Chapter 6

Seeing You

Chapter 6


Changmin watched the two men standing in front of him struggling to speak.

"You...are Kim Sunggyu? CEO of the Seoul branch?"

"And I am assuming that you are Nam Woohyun, the CEO of the New York branch whose business is failing so much even though the market is so much better than that in Seo-"

"Well, excuse me Kim Sunggyu-sshi, our branch is not "failing" as much as it is slowly gaining speed in the market. I do remember my company listed in the New York Times as one of the best companies to work for because of the generosity we offer to every worker."

"And it is that damned generosity that made your branch so messed up." Changmin said dryly, stepping in to stop the two from their petty argument.

"But hyung~" Woohyun whined.

"What did I tell you Nam Woohyun-sshi? You do not call me hyung in public, and do not do your damned aegyo in public. Aish..."

Turning to the other confused looking man, Changmin smiled warmly and hooked an arm over Sunggyu's shoulders. "Gyu! How long has it been since I last saw you? What is this? Your cheeks are rounder than the last time I saw you. Aigoo, so squishy~ Here, hyung will give you some food to make those cheeks even more squishy..."

With that, Changming dragged Sunggyu down the clean hallway to his private office. Turning back to look at the stupefied Woohyun who was rooted to his spot like a tree, Sunggyu sent over a degrading smirk.

What is thisss??? Minnie hyung doesn't even let me call him hyung in public and he is all friendly with the new hamster guy. How dare he take away my hyung and laugh at me? But Minnie hyung is right...those cheeks are really adorable. Are all Korean men this attractive? WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING? I DID NOT JUST THINK ABOUT A HAMSTER. NO.

"NO! HAMSTERS ARE NOT CUTE! " Woohyun shouted this last part out loud, making everyone around him to turn and look at him weirdly. He snapped out of his reverie, banging his head in frustration and running to catch up with his hyung and the man HE SWORE HE DID NOT THINK WAS CUTE. NOPE. NOT AT ALL. Aish what's wrong with me~~~

In the cubicles, a new employee was just setting down her coffee when the frustrated Woohyun stormed over, accidentally banging his hand on the wall of the cubicle. The coffee spilled all over the table and the girl cried out in surprise.

"Ah I am so sorry! Here is a napkin." Woohyun bent over and took out a pack of tissues to help clean up the mess he made.

"No, it is alright. Thank you for helping me." the girl smiled at the apologetic looking man.

"I am Ailee and this is my first day here. I am supposed to be the new secretary for the CEO. Please take care of me!"

Wow, she has a really pretty smile. Extending his hand, Woohyun introduced himself.

"Hello and welcome! My name is Nam Woohyun and I have a question Ailee-sshi~"

"What is it Woohyun-sshi?"

"Are you an angel? Because I swear I had been blinded by your angelic smile." Woohyun replied greasily.


Woohyun cupped his cheek in surprise. Ailee had just slapped him across his face!

"Oh my God...I am so sorry Woohyun-sshi! It's just that my ex boyfriend ditched me for another girl by using the same line and I am still sensitive to these type of...talking." The poor girl blushed and looked down in shame.

Woohyun smiled again. "Ah, what is this Ailee-sshi, causing trouble on the first day of work? How can you make this up?"

Ailee stuttered "I-I am really sorry. I will resign if that is what y-"

"No need. Just promise me something."

Ailee looked at the smiling Woohyun, confusion clearly displayed on her clear complexion.

"Be my friend and tolerate with my pickup lines."

Both of them smiled. After shaking their hands, they parted ways.

This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


"What took you so long? I almost finished my fifth hamburger..." Changmin said. The three men are now gathered around a long conference table. Sunggyu had been speaking comfortably with Changmin for a while until the damn flirt finally decided to join them.

"Changmin hy-, er, Changmin-sshi, may I ask why you are eating hamburgers at 9 AM in the morning?"

The hungry man just looked at him. Sunggyu snorted, laughing out loud.

"Changmin hyung eats at least five times a day. In college, we had to buy an extra big fridge to fit in the room in case he gets hungry in the middle of the night."

"So you guys knew each other from college?"

Sunggyu nodded. Dusting his hands together after his last hamburger, Changmin decided to settle down to business.

