The Pabo Comes Home

"We will always improve..."

You walk toward your new home contemplating what the bookstore owner had said. He had told you that a girl was planning to quit her job, but he wouldn’t need a new worker for two months.

“Great,” you mutter, trying to figure out other possibilities.

As you approach the house, you suddenly remember what Boohyun had said to you. That idiot’s coming to dinner. You hurry inside and go to your room. It was only four. You didn’t expect Woohyun for a few hours. Smiling, you observe your walls at the possibilities you could paint. This wall had… So. Much. Potential!

Your eyes flit over to your dresser and your red glass koi fish as you reminisce your old room, the colors all over the walls and the drawings in your closet. And you start to miss home.

“No.” Great, you’re even talking to yourself now. You sigh, “I guess I’ll draw something.”

You sit down at your desk and plan to draw a very rough sketch of your room before you paint something on the walls. You open up your familiar sketchbook and flip to a clean page. Starting with the opposite corner and sketching out the shape of the room, furniture begins to take shape on your page, and pretty soon, your drawing becomes very detailed even though you only planned to sketch it.

When you’re satisfied with your work, you glance at the time. You’ve been drawing for almost two hours. You rub your strained eyes and decide to go downstairs and see if you can help. Auntie’s already home, but Boohyun hasn’t returned yet. Uncle will be home soon. Auntie’s cutting vegetables, so you go over and help cut too.

Boohyun comes straight to the kitchen when he gets home. When dinner’s ready, Boohyun gets a call from Woohyun saying he’d be there soon. You decide to go upstairs and fix your hair a bit. You brush your dark brown hair and French braid it towards your left side, letting it rest on your shoulder. You check your outfit. You’re wearing dark jeans and a long-sleeved purple shirt. Deciding that it would do, you head out. You hear voices downstairs. He’s here!

Woohyun sees you as you come down the stairs. “~~~-ah!!” he calls happily. You notice someone beside him. He brought his leader with him. You can’t help but smile in delight.

Woohyun holds his arms out for a hug. “Are you that happy to see me?” he asks playfully, noticing your smile.

You turn back to Woohyun. Instead of giving him the hug he wanted, you stand an arm’s length away and bow politely. “Woohyun-oppa, welcome home. It’s nice to see you again.” Hmph! Take that, jerk!

Sungkyu bursts out laughing beside him. “I like her,” he says to Woohyun. “Hello, nice to meet you,” Sungkyu continues, bowing to you. “I’m Sungkyu.”

“Yes,” you say, turning from Woohyun and bowing energetically at Sungkyu. “I’m Woohyun-oppa’s younger cousin, Nam ~~~. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You look at him proudly. “I’m actually your fan.”

Sungkyu’s face lights up. “Wow, really?” He grins and you don’t regret this moment for one second.

“Hey,” Woohyun bursts in, annoyed. “That means my fan too, right? We get it, okay, now let’s move on past the doorway.” You let out a sigh that blows away your bangs, and you follow after him. As always, he’s pushing you away from his friends.

“Fine,” you say, “but I’m not your fan. Woohyun-oppa, you haven’t changed at all.”

At the dinner table, you sit next to Boohyun and Auntie while the two members sit across from you.

Sungkyu speaks up first. “Mother, thank you for the meal. Thank you too, Boohyun.”

You smile in Sungkyu’s direction. Oppa is so nice, you think to yourself. He’s always been very polite on the shows you’ve seen him on. The only rude one was your dumb cousin.

“Yah! Nam ~~~!” Woohyun interrupts.

You jump from the sudden noise and glare at him. “What do you want?” you ask. You don’t even bother to hold back your bitterness.

“Why are you so rude? You’re a guest too. Why aren’t you thanking Umma and Hyung?” Woohyun scolds. He waves his chopsticks at you disapprovingly.

“Woohyun, calm down,” Auntie says, “It’s okay. Why are you being so harsh?” Auntie makes him sit down and tells you to eat.

“Umma, I’m just teaching ~~~ some manners. She’s become too Americanized.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask.

“Ya, Yah!” Uncle says, coming in and sitting down. “Let’s all just eat. You kids can reminisce and share stories later.”

After dinner, you do the dishes while Sungkyu and Woohyun are talking to Boohyun and Uncle in the living room. Auntie went up to her room after you told her to rest. When you join the boys, Uncle has already left them to go shower. The living room is pretty spacious. Boohyun is laying/sitting on a big beanbag with a book in his hand. Woohyun is sitting on the floor, and Sungkyu is talking to him from the couch. You move to sit in a plush chair across from Sungkyu, kicking Woohyun out of the way.

“So, ~~~-ssi,” Sungkyu says with a smile, “how long have you known the pabo?”

