Rainy (Undecided)






"Soojin, are you ready?" Mrs. Eun asked as she entered her daughter's room.


"Deh umma, I'm ready." Soojin answered, taking one last glance at her room before facing her mother.



"Darling, is it really okay that we move to a new place?" Mrs. Eun worriedly asked. It would be the first time that they'll move to a different place ever since she was born.


Soojin softly smiled, thankful for having a mother so thoughtful, "Deh umma. I mean its okay, there's nothing to hold back anyway." She said. It was true after all. There are not many memories she'll reminisce in the future even if she lived in that place for the past 20 years of her life.


In those 20 years, she never had a friend. Once she had many friends but after the fire incident at her school, she never had the chance to made new ones.

The incident happened during their pre-school when they were playing. A fire suddenly grew inside the building that made the people chaotic. Soojin was lucky to escape the tragedy when their teacher carried her out. The fire died down when the firemen came to rescue but only 5 were able to come out alive including her. Since that day she was afraid to go out of their house, thinking she would be safe there. Her parents made her undergo some therapy. She was able to go out of their house but when she went to a crowded place she started having problem breathing and fainted. They realized that she developed an anxiety disorder. Soojin undergo another therapy to relieve her anxiety disorder but every time they try to test if the therapy was working, she would always have hard time breathing and eventually faints.

Her parents decided to home-schooled Soojin since school is a crowded place. Soojin was afraid to go out so she created her own world with her books and made friends with her toys. As years passed, her parents never failed to shower her with attention, love and care. They would buy her things and gadgets that they thought would boost Soojin's interest of the outside world.


"Come on then, your father is waiting for us outside." Mrs. Eun said and motioned Soojin to come with her whom the latter willingly followed, hoping she'll make better memories in their new house.





"Soojin wake up, were here." Mr. Eun lightly shook Soojin awake.

Soojin opened her eyes and immediately looked around the place. She knew that they would move in to private subdivision and she liked that the houses there were not that close to each other. She put on her hood and exited the car.

Soojin was awed when she saw their new house. It was a bit bigger than their old house. It consists of 4 rooms - one for her parents, one for her, a guest room and mirror room. The mirror room was the biggest room in the house since it is Soojin's relaxation area and her music instruments were placed there. Her room was big too because it also serves as her game room.

"Did you like your rooms?" Mr. Eun asked with Mrs. Eun by his side, after they did a little tour.


Soojin nodded, "Thanks appa, umma." She said grateful and hugged them.


"Anything for you, darling." Mrs. Eun said and smiled.






It was getting dark when Kai came home but before he entered their house, he noticed a car parked in front of the new house across their house.


*Maybe our new neighbor is moving in.* He thought. Just in time when he opened the door of their house, he saw a girl with hoodie exited the car. He wasn't able to make a clear view of her face since it was almost dark and her hoodie was hindering the view of her face but he knew that she was a girl because of her body structure.

Kai dismissed the thought and entered their house.


"JongIn, did you see our new neighbor? I've heard they have a daughter about your age?" Sumin asked, trying to play cupid.

Kai furrowed his brows. He knew his sister was playing cupid on him. "I saw them outside and I think the girl I saw was their daughter." He said, truthfully.


Sumin clapped in glee, "So, was she pretty?" she excitedly asked as she followed Kai to the kitchen.


"I don't know" Kai replied, showing no interest and grabbed a bottle of water inside the fridge.


"WHAT?!" Sumin asked a little too loud than she expected.


"I said I don't know. She was wearing a hoodie when she came out of the car plus it was dark outside." He answered. Kai mentally laughed, seeing his sister's disappointed look.


"Why didn't you greet them so you were able to see her face?" Sumin asked, persistent on her plan on playing cupid.



Kai raised one of his eyebrow at his sister, "Aren't you suppose to be in Jeju?" he asked instead. His sister is a nurse and she is rarely at home since she's busy volunteering.


His question seemed to catch Sumin's attention when her face's reaction changed, "Our flight was delayed for two hours and I decided to visit you guys. Then, I heard from umma that our new neighbor was moving in today and they have a daughter and I thought I..."


"Noona, stop with your plan on playing cupid." Kai interrupted Sumin and the latter pout in disappointment.


"Yah JongIn, you're mean. I've waited for you to come and for the first time I just wanted to see my little brother with a girl." Sumin dramatically said.


"Little brother huh?" Kai sarcastically asked but he was glad to the fact that his noona wanted to see him with his girl.


Sumin nodded and Kai sigh, "Don't worry too much, I'll introduce her to you if I found her." Kai only said.

*and I think that you wouldn't wait that long, noona* he thought.



Sumin finally smiled and nodded. "You do that, little brother and don't make me wait that long arraso."

Kai chuckled but nodded anyway.


"Good, I'll be going then. Bye little brother." Sumin said and grabbed her bag, ready to go.


"Bye noona and don't call me little brother anymore." Kai said and hugged her.



Sumin broke the hug and messed Kai's hair, "Whatever you say and have some time knowing that girl." She said while pointing at their neighbor's house and finally went out of the house. Kai only chuckled and shook his head.







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serafina91 #1
Chapter 10: auww poor my Lulu... kkkk yes luhan you are right!!!. hehhehe... or maybe only me that think jongin & soojin like each other? :P
serafina91 #2
Chapter 9: i pity her.... :( jongin you need to protect her!!!
serafina91 #3
Chapter 8: hurmmm why i feels so sad seeing soojin like this, ( i mean always alone in the house.... waiting for her only friend to comeback home and spend time together ).... she's so nice and i think soojin already start to like jongin
serafina91 #4
Chapter 6: jongin so cute... soojin kinda funny too ^^
serafina91 #5
Chapter 7: auwww they are friends now ^^ .... i hope soomin can faced with more people now...
serafina91 #6
Chapter 5: auww soojin ur too cute and nice.... <3
serafina91 #7
Chapter 4: what??? she's engaged???? omo!! jongin~~~ T____T
serafina91 #8
Chapter 3: soojin... its dangerous girl go out late at night... :(
serafina91 #9
Chapter 2: wow, finally soojin want to go out ^^
serafina91 #10
Chapter 1: i think Kai kinda have interest with soojin even tho he only saw her once ... off to next chapter ^^