Rainy (Undecided)



Soojin gathered their used plates and utensils after they finished eating when Kai suddenly took the dishes and carried it to the sink.


"I'll wash the dishes." He announced but Soojin stopped him.


"You don't have to do that Kai, just go to the living and err... watch movie or something. I can manage it here." Soojin said. Kai was a guest and it would be wrong if she would let him do the dishes.


"But I want to help. I sleepover in your house and you let me eat. It would be too much if I don't do anything in return." Kai insisted.

"Fine but I'll do the dishes and you'll clean the table." Soojin said and handed Kai a small rug cloth.


Kai finished wiping the table clean but Soojin haven't washed all the dishes yet. He walked towards her and took another piece of cloth that he guess to be the cloth used in drying the washed dishes. Soojin was about to stop him but then she shook her head and continued washing.





"This is my other room. I call it the mirror room." Soojin said as they entered the mirror room. She decided to tour Kai since they can't find something good to watch.


"Wow..." Kai mumbled and awed at the room. It was like having your own dance studio because of mirror wall. He silently wished he have room like this too. "Soojin, do you dance?"


"Not really..." Soojin said but in fact she was just shy to say that she has two left feet.


"Can we just stay here for awhile?" He requested as they saw each other on the mirror and he saw her nod. Soojin sit near the piano while Kai stretched.

"Would you mind if I dance?" Kai asked as he finished stretching.

"No, I don't mind." Soojin replied and ushered him to continue. Kai took out his phone and chose a song.


Not too long an unfamiliar but a nice melody was heard in the room. Soojin walked to chair near the piano and sit. She was caught up with the song and get mesmerized with Kai’s smooth dancing. It was her first time seeing someone dance that smooth and close.



"Wow~ daebak!" Soojin cheered as Kai stopped dancing.


"K-kamsahamnida" Kai awkwardly replied.


"I think it would be a lot better if you were wearing cooler clothes rather than appa’s pajamas and what was the title of that song? It’s my first time hearing it." Soojin commented, although his clothes don’t hinder the fact of how good Kai can dance.



"Haha I think so too… it’s a secret for now but you’ll find out soon." Kai replied. "Hey can I see you dance or maybe I could teach you the dance step of the song I played earlier." He added.


Soojin awkwardly laughed as she waved her hands, rejecting Kai’s offer. "Dancing and I doesn’t really match each other."



"Tss… anyone could dance… come on I’ll teach you." Kai encouraged and walked closer to Soojin.

Soojin shook her head, "Ani~ why don’t I play the piano instead of dancing, arraso." She said and faced the piano. She started pressing some keys trying to find the right notes.

"Wait... I think I'm getting it..." Soojin said as she tried to remember the melody of the song Kai danced to.


"Woahhh... you're getting it" Kai said amazed and took the seat beside her.



Finally after a few tries, she get the melody right. "Done" Soojin cheered as she faced Kai.


"Wow... that was great. I bet your friends always have a nice time hearing you play." Kai smiled and said which made Soojin's expression change.


"I don't have friends." She mumbled and looked down but Kai was able to hear it and he couldn't believe what he heard.


"That's not possible... I mean at least you have one." Kai can't help but said.


Soojin sigh and thought there's nothing wrong if she tell him. "I once had friends when I was in pre-school but since that incident happened, I never made new ones. Plus, I have this illness of being afraid of the crowd. The doctor said its anxiety disorder. Whenever I’m in a crowd, I would have hard time breathing and often cause me to faint that is also why I’m afraid that I couldn’t cope up if ever I have friends."



Kai was quite. *So that's why I never seen her outside.* He thought.


"I can be your friend." Kai offered without even thinking. A second after, he was shocked that the words just came out of his mouth but he didn't regret saying it.


Soojin faced Kai, furrowing her brows, "Are you sure with what you're asking?" She really wanted to have a friend that's why she didn't want to joke on that matter.


"Well yeah... We're neighbors plus I don't see anything wrong with it."


"Kai, I'm not that kind of typical friend you can have. I can't hangout out without making sure that the place is not crowded. There's a lot to consi..."


"I don't mind plus it would be nice to have a peaceful friend. I'm not saying you're boring, it’s just that my friends are all hyperactive and noisy." Kai said.


Soojin was quite but slowly a smile crept on to her lips, without saying anything. Kai was getting uneasy by the minute the minute.





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serafina91 #1
Chapter 10: auww poor my Lulu... kkkk yes luhan you are right!!!. hehhehe... or maybe only me that think jongin & soojin like each other? :P
serafina91 #2
Chapter 9: i pity her.... :( jongin you need to protect her!!!
serafina91 #3
Chapter 8: hurmmm why i feels so sad seeing soojin like this, ( i mean always alone in the house.... waiting for her only friend to comeback home and spend time together ).... she's so nice and i think soojin already start to like jongin
serafina91 #4
Chapter 6: jongin so cute... soojin kinda funny too ^^
serafina91 #5
Chapter 7: auwww they are friends now ^^ .... i hope soomin can faced with more people now...
serafina91 #6
Chapter 5: auww soojin ur too cute and nice.... <3
serafina91 #7
Chapter 4: what??? she's engaged???? omo!! jongin~~~ T____T
serafina91 #8
Chapter 3: soojin... its dangerous girl go out late at night... :(
serafina91 #9
Chapter 2: wow, finally soojin want to go out ^^
serafina91 #10
Chapter 1: i think Kai kinda have interest with soojin even tho he only saw her once ... off to next chapter ^^