Time to Execute the Plan.

100 Days: HIM

"Alright guys, I'll just send you a message when I get there. See yah!" Lea said as she hurried into her black BMW.



"Jagiyaaaa~?! Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Kris yelled so the she would be able to hear him.



"Aniyooo~! She would ask why you're there, silly. We'll be back really quick if Tao oppa would do his task fast. Bye-bye~!"



Chanyeol sighed as Lea sped off to fetch Iane. For the past few hours, they have been convincing Tao to call her noona. But he just wouldn't cooperate. Tao said that he didn't want to make one more lie to her sister especially if it concerns the one she loves most. He knew too well that if he tells a lie about it, it would break her heart. Tao didn't want to deliver a message that would break her heart, especially if he was not there to lend her a shoulder.



"Tao-ssi. Come on. Think about it, it will be the last one. We all know that if this gets done, everyone would be happy. Noona will again be happy with our hyung here. We all gave our best for this day to happen. You wouldn't want all our efforts be put to waste, right?" Chanyeol heard Kai persuading Tao.



"Kai~~~ no! For the hundredth time, I won't! I can't lie one more time to my noona. I, I just can't take that anymore."



"Baaah~! You're just chickening out Tao-ssi. We all know that your real reason is that you can't act well. You're scared that you might just screw Chan hyung's plans." Sehun .



He understands Tao. Even him, he wouldn't be able to lie to her noona about such a terrible thing. Chanyeol let out another sigh and shook his head.



"Tao-ssi. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. We'll think of something else. I'm sure there are other options." Chanyeol said while looking away from the rest of the group.



This is really hard for him. Chanyeol knew that Iane wouldn't just simply show up. She had always been that little stubborn girl especially if she didn't get what she wanted. And by the situation at hand, Chanyeol knew well that he screwed up with Iane. All he got left is this one last chance, if everything would not work, he would have to endure a life without the girl he had dreamed of sharing the future with.



Chanyeol's attention was caught by Tao's deep sigh. Chanyeol looked at him. He can see that this really was bothering Tao a lot. He was just about to ask the others' approval for the plan he just thought about when Tao spoke up.



"Alright hyung. I'll do it. But I won't promise you that I will be able to deliver it as believable as possible. You know that this is hard for me. Be considerate, okay?" Tao said, his head lowered as he stared at the floor.



"I promise you that you won't regret this, Tao-ssi."






Lea just messaged everyone that she was now infront of their apartment. Kris had called her after they got the message so she would know when to procede to the next plan.



At the moment, Sehun was annoying Tao to move faster and call her sister quick.



"Just hold up! I'm contacting her already. Don't pressure me okay, Sehunnie?!" Tao gritted to Sehun.



"Fine. Fine. Go ahead. Just make sure you won't screw up. Kekeke~" Sehun said mocking Tao.



Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the two kids. They were always like this. Sometimes even Kai would join in and the three of them would cause chaos to the whole building. They would run around like a bunch of five year olds playing tag all around the building, dance on hallways like no one else is there, and most of the time, piss off their seniors. He laughed at that thought. Chanyeol knows that even though they are a bunch of headaches, everyone in the management loves these three.



"She's not picking it up."



"Try again. Maybe she's just in the showers."



She's not picking it up. Is she okay? Or maybe she knows about my plans? It's probably because she's still mad at me. What will I do if she doesn't come over? I wouldn't be able to take another day without her. I need her. I love her so much. Iane, if your heart can hear me, please pick up the phone? Please? Iane pi---



"Hey! Do you--" Chanyeol heard her voice through the phone. He wanted to hear it more, but Tao cut her off.



"Noona what did you do this time?! Come to the building quick! Chanyeol did something to himself! He locked himself up in the practice room. We can't get to him. We're all really worried here! You'll be in trouble if you don't get here quick okay?!"



Tao quickly blurted it all out not even giving her sister a chance to speak. After that, he just pressed the end button on his phone.



"Eh, Tao-Tao? I thought you won't be able to deliver it well? You sounded like something bad really happened to your hyung here. It even sounded as if you were really concerned for him." Kris told Tao.



"Well, I just wanted to show Sehun here that I can act better than him. HA! And hey~! I am concerned with Chan hyung! He'll take care of my sister. I'm sincere, I am concerned for my hyung okay?!" Tao answered back defensively.



"Hey guys? What now? Would I announce my presence here already? Helllooooo~?" Lea said through the phone.



"Oh right. Yeah. You can now, jagiya. Mianhae." Kris said to the phone, a blush slowly appearing on his face.



Love struck dorky tall guy.



Chanyeol thought in his mind. It's a wonder what that simple word can do to each of them.



For him, he became responsible. He now knows how to take care of others' feelings and needs and not just play around all day. Baekhyun, his bestfriend learned to love others and not just himself. Heck it's the first time he had ever seen him be serious with a girl. He had really found his match. As for the dorky tall guy that is uncontrollably blushing in front of every one else, well, who would have thought that he really isn't a cold hearted man?



"Okay now guys we have to go inside and take our places remember? A twenty-minute drive is not a long one in case you don't know." Gerbel reminded everyone.



With that, the group started to go to their designated places.



Gerbel, Lay, and Cheen went to the lobby and started applying eye fluids to make their eyes look red and puffy as if they were really crying. The other guys did this as well. Poor Baekhyun had to endure having more of the liquids than the others though.



As for Chanyeol, he headed straight to the practice room.



The moment he stepped in and take his spot in the middle of the room, he closed his eyes and started reminiscing all the things that happened between him and the girl he loves deeply.

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Chapter 7: beh, wait lang haha. ipapa.print ko muna. para sa birthday ko, susunugin ko. para umabot yung sinulat mo sa taas. dadalhin kc ng smoke. para marinig ni God, tapos gagawan niya ng paraan para magkatotoo......

love you BEKON!

kainis ka gud beh. i can't understand what i'm feeling. nadala ako sa binasa ko. huhuhu~
Chapter 4: beh, mkahapoy gud talaga. PROMISE. ang ngiti ko abot langit na buh. hahaha. SARANGHAR BEKssi~
Chapter 2: makasuspense buh ang peg natin? haha.
twin, what was that you told me yesterday? you at writing foreword huh? with what i just read, you sure about that.? LOVE YOU FOREVER TWIN!!!
cocorini #5
I like this idea, update soon =D
marlimacha21 #6
Waiting for the first update o/