Rainy (Undecided)



Kai woke up the next morning and he realized he wasn't in his room or in his friends' room or even the hospital. He tried to remember what happened yesterday and he bitterly smiled as he remembered his rejection. He tried to dismiss the thought and figured out how he ends up in that room.


He remembered it was raining when he went to the park. He stayed there for hours and just when he thought that the rain stopped, he saw a girl holding an umbrella for them. Then the last thing that he remembered was when the girl cried and hugged him, saying it was all because of him.


*Maybe that girl brought me here.* he thought as he scrambled out of bed. Kai walked out of the room and searched for that girl. He heard some sounds and smelled something appetizing coming from somewhere when he walked downstairs. He followed the sounds and he ended at the kitchen where he saw a girl cooking. Just in time the girl faced him as she finished cooking.


"Oh you're awake. I was about to bring your breakfast upstairs but since you're here I'll prepare it here just make yourself comfortable." The girl said as she motioned for him to sit.


"Who are you and why are you doing this?" Kai asked as he takes a seat. He was feeling a bit sick and dizzy.



"I'm Soojin, your neighbor." Soojin only answered the first question. She's contemplating if she would tell the truth.



*Neighbor?* Kai thought and looked at the window that overview their house. *Wait that means, our new neighbor that I haven't seen since they moved in is this girl.*



"How did you know we're neighbors?" he questioned as his curiosity build up. Questions flood in his mind that for a moment he forgot that there was Hyeji that rejected him.


"I often saw you walking inside out of your house. Uhmm... I made chicken soup but I also toasted some bread and cooked egg and ham. Eat whatever you like or tell me what you wanted to eat and I'll cook it for you."


"I'll eat the chicken soup and I'm JongIn but you can call me Kai." Kai said when he noticed Soojin struggled on what to call him. Soojin quickly scoop the chicken soup to a small bowl and gave it to Kai.


"Thank you" he said and they started eating in silence. He was enjoying his food when he noticed that the clothes he was wearing wasn't his.



"Did you change my clothes?" Kai asked but he was silently praying she wasn't the one that changed his clothes.


Soojin unconsciously nodded still looking down on her food. Kai's face heat up. It means that this girl saw his everything.


"Wait… what did you ask again?" Soojin asked.


"I- I was asking if you changed my clothes." Kai repeated.


"No, I didn't. I asked Mr. Park to change your clothes." She cleared. She was glad she asked again because she was thinking of something when she unconsciously nodded her head earlier.

Kai let out a loud sigh of relief that made Soojin laugh, she knew why. Kai looked at her, puzzled.



"You're red." Soojin state as she pointed to her face, emphasizing what she meant. Kai on an instant looked down and calmed himself as he felt his warm face.


"How did you know I was in the park, I've never seen you go out of this house?" Kai asked as he calmed himself. There's a lot of question he wanted to ask.


"I didn’t expect you would notice... I couldn't be in a crowded place but I often go to the park since there are not a lot of residents that goes there and yesterday I saw you again, letting yourself soak under the rain." Soojin answered.


With all that Soojin said Kai was caught on something, "Why can't you be in a crowded place?" He asked again. Surely this girl made him more curious about her.


"Since I was a kid I have this thing that made me hard to breathe and faint whenever I'm in a crowded place."


"Wait... that means you never went to school or mall?" he asked, unbelievably.


Soojin nodded, "I'm home-schooled but I've been in a mall but after like a minute I fainted. Uhm we knocked on your house last night but no one opened the door." Soojin said and changed the topic.


Kai noticed how Soojin suddenly changed the topic. He wanted to knock his head on letting his curiousity win over.


"I think mom went out of town, father and my two sisters are busy with their work that they're rarely at home. Soojin-sshi, would you mind if I stay here for awhile, there's no one to talk to at home." Kai asked. He’s already felt in depth so why doesn’t he go all the way, he thought.



"Sure and drop the formality. We're just in the same age, I think." Kai nodded and they resumed their breakfast.






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serafina91 #1
Chapter 10: auww poor my Lulu... kkkk yes luhan you are right!!!. hehhehe... or maybe only me that think jongin & soojin like each other? :P
serafina91 #2
Chapter 9: i pity her.... :( jongin you need to protect her!!!
serafina91 #3
Chapter 8: hurmmm why i feels so sad seeing soojin like this, ( i mean always alone in the house.... waiting for her only friend to comeback home and spend time together ).... she's so nice and i think soojin already start to like jongin
serafina91 #4
Chapter 6: jongin so cute... soojin kinda funny too ^^
serafina91 #5
Chapter 7: auwww they are friends now ^^ .... i hope soomin can faced with more people now...
serafina91 #6
Chapter 5: auww soojin ur too cute and nice.... <3
serafina91 #7
Chapter 4: what??? she's engaged???? omo!! jongin~~~ T____T
serafina91 #8
Chapter 3: soojin... its dangerous girl go out late at night... :(
serafina91 #9
Chapter 2: wow, finally soojin want to go out ^^
serafina91 #10
Chapter 1: i think Kai kinda have interest with soojin even tho he only saw her once ... off to next chapter ^^