Chapter 7 (Flashback)

Seeing You

Chapter 7


I had always wanted to write WooGyu cohabitation...I don't know why, but it just seems so tempting... but that will come next chapter. This chapter is all dedicated to the past, the beginning of Woogyu~

Should I make Key appear here too? And should I have yadong? Should this be fluffy or angsty? I have both endings planned out...Hmm... PLEASE HELP ME DECIDE >.<

Enjoy the update (even though this is total crap and I do not know why I so much at writing AISH >.<)



Woohyun had been at the orphanage for about a week now. Ever since the day his Strawberry hyung took him in, his body has been slowly recovering from malnutrition. The caretaker, Mr. Shim, had ordered Sunggyu to be Woohyun's personal bodyguard so the others can't hurt him for being blind.

After finishing the last spoon of soup Sunggyu fed him, Woohyun rubbed his full tummy happily and smiled shyly.

"Thank you...hyung."

Sunggyu rubbed the black haired boy affectionately.

"Can you tell me your full name Woohyun-ah?"

"...It's Kim Woohyun. But I am no longer part of the family since they left me..." Tears welled up in his eyes. Sunggyu reached over and wiped off the falling drops.

"Don't cry Woohyun-ah. What can I do to help you?"

Sniff sniff "...promise to stay with me..."

Sunggyu nodded eagerly. But realizing that Woohyun cannot see his nodding, Sunggyu reached over to Woohyun's hand and wrapped his pinkie around Woohyun's.

"It is a promise...Hyunnie?" Sunggyu said hesitantly, testing out the nickname.

Woohyun grinned, the first real smile he showed after a whole week of being here.

"Yes...Strawberry hyung."


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"Look at him, so weak. Yah,you! What? Not responding? Maybe we should teach this kid a lesson to respect his elders..."

The older boys in the orphanage gathered together one day after dinner to pick on Woohyun. Since he was the youngest in the orphanage and Sunggyu came down with a cold, there was no one around to protect the poor boy from the bullies.

The leader of the gang took out a drawing of a pile of poop and wagged it before Woohyun's face.

"This is what you look like, you piece of . Oh right, you can't see. Not even your parents want you. I'm not surprised. Who would want a useless person like you? All you can do is eat our food and take up extra space. Get lost! Wait, you can't even find your way out".

Woohyun refused to cry. The boys' had insulted him, but it was nothing that the boy can't handle. At home, his father would scream things at him way worse on a bad day at work, calling him garbage and beating up the poor boy. His arms had permanent purple bruises and people refused to be around him at school. His life's peak was when he met Sunggyu, and now he is not here, leaving him alone to suffer alone.

"Not crying? I know you are blind, but I didn't know you were mute too. Scream! Where is your precious hyung now? Oh right, he is getting his shot because of his 'weak body'. He is not even 10 and his body is already like an old man..."

"Insult me, but do not insult my hyung!" Woohyun stood up from the corner, blindly punching in the direction of the bully's voice.

"Shut it blind boy!"

With that, the bully wacked his stick towards Woohyun's head. In the last second, someone pushed past the crowd and took the hit for Woohyun on his shoulder, the splinter from the wooden bat stuck in his shoulder.

"! He is bleeding! Retreat." Within seconds, everyone went away in case someone was to see them beat up the bleeding Sunggyu on the ground.

"Hyung! Hyung! Are you okay? What just happened?" Woohyun reached around his feet, finding a sticky hand grabbing his own.

Sunggyu stood up, his shoulders screaming in pain. Blood dripped down from his shoulder and he felt as if he had dislocated the joint. Gripping Woohyun's hand as hard as he could, he pulled the blind boy towards the main house.

The second he reached the house, Sunggyu fainted at the doorsteps, the last thing he heard being Woohyun's desperate cries for Mr. Shim, the caretaker.

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The first rays of sunlight peeked through the battered window, waking up Sunggyu from his sleep. Squinting and rubbing his eyes, he adjusted to the light and took in his surroundings. He was on his own bed at the orphanage, with his shoulders nicely wrapped and put in a cast.

He sat up slowly, finally noticing the slight weight on his bed. It was a sleeping Woohyun, a basin of water balanced on the bed with a towel soaked inside. The boy on the bed realized that the sleeping boy had took care of him while he was knocked out cold.

Sunggyu smiled. Reaching out his hand from under the blanket, the boy threw his blanket over the sleeping figure, careful to not wake up the boy.

"Sorry, hyung had promised to stay with you but I had left you alone. I promise to not do that again Hyunnie. Sleep well".

Sunggyu a stray lock of Woohyun's dark hair, leaning over to whisper his apology.

The sun slowly rose on the horizon as the two boys slept, holding hands and wandering off to a sweet dreamland.




...And I must go to bed. Aish fanfic is making me stay up so late... but my inspiration only comes at 11 PM with my Infinite playlist heh



credits to tumblr~

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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 20: Woogyu.......
sushisuke #2
Chapter 20: huahhhh..please update this so curious..please!! please!!
Chapter 20: OMG!!! authornim pls update soon~~~... really really want to know what happen and really really love your fic so pls~~~~ update!!! im begging sincerely while rolling in my bed for frustration such a cliffhanger ---- authornim pls~~~ showing you my best aegyo while throwing ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 20: sunggyu is gonna find out woohyun was the little boy yeah? aigoo namu chillax I feel you ;;;;;;
Chapter 20: lol how stupid is sunggyu nit to recognize his old caretaker xD poor namu, got left by our hamster

one step away from the truth!

oh btw you put lee jongsuk! awawaw xD
Good job! I enjoyed it!
Chapter 19: yaaaaaay they're a couple now ( ㄴ´ㅂ`)ㄴ
uh uh but i can't wait to see their reaction when they know their past xD
Chapter 19: what about myungyeol?? :((
but yay for woogyu
Chapter 18: is their officially dating? kyaaaaaa..woogyu XD