You snicker at that, and Sungkyu gives you a playful grin. Woohyun protests, but you ignore him. “Basically my whole life,” you answer, “and he’s still the same jerk he always was.”

“Hyung, am I mean?” Woohyun asks his leader.

“What would Sungjong say?” Sungkyu asks.

While they’re arguing, you take the chance to look at Sungkyu. He’s really not photogenic, you realize. He’s so handsome in person. He’s wearing light makeup, which you’ve always been a bit skeptical about, but nevertheless, he looks good. His hands are clasped together in front of him and you image your hand in his.

“Earth to ~~~! Why are you spacing out?” Woohyun asks. “I asked you how long you’re staying for.”

You wipe your goofy grin off your face and look at Woohyun. He’s waiting for your answer. “What? Oh… I don’t know yet.”

“Oh, ~~~-ah, did you go by that bookstore you mentioned earlier?” Boohyun asks, suddenly remembering.

You shake your head. “I did, but I don’t think they need help anytime soon.”

“What? You’re looking for a job?” Woohyun asks. You ignore him more, but this time, he stands up. “You know, hyung, this girl used to be my biggest sasaeng fan. Seriously, she followed me everywhere.”

Sungkyu laughs at that, and you feel your checks get warm. You turn your eyes away from Woohyun and study the row of books lined along the shelf. There’s a lot. You wonder if Boohyun reads often, like he’s doing now.

Woohyun speaks to you this time, “~~~-ah, I haven’t even seen you in years. Why are you being mean to me?”

You look up at his serious face and immediately look away. ‘Why are you being mean’? HE’S the one who’s always been mean! How’s he going to ask you that!

Woohyun ruffles up your hair a bit. “Pabo.”

Before you can react, Sungkyu stands up and nudges Woohyun. “Woohyun-ah, I’m leaving now. I’ve got a schedule early tomorrow morning. You’re sleeping here, right?”

“Yes, see you hyung,” Woohyun answers. "Sleep well."

Sungkyu says goodbye to Boohyun too, and then looks at your with his charming eye smile. “~~~-ssi, it was nice to meet you. I hope we meet again soon.”

He starts to leave, but you quickly bound after him. “Sungkyu-ssi!”

He stops and turns around with his hands in his jacket pockets. “Hm?”

“I’ve been your fan for a long time. Is it okay if I call you ‘oppa’?” you ask nervously, suddenly interested in the tiles under your socks. You take a peek at him.

Sungkyu looks to the ceiling, as if considering it. “Since you’re Woohyun’s cousin, sure. But only if I can call you ~~~.”

You get bubbly at the thought of Sungkyu speaking informally to you. “Okay!” you agree energetically.

“I’ll see you again then,” Sungkyu says with a smile. “I’m leaving now. Bye!” With that, he’s out of the door, and you have your fingers crossed that you’ll see him again soon. You’ve realized the benefits of having an idol as your cousin.

“Oppa?” Woohyun asks.

You yelp and turn around in surprise. You didn’t realize Woohyun had come up behind you. You nod with an attitude and skip towards the stairs.

“Yah!” your idiot cousin calls, “I thought you were my fan! ~~~-ah!”

A/N: Yay! Another Update! *I hope I can keep this up*

my goal is to have at least 1000 words per chapter, so updates might take a while, well, it's not that bad. ;)


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GUYYSSS. I think I stopped this one for -now(?). But I've been working on another one that I'll post here. It's an EXO one though. It's on Wattpad, but I'll post it here too. If you want to find it on Wattpad, it's called "Finding Neverland"
I'm SOOO SORRY to my subscribers, but life got in the way and I couldn't work on this... then I just stopped.
ilabya39 #2
Namuchii #3
ahhh it's just so perf !!! i love woohyun so much ♥ and his personnality srsly the best !
i just can't stop smiling when imagining the scene ! it's just to cute ahh !
and i'm beeing more and more curious about this drawer kkk plz update as soon as u can * o * i'll wait patiently ~~
Thanks for this chap <33
Namuchii #4
Chapter 5: wahhh that chapter is awesome !!! zdefrghjk woohyun so perff here omg
love him ♥
but i'm not sure i understand what was in the drawer.. sth about her but not sure :O ?
ahh but it's daebakk he's just so caring and cheesy omg asdfghjkl
i'm so exited for the next chapter tho * o *
Namuchii #5
Chapter 4: omg so excited for the next chapter >_< !!
what's that job wah
and woohyun omg why is he so cool
i love him !!!!
Namuchii #6
This story is so amazing ! please keep it up :)
i really really love it cause you kept the personnality of woohyun and i like the girl's personnality too xD
also this is soo cute >_< !!
Maybel_Laurent #7
Chapter 3: Cute storry^^