Chapter 10 (Flashback)

Seeing You

Chapter 10 


Myungsoo threw his phone at the bed in frustration, annoyed that his boss chose to ignore his 10th phone call. He flopped face down into the bed, sinking into the white mattress and sighed.

Knock knock.

"Come in." the tired man muttered, relieved that Sunggyu has finally came back.

"What took you so long Sunggy-" Myungsoo paused, seeing that the person who just entered the room was not his Sunggyu hyung, but Sungyeol.


"... I though we had already established to be strangers at the airport Lee Sungyeol-sshi. Why are you in my private hotel room in the middle of the night?" Myungsoo gazed coldly at Sungyeol, as if his eyes were razors that threatened to tear apart the man in front of him.

"...I...still can't forget about you Myung. I-I came here to ask you a final question before I really disappear for good." Sungyeol finally said, after turning his eyes to the floor, unable to meet Myungsoo's glare.

"...One last question, then you are gone. Understand?" With that, Myungsoo returned to his bed and scratched a scar on the back of his hand rather unconsciously.

Sungyeol smiled meekly, recalling that the scratching was a habit that the man would do whenever he got nervous.

"I... wanted to ask you..." Sungyeol bit his lips, thinking of a way to rephrase his question without being too blunt. He scratched his head in frustration and was about to open his mouth when he saw Myungsoo texting on the bed without even a glance at him.

Just when Myungsoo was about to press send, Sungyeol wrestled the phone from Myungsoo's hands and typed in his own greeting.

"YAH CHODING GIVE IT BACK TO ME!" Myungsoo shouted, attempting to grab the phone back from Sungyeol's hand. 

At least he is looking at me like a human now...

Sungyeol refused to let the phone go and turned away.

"...How else can I get you to talk to me? Don't I at least deserve some kind of respect?"

Myungsoo relied bitterly. "After what you have done to me, do you think you deserve any respect?"

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Woollim High School, 6 years ago

Sungyeol pushed to the front of the crowd, scanning the list posted outside of the school entrance. It was Sungyeol's first day at a new high school, and he definitely does not want to be late to his first class.

L building room 306.

Sungyeol walked off calmly into the campus, scanning the tall buildings for a sign that indicated Building L. He wandered around the school for about 20 minutes, checking and circling every single building. People offered to show him to his class, but the stubborn kid refused to let anyone help. However, the tardy bell rang before Sungyeol could locate the darn building.

The choding, hopelessly lost, returned to the same spot for the third time. He was about to enter a random classroom to ask for direction when he saw a black haired boy run in through the gates and sprinting to the building in front of him.


The boy raced past the choding without a second glance, leaving a furious Sungyeol behind in a cloud of dust.

"YAH! Stop!" Sungyeol stood up and sprinted to catch up to the boy with his long legs quite easily.

"I NICEY ASKED YOU TO SHOW ME WHERE THE DAMN BUILDING IS AND YOU RAN PAST WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING AT ME! ARE ALL PEOPLE FROM SEOUL SO MEAN TO US COUNTRY PEOPLE? I MEAN-"Sungyeol stopped himself, realizing that he was standing in front of a short gray building that acted as the boy's locker room. In big, fat bold type was the letter L spray painted on the side of the door.

"...Oh." Sungyeol turned around to thank the boy who brought him there, only to empty space where the boy used to stand.

For the rest of the day, Sungyeol was able to get around school just fine and even making friends with an overly chipper dancer named Dongwoo and his friend Hoya.

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Exhausted from the day, Sungyeol pushed open the door to his last Literature class, completely done with the day inside and out. He stood by the blackboard and introduced himself for the seventh time that day and took the only spare seat in the back with a black haired bo...y...

"Wait. It's him!"  Sungyeol thought happily, recognizing the guy sitting next to him. He extended his hand, happy to meet his savior again.

"Hi! Thank you so much for this morning! My name is Lee Sungyeol and I came from Yongin. What is your name?"

The boy glared at him, angry that his teacher would place such a talkative person beside him to interrupt his sleep time during class.