"Now Woohyun-ah. Have you looked at the sales for the past quarter?"


"And what do you think of it?"

"...It should be improved just slightly..."

"YAH!" Changmin shouted. "What do you mean just slightly you idiot? That is why I can never trust you with taking such a tedious job at such a young age."

"What about Kim Sunggyu? He is only one year older than me and you do not scold him for being young?"

Sunggyu silently stood up and pointed at the projected screen. The sales number for the Seoul branch outsold the one in New York by at least a threefold.

"Numbers can speak for themselves."


"Calm down Woohyun. It has been bothering me. Do you guys know each other somehow? Why do I get a feeling of a married couple from you two..."






Refusing to look at the other man, Woohyun started to answer Changmin's question

"I met this person yesterday when picking up coffee for Yeollie and accidentally took the same strawberry smoothie he ordered. I saved him from embarrassing himself in English-"

Sunggyu interrupted "What you-"

"-and graciously gave him the coffee back. And I accidentally shocked the poor old man into falling down his -" Woohyun continued

"who are you calling "old man" you-"

"And let me guess," Changmin said, "you 'graciously helped him' and brought him back."

"To my own house! He slept over on my bed too!" Woohyun puffed out his chest, proud of his accomplishments.

"...Ah. Woohyun-ah, since you are so flirty around the ladies...I never thought that you would that."

Woohyun's eyebrows scrunched up and frowned. "Like what?"

Changmin lowered his voice. "...Gay."

"WHAT HYUNG THIS IS TOO MUCH ASJDHAKSJDAL." As Woohyun drove himself crazy, Sunggyu couldn't help but find the tantrum strangly familiar, as if the incoherent words spewing out of the young man's mouths had been uttered before Sunggyu before.

 "Now that is settle, I am a bit afraid for you Sunggyu-ah. You see, I was planning on having you stay for about two months in New York to help this kid to boost the business here. I have arranged a Lee Howon to take over your place in the Seoul branch and your secretary has also been arranged to leave for Seoul without you." Seeing the protests about to fall from Sunggyu's lips, Changmin quickly added "Nam Woohyun's secretary has also been ordered to go back, so both of you are expected to work together. As for the pay, I will pay you the same amount as in Seoul so don't worry."

Sunggyu nodded in agreement quite reluctantly. However, Sunggyu has no close relatives living in Korea other than his adoptive parents whom he barely kept in contact with other than the monthly check. Leaving Korea for two months is no problem, but the housing...

Seeing the perplexed expression on Sunggyu's face, Changmin answered Sunggyu's worries.

"You will be living with my brother Nam Woohyun-sshi here. Since you guys are so close already, I do not see a problem. Now both of you get out. I have a video conference in five minutes."

With that said, Woohyun and Sunggyu are pushed out of the conference room, the door slamming shut behind them.

"Well...welcome, roommate." Sunggyu offered his hand to shake.

"URGH LIFE !" With that exclamation, Woohyun sprinted to his office and fumed silently until Ailee came in to introduce herself as the new secretary, which immediately changed his sour mood.




Sorry for the slow update... School is too much for me to handle already >.<




sorry for the spam... IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW >.<

this is the best thing that has happened after SM and Woollim merged.

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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 20: Woogyu.......
sushisuke #2
Chapter 20: huahhhh..please update this so curious..please!! please!!
Chapter 20: OMG!!! authornim pls update soon~~~... really really want to know what happen and really really love your fic so pls~~~~ update!!! im begging sincerely while rolling in my bed for frustration such a cliffhanger ---- authornim pls~~~ showing you my best aegyo while throwing ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 20: sunggyu is gonna find out woohyun was the little boy yeah? aigoo namu chillax I feel you ;;;;;;
Chapter 20: lol how stupid is sunggyu nit to recognize his old caretaker xD poor namu, got left by our hamster

one step away from the truth!

oh btw you put lee jongsuk! awawaw xD
Good job! I enjoyed it!
Chapter 19: yaaaaaay they're a couple now ( ㄴ´ㅂ`)ㄴ
uh uh but i can't wait to see their reaction when they know their past xD
Chapter 19: what about myungyeol?? :((
but yay for woogyu
Chapter 18: is their officially dating? kyaaaaaa..woogyu XD