Rainy (Undecided)



Five months later...



"Hyung, are you sure everything is set and ready?" Kai asked Chanyeol nervously.


It was a big day for him. It wasn't their debut yet but it’s the day that he would confess to Hyeji and asked her to be his girl. Kai asked Chanyeol for help on this big day.



"Relax Kai, everything is set and ready. Don't be too nervous and just act normal." Chanyeol said and patted the younger one's back.



Kai blew some air and relaxed himself if he doesn't want his plan to be ruined.

Chanyeol and Kai exited Kai's house, looking fresh and handsome. They parted ways since Chanyeol's part in that big day is nearly at the last.


Kai nervously walked his way to the mini park where he would meet Hyeji.







Soojin was reading again at the park on her usual seat when she noticed someone entering the park. It was her neighbor but she noticed something different on him. He was wearing something formal. He was more handsome now. She put down her book and watched him. A few minutes later, the girl came (Hyeji) wearing a simple pink dress that makes her look stunning.



*Something special is going to happen* Soojin thought. From her months of watching them, she realized they weren't a couple since they don't do what a normal couple does but she's positive her neighbor likes her and the girl seems to like him back.

For the very first time, Soojin felt the urge to listen to their conversation so she pack her things and moved closer to where she could hear their conversation but at the same time making sure she's unnoticed.


*God, I know what I'm doing is bad and I'm really sorry.* Soojin silently whispered.



Soojin watched her neighbor stood up and meet the girl halfway.


"What's up today that you made me dress up?" Soojin heard the girl asked.


"I'm going to show you something special. Are you ready?" her neighbor asked. The girl furrowed for a moment but then smiled and nodded. They both exited the park.


Soojin's curiosity made her follow the two till they got out of the subdivision. A car parked in front the couple and they both get in with her neighbor opening the door for the girl like a true gentleman.


"Where to, Miss?" the driver asked as Soojin immediately called a cab.


"Ahjussi can you follow that car?" Soojin asked and the driver nodded. She's lucky she brought her wallet with her. Her parents were giving her money when she started going out. Riding a taxi wasn't new to her too since she rides a taxi when she's going to a midnight grocery.


Maybe 15 to 20 minutes of riding they ended up to a cozy restaurant. Soojin was thankful that the place wasn't crowded.


*Should I continue?* Soojin thought as she was still standing outside the restaurant but she decided to continue since she was already there.


Soojin entered and she awed at the homey and cozy feeling that the restaurant gives. There's also a little garden that can be used for small gathering. There's a glass wall partition that separates the main restaurant to the garden. She was walking near to the garden when a staff stopped her and told her that the garden is reserved for the day. She ordered some snacks and drinks and settled on an empty table near the glass partition.








Kai and Hyeji arrived at the restaurant that Kai made a reservation. A staff welcomed them and accompanied them to the garden.

Kai was happy with the place he chose. He spent hours surfing the net for a good place that Hyeji would like. The restaurant was perfect for his planned confession.

The staff was about to pull the chair for Hyeji but he secretly stopped him and did it himself. From his chair, he brought out the bouquet of flowers he personally chose for Hyeji.


"Thank you but JongIn what's this all about?" Hyeji accepted the flowers though she's puzzled why Kai was doing all of this.


"You'll know later." Kai only said and settled on the chair across Hyeji. Soon enough a waiter came and take their orders then left after.


"JongIn, can you please tell me now what's this all about, you're making me nervous." Hyeji plead. She had a guess of what Kai was doing but she doesn't want to assume.


*I'm nervous too.* Kai wanted to voice out.


"Just relax okay, I promise to tell it later." Kai said and even made a cross on his chest while giving an assuring smile.



"Did you do something wrong behind my back that's why you're doing this?" Hyeji still tried, hoping Kai would tell her the reason for all of these.


"I promise, I didn't... Oh our food is here." Kai said, changing the topic. He was thinking if he could swallow his food normally because of his nervousness. "Let’s eat"


They were about to finish their food when a new waiter came, holding a bucket of wine and two wine glasses. The waiter wasn't just ordinary, it was Chanyeol.

Chanyeol skillfully poured the wine in Kai's glass like a true waiter. He then moved to Hyeji but before he pour down the wine he took a simple yet beautiful ring out of a small box that was in his pocket the whole time and finally poured the whine without making Hyeji noticed what he did. He made an okay sign before he left them alone.


The ring was another one that Kai prepared. It comes with the confession. If Hyeji notice the ring then it's his signal to say his confession.



"What..." Hyeji wasn't able to finish when Kai stood up and walked closer to her. Kai already knew that Hyeji noticed the ring. It was time to say his confession.


"Hyeji, I asked you out today because I want to tell you something. You know in my eyes, you'll always be the different girl. When almost all of the girls swoon around me, you'll always be at the corner waiting for our teacher to come. I never once seen or heard you screamed my name even at the time we became closer. I admire you since then and what I mean to say today is that my admiration grew. I love you, Hyeji. Would you be my girl?" He confessed while kneeling.


Hyeji was speechless. She had that female instinct that tells her that Kai likes her but she always dismissed that thought. Now, her instincts were correct and she doesn't know what to do. The realization still shocked her and Kai was dear to her that she can't bear to hurt him.


Hyeji took a long breath and grabbed the ring that was already on the table. She faced Kai, "JongIn, the truth is I'm still shocked and I have that gut feeling that you like me but I dismissed that thought because we're friends. For a while I've been finding sometime to tell you something..." She paused and breathe in.


"JongIn, I'm engage and my wedding would be held in two months. I'm sorry if in a way I lead you on. I don't want to hurt you more if I accept you with not the same amount of love. I'm sorry." Hyeji finished and placed the ring on Kai's palm before exiting the restaurant. She can't bear to see Kai hurt because of her but she doesn't want to hurt her more if she lied.









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serafina91 #1
Chapter 10: auww poor my Lulu... kkkk yes luhan you are right!!!. hehhehe... or maybe only me that think jongin & soojin like each other? :P
serafina91 #2
Chapter 9: i pity her.... :( jongin you need to protect her!!!
serafina91 #3
Chapter 8: hurmmm why i feels so sad seeing soojin like this, ( i mean always alone in the house.... waiting for her only friend to comeback home and spend time together ).... she's so nice and i think soojin already start to like jongin
serafina91 #4
Chapter 6: jongin so cute... soojin kinda funny too ^^
serafina91 #5
Chapter 7: auwww they are friends now ^^ .... i hope soomin can faced with more people now...
serafina91 #6
Chapter 5: auww soojin ur too cute and nice.... <3
serafina91 #7
Chapter 4: what??? she's engaged???? omo!! jongin~~~ T____T
serafina91 #8
Chapter 3: soojin... its dangerous girl go out late at night... :(
serafina91 #9
Chapter 2: wow, finally soojin want to go out ^^
serafina91 #10
Chapter 1: i think Kai kinda have interest with soojin even tho he only saw her once ... off to next chapter ^^