My Heart Skipped A Beat.

100 Days: HIM




A high-pitched voice cried out.



The vocal line suddenly had to stop practicing their new song. Every one of them looked at each other with either confusion or iriation in their tired eyes.



Iritation from the fact that they had to stop their practice because of the one who shouted.



Confusion due to the fact that they were wondering who owned that so high-pitched voice. Also, who on earth would call the wushu master such a name?! Tao-nie?! They all thought of the name as so girly! It wouldn't fit the very sight of the wushu master.



"Aish~! Noona! Didn't I tell you not to come here?" Tao argued.



All their heads turned towards the small girl Tao was talking to. They were at the door of the practice room. All of them wondered when Tao had stepped out of their dance formation and headed to the small girl who owned the high-pitched voice. All of the boys - except Tao - couldn't see well the figure of the small girl. All they could see was Tao's back and the girls small hands motioning violently in all directions. It seems that she's scolding Tao about something.



"No! Tao-nie, you rarely go home. You don't even call me anymore. I'm so worried about you, you should be aware of that! I look out for you. Yes, I agreed that you can enter this talent agency but keep in mind that I did not agree on you turning your back on me, Mister! I'm still in charge of you don't you dare forget that! Now, if I want to visit you here, I would! And don't you dare complain! Understood?!" The small girl said in a rather harsh but concerned way.



Who was she? Was she related to the wushu master, Huang Zi Tao? Maybe everyone else hadn't noticed the way Tao called the other girl "noona". Besides, they were all preoccupied by their practice and the way the small girl flailed her hands. Out of the eleven members left, Chanyeol was the only one who had the guts to interupt the two people's conversation.



"Alright. Alright. Just don't call me Tao-nie here, okay noona? And keep your voice down. We're not the only persons here." Tao insisted.



"E-hem." Chanyeol cleared his throat.


"Oh. Hyung! Uhmm, sorry to interupt our practice. By the way, this is my older sister, Iane." Tao stepped away so that he was not blocking his sister.


The moment the small girl came into Chanyeol's view, his world stopped spinning.



It seemed like every color had drained around him except for his own and the girl's who was stood frozen infront of him. He felt like he was in a trance, a trance that he never wanted to leave. There, he felt all sorts of weird things, but this weirds were all good. His heart beat became a million times faster, any more faster it would surely jump out of his chest and would be able to run a thousand miles, nonstop. He felt his cheeks burn suddenly, feeling like all the blood in his body just went up to his face. He also felt like all the butterflies entered his stomach and started doing somersaults and back flips. That very moment, he felt like he was born anew. It felt like that that moment was the very first day he stepped into the world.



"Oh. Uhm, hi. I'm uhhh, my name is, uhh, Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol." he whispered sheepishly as he extended a hand towards her.


"Hi. Nice to meet one of my baby brother's new friends. You look out for him okay? And oh! You can just call me Iane." the small girl named Iane greeted him as she shook his hands.


She's so pretty. I want to put her in my bag and keep her to myself. Chanyeol thought.


"Baby brother?" Chanyeol asked quite confused as he looked at Tao with one raised brow. He hadn't noticed that he had not let go of Iane's hand yet. It felt so warm and soft against his own. It felt like it was made just for him to hold and treasure all the time.


"Yes. I am his brother. So that means that I protect her. You are my hyung, yes. But hands off. Okay?" Tao said with venom dripping in his every word as he took off Chanyeol's hand from her sister's. But Chanyeol didn't even noticed that. He just kept on staring at the small girl standing infront of him who's in the same state as he is. Stunned.


From that day on, he found it hard to get her off of his head. For just a day, she was able to sweep him off his feet. Yes, it may sound like it wasn't right, that he was the one who should sweep whoever girl's feet, but yeah. It already happened for pete's sake! He knew all too well that he was infatuated with her. What he didn't knew that moment was it wasn't just any typically infatuation.



It was an attraction.



An attraction that had led him to something more.



Chanyeol told all of his feelings to his best friend, Byun Baekhyun. At first Baekhyun was not believing him knowing that he often goofs off and play tricks on them. But eventhough it was that hard to believe, Baekhyun realized that he really was in love. But Chanyeol didn't knew that yet. He just kept on saying that he "liked" Tao's older sister.



Being the good bestfriend that he is, Baekhyun made ways so that his "infatuated" giant bestfriend would be able to meet and get to know this lucky girl. During their free times, the two of them would ask Kris or Suho to take Tao to other places and make him enjoy the day and as they do so, Baekhyun and Chanyeol would sneak out of their dorm and head for Iane's school or sometimes house.



It wasn't hard on courting Iane. Obviously, she was also struck by cupid, and cupid being the playful angel he is decided to put a spell on them, a spell called "love at first sight."



With the "it wasn't hard courting Iane" part, yes it wasn't. But it didn't mean that Chanyeol did not need to exert effort. If he could, he would pick her up from school to give her a ride home or sometimes take her to other places. Chanyeol would also send her flowers on a regular basis with the help of his friend who owns a flower shop in town. Of course, those flowers won't just be delivered without a message. Each night, Chanyeol stays up on writing the perfect note to accompany the bouquet that he will send. And might it be mentioned that Chanyeol hadn't sent a bouquet of a certain flower twice. Everytime it is an entirely new kind.



