You Have a Job

"We will always improve..."

“A job?!” You ask excitedly. Aw, his smile is so cute. Does he always look this good when he smiles?

Sungkyu nods. “You should be our dorm manager.”

You arch your eyebrows. “Dorm manager? There’s no such thing…”

“Yeah there is,” he insists. “You just don’t know because it’s not something that’s publicly known. Dorm managers are the ones who clean up and take care of the dorms since idols are always busy. Our dorm manager quit on us. He moved away a few weeks ago.”

You shake your head slowly, unable to understand everything he was saying. A dorm manager? How come you’ve never heard of one? You shrug to yourself. Maybe Sungkyu was right. Maybe no one was supposed to know.

“Wait. What if I take this job and someone finds out? Then rumors start going around and then I become a victim and get attacked by angry fangirls? And then when I got to college, I’m hated by everyone and—”

“Ya! Ya! Ya!!” Woohyun makes you shut up. “Pabo,” he nudges your head with his finger. “My girlfriends aren’t like that. You’re making them sound bad.”

“Girlfriends?” you scoff. “Ya! Oppa! What are you planning to do when you get a girlfriend for real and your fans find out that you’ve cheated on them?”

“What are you talking about?” Woohyun smirks charmingly. “I don’t need anyone else.”

You roll your eyes and turn to Sungkyu. “So… what do I have to do?”

“Simple,” he explains. “You do things like cleaning, cooking, and errands.”

“Yep,” Woohyun butts in. “You just have to listen to us and do everything I tell you to do.”

Sungkyu laughs. “Not exactly. It’s not that hard. We do a lot of the things ourselves, and our manager takes care of a lot too. So, you just have to be like our little sister. AND you get paid.”

You smile at that, even though you noticed how Sungkyu friend-zoned you immediately. You get to hang out with the members all the time?!! Well… not all the time. They’re busy.

Sungkyu’s phone buzzes with a text message. He looks at it quickly then turns to Woohyun. “The kids are ready. We have to go practice.”

Dongwoo’s already ready as well. “Just make yourself at home,” the smiley oppa tells you before they leave.

Woohyun hesitates before he goes out the door. “Stay out of my stuff,” he says firmly. “Bye ~~~!”

Like that, he’s gone.

Stay out of my stuff? How’s he going to tell me that before he leaves? Who does he think I am? Does he not trust me at all? After all this time? You grin wickedly, already looking for his room.

You enter the first room cautiously. It’s Dongwoo and Hoya’s. You can tell right away by the amount of purple clothing that fills the room. Hats, shirts, jackets, shoes. So much purple. You close the door after the first peek, leaving Hoya his privacy. After finding a room that’s definitely L’s, you manage to find a dark hidden closet. The messiness is definitely Woohyun’s. He has lots of clothes laying around and scattered papers on his desk. After clearing a little space so you can sit on his bed, you look through his papers. Lots of fanmail. Reading his fans’ love confessions make you cringe.

“No wonder he’s so cocky,” you mutter to yourself, throwing the love-filled letters to the side. You find a paper with his handwriting on it. After reading a few paragraphs you realize it’s song lyrics. So… he’s composing… You find more papers with his sheet music on it. You can kind of read sheet music, but not good enough to make out anything about the song. You remember when “Beautiful” was released. Woohyun was so proud of himself, he called you to brag and sent your mom an album. On the top of the paper he wrote “To INSPIRIT”, though, so at least you know there’s still some good left in him.

You put the papers and the letters back neatly and proceed to dig up more things on him. You start to rummage through his drawers. There’s mostly books and random papers, and lots and lots of fanmail. The bottom drawer is locked, though, so you start looking for a key. You check the obvious places first: the cup on his desk, the other drawers, but nope. You can’t find it.

“Woohyun… Woohyun…” Suddenly, a thought strikes you and you smile. You know where his key is. You reach toward his pillow and cram your hand under his mattress. When you feel something small and metallic, you pull it out. “Aha!!” you grin.

When you pull open the drawer, your eyes widen. Sitting right on top is—


You spin around, slamming the drawer closed. “WHAT?”

Woohyun looks furious. “Ya! I told you not to look through my stuff!”

You know he’s angry, but you see a hint of embarrassment. You can’t help but burst out laughing.

“Yes, yes, you’re happy,” he shrugs. “See? I put that there so you would find it.”

A smile twitches at the corner of his lips. You don’t believe him. But why else would that be there?

“What’s taking you so long?” Sungkyu asks, coming down the hall.

“Why are you still here?” you ask, trying to stop thinking about Woohyun being nice.

“I forgot something,” he answers simply.

You look up curiously. “What is it?”

“You,” he answers with a cheesy wink. “Do you want to watch our dance practice?” He holds out his hand for you to take it.

You feel butterflies just thinking about watching them dance, but you only shrug. “Sure, I guess,” you answer. Thankfully, your excitement isn’t noticeable in your voice. You don’t want Woohyun feeling all high and mighty about making you happy. “I guess it’s better than being here.”

“Neh, neh,” he agrees. He’s always quick, so you know he’s already caught on to how happy you are, but he plays along anyway. “Hurry, they’re waiting.”

You get up without taking his hand and hurry out of there. You can’t help but feel excited. You get to watch them DANCE!

A/N: SOOO Sorry for the late update, but I've been so busy lately with Senior stuff. Applying for colleges and scholarships and decision making... >.<

I hope you enjoy!!

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GUYYSSS. I think I stopped this one for -now(?). But I've been working on another one that I'll post here. It's an EXO one though. It's on Wattpad, but I'll post it here too. If you want to find it on Wattpad, it's called "Finding Neverland"
I'm SOOO SORRY to my subscribers, but life got in the way and I couldn't work on this... then I just stopped.
ilabya39 #2
Namuchii #3
ahhh it's just so perf !!! i love woohyun so much ♥ and his personnality srsly the best !
i just can't stop smiling when imagining the scene ! it's just to cute ahh !
and i'm beeing more and more curious about this drawer kkk plz update as soon as u can * o * i'll wait patiently ~~
Thanks for this chap <33
Namuchii #4
Chapter 5: wahhh that chapter is awesome !!! zdefrghjk woohyun so perff here omg
love him ♥
but i'm not sure i understand what was in the drawer.. sth about her but not sure :O ?
ahh but it's daebakk he's just so caring and cheesy omg asdfghjkl
i'm so exited for the next chapter tho * o *
Namuchii #5
Chapter 4: omg so excited for the next chapter >_< !!
what's that job wah
and woohyun omg why is he so cool
i love him !!!!
Namuchii #6
This story is so amazing ! please keep it up :)
i really really love it cause you kept the personnality of woohyun and i like the girl's personnality too xD
also this is soo cute >_< !!
Maybel_Laurent #7
Chapter 3: Cute storry^^