"One. I know your name is Lee Sungyeol because you have just introduced yourself a minute ago in front of the whole class. Second, I don't care about where you came from. Third, please move away so I can sleep in peace."


Sungyeol awkwardly took his hand back and turned around to face the front.

"Damn jerk." he whispered under his breath.

The boy's ears caught the insult and smiled bitterly.

Even someone who has just met me had already cursed me as a jerk, but why am I still surprised?

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A few days later in class...

"Lee Sungyeol, Kim Myungsoo. You two are partners for this project. And your topic is..." The teacher reached inside and drew out a slip of paper.

"! How wonderful!" Most of the girls in the class groaned, mad that the transfer student gets to work with the ice prince Myungsoo on the subject of "love".

Sungyeol scoffed unhappily, reluctantly turning to the silent boy sitting next to him, fast asleep.

"Myungsoo, right? When should we meet up for the project? Yah! Wake up! You-" the irritated Sungyeol grasped the other boy's hand and attempted to wake him up. Seeing that the boy was still asleep, Sungyeol retracted his hand back and picked up a sheet of paper to start writing.

There was a smudge of red on the clean, white paper, evidently from Sungyeol's fingers. Sungyeol looked down at his palm, horrified to find streaks of blood all over his hand. His eyes darkened as he zeroed on the wrist of the boy he has just grabbed.

There were lines of parallel cuts and dried blood crusting over the scars. Deciding that he should repay the favor for the first day, Sungyeol took out a bandage from his back pack.

 Myungsoo was still unconscious, completely oblivious that his wrist is being wrapped on by a certain choding sitting beside him.

Why? Sungyeol thought.

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Myungsoo woke up to an empty classroom. He stood up and stretched his arms out, wincing at the pain in his shoulders and noticed that his wrist is now plastered with a huge Hello Kitty Band Aid.

He froze mid yawn, eyes widening at the sticky note stuck to his nose.

It read

Meet me at the library at 4 PM on Saturday, ok? We need to work on the project even if all you are going to do is sleep there T_T . Tell me, are you secretly a kitty like the one on your MANLY LOOKING band-aid who sleeps all day everyday :P?

And don't worry about the cuts. I didn't tell anybody.


See you Myungsoo Kitty~~

Lee Sungyeol.


Myungsoo's lips stretched into a barely visible smile for the first time in months. He stuffed the note inside his bag relieved that the other guy decided to stay out of his business. The last thing he would need is for someone to find about his life at home.

Scratching his scars absentmindedly, Myungsoo contemplated.

This person may be my salvation. My messiah. My savior.

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No, Myungsoo is not depressed. I swear I will put up happier stuff this weekend :P The Myungyeol flashback should end next chapter and I can continue on with Woogyu fluff~~~

Did anyone watch This Diss is Infinite yet?? Woohyun with a whip in the beginning looked so y~~

The rain is making me write depressing stuff T.T


Woohyun the bday boy pic :P HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREE OPPA!



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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 20: Woogyu.......
sushisuke #2
Chapter 20: huahhhh..please update this so curious..please!! please!!
Chapter 20: OMG!!! authornim pls update soon~~~... really really want to know what happen and really really love your fic so pls~~~~ update!!! im begging sincerely while rolling in my bed for frustration such a cliffhanger ---- authornim pls~~~ showing you my best aegyo while throwing ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 20: sunggyu is gonna find out woohyun was the little boy yeah? aigoo namu chillax I feel you ;;;;;;
Chapter 20: lol how stupid is sunggyu nit to recognize his old caretaker xD poor namu, got left by our hamster

one step away from the truth!

oh btw you put lee jongsuk! awawaw xD
Good job! I enjoyed it!
Chapter 19: yaaaaaay they're a couple now ( ㄴ´ㅂ`)ㄴ
uh uh but i can't wait to see their reaction when they know their past xD
Chapter 19: what about myungyeol?? :((
but yay for woogyu
Chapter 18: is their officially dating? kyaaaaaa..woogyu XD