The Practice Room

"We will always improve..."

Even though you’ve seen the practice room so many times on YouTube, it’s a lot bigger than you expected it to be. The members are already there, along with their managers and choreographer. Woohyun walks you around, introducing you to the staff. You bow politely and tell the manager to not hesitate from beating Woohyun if he misbehaves. He laughs at that, but Woohyun protests.

Everyone seems polite, but they don’t seem all that interested in you. You sit quietly in a chair as you watch Sungkyu give the maknae line orders. Hoya’s talking to the choreographer, Kim Dongmin, about the dance. You can’t really hear them over the music, but it seems as if Hoya’s wanting to integrate a new move into the dance. You smile, realizing you’re one of the few people who get to listen to their new song and see their dance before it’s released.

Hoya and Mr. Kim are done talking, and they pause the music.

“Okay, Hoya came up with a new move for the part during Dongwoo’s rap,” Mr. Kim says.

Everyone starts to follow along and learn the dance. They listen well and accept criticism quietly. You clap as they wrap up. The members sure learn fast.

“How did I do? Did I look cool?” Hoya asks, smiling at you.

You feel your cheeks warm up, and you give him two thumbs up. “Hoya-oppa was the best,” you grin.

Hoya smiled again and glanced behind him at the members who were laying tiredly on the floor. Hoya offered you a water bottle. “Thirsty?”

“Thank you,” you say, taking the water.

“~~-ah! Come here!” Woohyun says, dropping his water bottle to the floor.

“What do you want?” you call to him, walking over.

He gestured toward the door. “I forgot my backpack in the car. Go get it for me.”

You’re about to protest and yell at him for forgetting it and ordering you around, but you stop with a sigh. It’s your job. You can’t get fired on your first day.

He smirks. “Get the keys from the manager. Thanks, ~~.”

You frown, but you do as he says. Woohyun’s backpack is tucked in behind the passenger seat. You pick it up and sling it over your shoulder, making sure to lock the vehicle behind you. There are some fans gathered outside the building. You manage to slip past them, and with the manager’s pass, you get in without a problem.

“Crap,” you mutter, trying to remember your way back to the practice room. You walk around aimlessly, hoping to find some sign pointing you the right way.


You turn to see Sungjong walking your way. “Ah, oppa!” you smile.

“What’s taking you so long?” Sungjong asks. “Come on, let’s go.”

You follow Sungjong back to the practice room. As you walk through the maze of hallways, you realize you had been on the right track in the first place. Still, you’re thankful.

You walk toward the room. The lights are strangely turned off. “Uh…” You turn to Sungjong to ask him, but he’s gone. Your heartbeat quickens and images from horror movies flash in front of you. “Woohyun oppa, turn on the light!” you call. Maybe I lost Sungjong back there, you wonder. You start to walk back the way you came.


You scream. The lights flash on and suddenly confetti is flying at your face and everyone is cheering.

You startle in surprise, finding Woohyun in front of you. It was his voice. You’re suddenly angry.

“Yaaa!” You throw his backpack at him fast enough that he bumps into Sungkyu. They’re both laughing.

“Welcome, ~~!!” Dongwoo says.

Hoya’s holding a small cake. Your name is on it.

“Were you surprised?” Sungjong asks. “Sorry about leaving you. And for Woohyun-hyung scaring you.”

“I forgive you,” you pout, “but I’ll deal with Woohyun-oppa later.”

Woohyun and Sungkyu walk toward you. “Sorry ~~,” the jerk laughs.

“Don’t be too mad at Woohyun,” Dongwoo says warmly. “Woohyun planned all of this for you. He wanted to throw you a welcome party.”

You can’t help but smile. All the life and laughter around you is making you happy. Woohyun had ordered a lot of food and you guys move to a different room to celebrate. You are showered with attention as everyone offers you food and asks you questions.

“~~-ssi, be comfortable,” Myungsoo says with a smirk. You notice his dimple and feel yourself blush.

“Just treat her like your little sister,” You overhear Woohyun saying to the members. “But don’t forget to make her work hard.”


After the party, the manager drives you back to your aunt’s house. You thank him and return to your bedroom. The broken fish still makes you sad, but you promise yourself to fix it soon.

You’re still in a great mood when you lay down to sleep, thinking about the day and how you’ll be seeing the members again soon. Then you remember Woohyun’s drawer and start laughing to yourself. You didn’t think he’s still have that. It was before you aspired to be a great artist, and not to mention, you were angry at him for abandoning you at a bus stop. You fall asleep with a smile on your face.

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GUYYSSS. I think I stopped this one for -now(?). But I've been working on another one that I'll post here. It's an EXO one though. It's on Wattpad, but I'll post it here too. If you want to find it on Wattpad, it's called "Finding Neverland"
I'm SOOO SORRY to my subscribers, but life got in the way and I couldn't work on this... then I just stopped.
ilabya39 #2
Namuchii #3
ahhh it's just so perf !!! i love woohyun so much ♥ and his personnality srsly the best !
i just can't stop smiling when imagining the scene ! it's just to cute ahh !
and i'm beeing more and more curious about this drawer kkk plz update as soon as u can * o * i'll wait patiently ~~
Thanks for this chap <33
Namuchii #4
Chapter 5: wahhh that chapter is awesome !!! zdefrghjk woohyun so perff here omg
love him ♥
but i'm not sure i understand what was in the drawer.. sth about her but not sure :O ?
ahh but it's daebakk he's just so caring and cheesy omg asdfghjkl
i'm so exited for the next chapter tho * o *
Namuchii #5
Chapter 4: omg so excited for the next chapter >_< !!
what's that job wah
and woohyun omg why is he so cool
i love him !!!!
Namuchii #6
This story is so amazing ! please keep it up :)
i really really love it cause you kept the personnality of woohyun and i like the girl's personnality too xD
also this is soo cute >_< !!
Maybel_Laurent #7
Chapter 3: Cute storry^^