” Anna stumbled over her words and painstakingly tore her eyes away from the flimsy sky blue pieces of fabric stretched over Elsa’s pale flawless skin. She ran towards the older girl and picked her up, bridal style, before running with Elsa in her arms towards the cheering ocean.

“ANNNAAAAA!!” Elsa screamed in surprise and fear and clung tightly onto the redhead’s neck as water lapped at her feet. Distracted by the water and sudden actions, the older girl failed to notice Anna’s cheeks that were reddening with the thoughts running through her head.

“Ooo here comes a big wave!”

“NOOOOOOO! Get it away! Get it away! Get it away!” The normally calm and collected girl lost her cool when she saw the approaching hand of the sea, wrapping both her arms and legs securely around Anna’s toned body.

“Sorry. Can’t control the forces of nature, love.” Anna managed to turn her body around in the strong hold so that she was piggybacking Elsa, and then walked backwards toward the approaching wave.

“Then get me away! Get me away!” Elsa screamed and wiggled her body around, causing water to splash around them, but she didn’t dare to let go of Anna and Anna’s hold on her thighs were too strong to break through. Unable to do anything, she ducked her head into the crook of Anna’s neck and pressed her body flat against the younger girl’s just in time as the big wave washed over them in a forceful bubbly shower. Anna remained standing firmly against the pulling currents, being a support for Elsa, as she released the older girl into the risen water.

Anna chuckled happily as the water receded after the wave reached the shore. Turning back to the girl still attached onto her, she wrapped her arms around her waist underwater and raised an eyebrow in question.

“Wasn’t that fun?”

Elsa glared at her beaming girlfriend but her fear-struck and tense look had now relaxed into a slight smile.

“Let’s do it again!”

Elsa said nothing but she climbed onto Anna’s offered back, a grin on her lips and excitement twinkling in her eyes.





A/N: again hehe. just wanted to say that if u havent tried what elsanna did in this part, u should totally try it. its so fun! u can do it alone too by jumping when the wave crashes into ur back so that u fall onto a bed of water. hehe

we shall end with jeti :) cyazzz


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 6: Please comeback....
JheiSii137 #2
Chapter 6: you know what?? i'll support JeTi more and more now that Fany is dating..
when my friend told me that Tiff and Nick are dating I nearly cried.. huhu..
nick better treat fany unnie well...
wanted it to be someone more unknown and not breaking ma JeTi with that IMAGE! ~T_T~
OH GAAWD, I'M DYING! it's like some hint on SNSD starting a family life and leaving the stage for the younger idols..... *heartbreak*
fanytastic_sone9 #4
Chapter 4: TOOOO CUUUUUTE but also kinda HOT in ma mind...! >///<

JeTi DA BEST! >~<
Chapter 4: wah, sweet ending
Chapter 5: * i mean the 1st sn0w fall together
Chapter 5: Winter because they've seen the 1st snow f0r 3 c0nsecutive years. That d0esn't even make sense does it? Lol.. :-D
totoro07_jeti #9
Chapter 5: more jeti moments!!!^______^