There was this one day that Chanyeol had decided to ask Iane to be his girl.



He had picked her up from school and told her that he would take her into a very special place. Chanyeol was really relieved that time that she didn't argue like usual. The ride to that special place was filled with silence. With only the tune in the radio was o be heard. But this silence was a different kind of silence, it was comfortable for the both of them rather than awkward.



When they arrived, Chanyeol made Iane wear a blindfold.


"No. I'm not wearing that. It's already dark anyway, so why would I have to wear a stupid blindfold, Yeol? Besides, I won't be able to walk properly with those!" She argued.


Chanyeol smiled at her. A geniune smile.


"Because of the thing you call surprises, my dear Iane. And don't worry. I won't let you trip over a rock. I'll protect you, I promise." he said softly.


Iane took the blindfold out of his hands and put it on anyway without arguing any further. With that, Chanyeol was again thankful. But with every step they took, his heart began beating furiously against his chest. He wasn't sure of what the girl she was holding securely would answer.



"I trust you, Yeol." her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Yes, it is possible that she'll say yes, but it's also possible that  she might say no but either way, he was determined to pop out his question that very night.


After a few minutes of walking from the parking lot, they reached the dock. The wood flooring creaked with every footstep they take which just added up to Chanyeol's tension.



He had prepared a simple candle light dinner for the two of them. The only extravaggant thing he had to do that night was the romantic fire work display he had planned of for weeks.


When they reached the yacht, he had allowed Iane to remove the blindfold in her eyes. Slowly, she opened them up and revealed her beautiful brown eyes. Instantly her eyes became glassy and she reached for Yeol and hugged him really tight. Chanyeol was taken aback by her actions. He had not expect that she would react this way. But despite that, he let her hug her and he hugged her back. They stayed like that for a few moments.


They ate dinner together and had a really hearty chat. Chanyeol gave her the bouquet of flowers he had prepared for her. This time the bouquet consisted of many kinds of flowers. After they finished their food, Chanyeol walked Iane to the deck at the back of the yacht where a picnic blanket, a bottle of wine and a pair of wine glasses was prepared. There was also a box of chocolte laid on the center of the blanket.


"Did you do this too?" Iane asked him smiling.


"Well, to be honest I didn't knew about the wine. It must be the others' plan." he said with all honesty as he laughed at his own confession.


The two of them headed and sat side by side on the blanket as they admired the stars. Chanyeol, remembering that he had to send a text to his friends, cautiously took his phone out of his back pocket and texted away a message for them. And after a few minutes, the sky lit up with all the colors of the rainbow, and even more.


"Not aware of this too?" Iane asked again. This time, her eyes were again glassy and tears were threatening to fall.


Chanyeol closed his eyes and pulled her into the warmest hug he had ever given to anyone else.


"Not sure on how to answer that correctly. BUT. This one is for the girl that made me melt where I stood the first time I saw  her. It is for the girl who never failed to make me laugh all day and made me sleep smiling. This is for the girl I love. All those times, I kept on saying that I like you, Iane. But I came to realize that this wasn't an infatuation anymore. It is obviously more than that and was so stupid to not notice. Iane, I love you. I am really and deeply in love with you. Iane, would you do me a big favor and be my girl and mine only?" Chanyeol finally popped it out.


It took Iane a few moments to absorb evey word that he had said to her but she never broke the hug. Instead, she pulled him in tighter, if that was even possible. The tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes a few minutes ago were now vigorously falling down her cheeks. She felt his heart beating with hers in unison. It echoed in her ears and it was definitely the most beautiful sound she has heard so far. Without the strength to answer with her voice, she nodded her head once to many times.



Yes. Chanyeol thought.



The sound of the door creaking open, footsteps and the clicking close of the door dragged him off from the most beautiful memories he had had in his life. He fluttered his closed eyes and infront of him stood that very same small girl that had captured his heart several months ago. Her eyes were shut tight and he wondered why. But all other questions and thoughts in his head seemed to fade away as he felt something in his chest.



That moment as he looked at her, his heart skipped a beat.

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Chapter 7: beh, wait lang haha. ipapa.print ko muna. para sa birthday ko, susunugin ko. para umabot yung sinulat mo sa taas. dadalhin kc ng smoke. para marinig ni God, tapos gagawan niya ng paraan para magkatotoo......

love you BEKON!

kainis ka gud beh. i can't understand what i'm feeling. nadala ako sa binasa ko. huhuhu~
Chapter 4: beh, mkahapoy gud talaga. PROMISE. ang ngiti ko abot langit na buh. hahaha. SARANGHAR BEKssi~
Chapter 2: makasuspense buh ang peg natin? haha.
twin, what was that you told me yesterday? you at writing foreword huh? with what i just read, you sure about that.? LOVE YOU FOREVER TWIN!!!
cocorini #5
I like this idea, update soon =D
marlimacha21 #6
Waiting for the first update o/