The Missing Puzzle Pieces

100 Days: HIM

Everyone wanted to be in my place.

Everyone else are competing just to get accepted.

Just like me, they wanted to become an idol.


Being a trainee was never easy. You have to maintain your image, even have to improve everyday. Practicing until past midnight, waking up early before the sun even rises to train again.


Park Chanyeol wanted to become an idol ever since he was still a young boy. He wanted to be belong to the line of the best rappers and dancers.


It was his dream. A dream that is now only a few steps away from him.






*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*


Chanyeol groaned at the sound of his alarm clock. He stirred in his bed and reached out to turn it off. His hand traveled on to his bedside table looking for the all too familiar button of his alarm clock. But he never got to touch it.


Chanyeol's head popped out from his comforter looking really confused. His eyes were fixed on the spot where he remembered he placed the clock last night.


Where the hell is that annoying clickclock?!


Chanyeol asked himself. Annoyance painted on his face. He was about to burry himself again under his sheets when he heard an all too familiar chuckle.


"Looking for something, aren't we Park Channie?" the guy .


"Oh come on now Baekhyunnie. Turn that annoying thing off." Chanyeol mumbled.


"You know better than calling me with that stupid nickname when I have the upper hand." Baekhyun said. It was obvious in his voice that he was beaming uncontrollably.


"Whatever. You started it anyway.  Turn that thing off. I'm going back to sleep." he said through his pillow.


"What?! No! You get up right this instance Park Chanyeol!" Baekhyun said as he  rushed to Chanyeol's bed side and rocked him sideways furiously.


"What the hell is your problem Baek?! I need to sleep. It's been weeks since I last slept this peacefully. Be nice and let me enjoy this. and Turn! That! Thing! off!!!" He said grumpily as he tried brushing off Baekhyun's slim arms while not even bothering to open up his eyes.


As he was about to drift back to sleep. He heard Baekhyun sigh and retrieve his footsteps. But then again he started tapping his foot on the wooden floor of their room continuously.


Finally giving up, he decided to open his eyes and look up to him. He was met with the bright rays of the sun, indicating that he had slept much longer than usual.


When his vision adjusted, he was met with the annoyed face of his dashing bestfriend. Chanyeol sat up slowly as he took in the features of his bestfriend. Baekhyun was holding up a suit in his arms. Placed on the desk beside him were dozens of neck and bow ties and several shoe boxes are piled underneath the desk. Baekhyun was wearing a simple white shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans and white converse. His black hair was styled in a disarray manner but it suited him really well. His skin was in its usually pale but raidiant shade and his lips showing off its natural pink color.


The only thing off about him was that his right eyes was perfectly lined with eyeliner and the other one was not.


"Pffft. What's with all the fancy clothing and stuff? And is that your new eyeliner statement?" Chanyeol said as he tried to supress a laugh escaping his lips. He knew well that if he annoys his bestfriend this early, he will rant at him all day, non stop.


Baekhyun let out an exasperated sigh.


"Enough with the innocent get up. You know well what would happen today." Baekhyun answered rolling his eyes.


"What? Seriously I have no idea. And... you didn't answer the other question." Chanyeol said playfully but you would be able to see that what he said were all true.


Baekhyun gaped at him. "What?! Chan you have got to be kidding me?! You planned this for weeks and had us all working for weeks! Don't go into acting like you don't know okay?! And this my friend is your doing! I can't concentrate on putting on my eyeliner because you keep on snoozing this stupid alarm clock of yours!" He let out as he punched the off button of the still ringing alarm clock.


Suddenly, the door opened and revealed a green head with its balck hair in all sorts of directions possible.


"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun screamed in unison.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~!" The other one screamed too as he sprang into the room giving Baekhyun and Chanyeol a full view of his body.


The one with the green head was tall and slim but muscles were visible on his arms. He was wearing a short sleeved robe in knee length with cute panda prints on it and blue pajamas with the same print.


After all of them had stopped screaming, another man burst into the room. He was only wearing sweatpants and sweat was visible on his perfectly toned chest. He was tall, taller than the green faced man. His hair was a shade of light honey and was messily tied at the top of his head. He was breathing raggedly as he tried to speak.


"Tao-tao, a-are you al-right? W-why were y-you scream-ing?" He said in between deep breaths.


"These two hyungs screamed when I entered the room and I got shocked so I screamed too. Sorry Kris hyung." The green faced man said with his head lowered.


"Tao?! Why in the world is your face green?! You scared us to death!" Chanyeol blurted out.


"Mianhae, hyung. I just wanted to know if you're all ready for today, I forgot to take off the cream before going here. Mianhae Chan hyung. Mianhae Baek hyung." Tao said sheepishly as he bowed towards the two.


"It's fine now Tao-ssi. We're okay now. We just got shocked I guess." Baekhyun said as he lightly patted Tao's shoulder.


"So?" Tao asked while looking at Chanyeol.


"What 'so'?" Chanyeol asked dumbfounded.


"Are you planning to get dressed and sweep your little 'princess' off her feet or just sleep all day? You know I didn't waste all my art skills in this if you'll just plan to sleep all day Chanyeol." Kris said in a sort of mocking way.


"I did not lie to my noona just for you to screw this all up in the end hyung. I might use my wushu skills on you." Tao's words came out venomous. He really becomes all serious when it comes to protecting his only sister even though she was a couple years older than him.



"Wha--" Chanyeol started but then again closed his mouth as he stared blankly in space.



It all came back to him.



That instance, everything made sense.


From the suit Baekhyun was holding, the fancy clothing accessories, the shoes, Tao being worried and strict, and Kris being concerned with the use of his art skills....


Every puzzle piece came back to his mind.



This is the day.

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Chapter 7: beh, wait lang haha. ipapa.print ko muna. para sa birthday ko, susunugin ko. para umabot yung sinulat mo sa taas. dadalhin kc ng smoke. para marinig ni God, tapos gagawan niya ng paraan para magkatotoo......

love you BEKON!

kainis ka gud beh. i can't understand what i'm feeling. nadala ako sa binasa ko. huhuhu~
Chapter 4: beh, mkahapoy gud talaga. PROMISE. ang ngiti ko abot langit na buh. hahaha. SARANGHAR BEKssi~
Chapter 2: makasuspense buh ang peg natin? haha.
twin, what was that you told me yesterday? you at writing foreword huh? with what i just read, you sure about that.? LOVE YOU FOREVER TWIN!!!
cocorini #5
I like this idea, update soon =D
marlimacha21 #6
Waiting for the first update o/