Chapter 16

Seeing You

Chapter 16


Woohyun was the first to pull away. Realization flooded his brain as he opened his eyes. Sunggyu was equally shocked and pushed away from Woohyun. He ran inside, slamming the door to the balcony with a bang.

Oh God. What the hell did I just do...




"Hyung~ Hyung~ Hyu-"

"What is it Hyunnie, I am trying to watch this..." Sunggyu said, quite annoyed that the other boy had interrupted his focus on the TV screen. Donated by Mr. Shim of the orphanage, two of the boys will be allowed to watch some TV each week. Today, it was Sunggyu and Woohyun's turn. Since Woohyun's eyes are still quite hazy, he had to depend on the older boy to recap the whole episode of Detective Conan back to him verbally. Unfortunately, Woohyun is quite impatient and started bugging Sunggyu right when it got to the good part. Sunggyu coldly brushed off the other boy and turned back to the TV.

"I know who the murder is," the Conan on the screen said with his bowtie speakers. "Because there is only one truth."

"Wow," Sunggyu breathed. "I want to grow up to be that cool, don't you Hyunnie?" No response.


 Sunggyu finally looked away from the TV and saw Woohyun sitting with his back facing away from Sunggyu, his arms crossed, obviously upset.

"Hyunnie?" Woohyun pretended to not hear.

Sunggyu sighed, but then started to grin.

"Do you want to know what happened?" Sunggyu teased. Yet, the mad boy still sat there.

Sunggyu sneakily walked behind Woohyun and tackled the boy in a bear hug.

"Hyung is sorry, hyung is sorry. I will tell you what happened, ok?" Sunggyu repeated, his hands patting the other boy's black hair affectionately.

Twitch, twitch. The corners of Woohyun's mouth began to lift.

"Hmm... but Hyunnie is mad now." Woohyun pouted, jutting his lips out and blinked in the direction of Sunggyu's voice.

"Then hyung will tell you a story, so don't be mad anymore, ok?"

Woohyun was tired of pretending to be mad and nodded back happily.

Smiling, Sunggyu began to recap the episode of anime back to Woohyun.

"Wow...thank you Strawberry hyung!! But...what is going on now?"

Sunggyu's small eyes turned back to the TV, now showing the happy couple from the anime getting married.

"The nice lady and guy is getting married in this big white church with a huge bell and..." Sunggyu repeated whatever was on the screen, making Woohyun's eyes grow wide with wonder.

"...hyung? What about now?" Noticing that the other boy had stopped talking in the middle of the sentence.

"Er...they are kissing now."

Woohyun scrunched up his eyebrows, clearly confused.

"Hyung, what is kissing?"

Sunggyu was uncomfortable, because at the age of 8, he believed that all girls had cooties and tried to stay as far away as possible from them.

"Apparently it is something two people do when they love each other." Sunggyu finally replied.

Woohyun asked again. "What do you do?"

"Two people smack their mouths together. It looks like it really hurts."

"But hyung," Woohyun said, "you said that when two people love each other, they kiss, right?"

Sunggyu nodded. Realizing that Woohyun can't exactly see the nod, he replied.


"Then hyung, do you love me?" The 6 year old boy asked, grinning widely.

Sunggyu thought for a moment. "I like better you than anyone else here."

"Then can hyung kiss me?"

"NO!!!" Sunggyu stood up from where he was, quite flustered.

"Why?" Woohyun asked, his arms stretched out in front of him, looking for Sunggyu.

" weird! Go away Hyunnie!" With that, Sunggyu ran out of the room and left Woohyun alone on the floor.

"...Hyung!!!" Woohyun cried out.

Hearing his cry, Sunggyu stopped running away and came back into the room.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he pressed his lips to the other boy's plump lips. He pulled the other boy up and ran away from the room again, Woohyun's hand in his.

Woohyun touched his lips with his free arm, realizing that Sunggyu had just kissed him.



Flashback ends

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The Next Day


"Baby my love beautiful~" A voice was heard over the noise of running water, promptly waking up the hamster before his clock has even rang.

"Aish this kid...I need my sleep. SHUT UP NAM WOOHYUN!" The last part he shouted towards the door.

The shower stopped running and Woohyun stopped singing.


Rubbing his eyes, Sunggyu got up from the bed and grabbed a black hoodie. He opened the door with one hand while struggling to put his head through the hole. But then he walked into something wet. Finally succeeded in putting his head though, he saw just what he had ran into the first thing in the moring.



It was Woohyun who just came out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His black hair was dripping droplets of water onto his broad shoulders, sliding down his defined abs and-

Sunggyu mentally slapped himself.

"Put on some clothes before you get sick again idiot." Sunggyu said after an awkward pause. He walked past Woohyun, making sure that his eyes were focused on his feet on his way out.

"...AHHHH!!" Woohyun screamed inside his head. He sat down on his old bed, now Sunggyu's. Flopping his body onto the bed, Woohyun breathed in Sunggyu's scent in the blankets.

I needed clothes from this room. Since he was shouting for me to stop singing, I thought that he was awake and outside the room already...

Grabbing the clothes he needed, Woohyun dressed himself in Sunggyu's room. He was about to walk out of the room when he smiled to himself.

It should be illegal...How can someone look so cute in the morning?


For the next two weeks, Sunggyu and Woohyun behaved as if the kiss never happened. Still at each other's throat over insignificant details, the two CEO went through their days.

But sometimes, Sunggyu would catch the other man zoning out in the middle of meetings, looking at the glass window, his features softening as Woohyun thought of his birth parents.

Woohyun noticed that Sunggyu will occasionally send glances at him while avoiding eye contact. The younger man is quite confused, not sure if the attention from Sunggyu is because of the kiss or Woohyun's breakdown that night.

 Deciding that something should be done, Woohyun promised himself that he will talk to the other man after work that day.


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"And that will be all," Ailee said, closing her planner.

Woohyun smiled warmly at the girl, standing up from his chair. Sliding an arm into his jacket, Woohyun bid good bye to his secretary and walked to the office next to his to get Sunggyu.

"...and how many times do I have to tell you!! It was not my fault!" Sunggyu's frustrated voice reached Woohyun as the younger CEO pushed the door open.

"...Yes, I do understa-...but I...Alright. I will get it done by Monday." Sunggyu said dejectedly, slowly placing the receiver back down.

"Sunggyu-hyung, want to leave now?" Woohyun said causally, not realizing that he had started speaking comfortably to Sunggyu.


Sighing, Sunggyu packed up his bag and walked out with his head down.

Woohyun blocked the door with his body, forcing the tired man to look into Woohyun's dark eyes.

"Let's go for a drink today if that can make you feel better. This week has been too ty."

Nodding gratefully, Sunggyu and Woohyun left the office and bought a twelve pack of soju on the way home.


"I am telling you," Woohyun was trying to say in the car, "this soju is better than the one they have in Korea."

Laughing for the first time that day, Sunggyu replied. "And for someone who has never drank Korean soju, how can you be sure than what we have in Korea?"

"I...just know!" Woohyun defended, left without a comeback.

"But...we probably shouldn't have bought so much." Sunggyu looked at the drinks in the back seat, sitting with a mountain of groceries. Sunggyu had been quite surprised to learn that Woohyun was the cook of the family, his food tasting better than some of the dishes made in restaurants...not that Sunggyu will ever tell him anyways.

"Looking at us, people will probably think of us as a married couple." Woohyun joked, gesturing to the pile of food. "Mommy going out after work to shop for grocery and Daddy picking her up."

"Not at all..." Sunggyu was not amused. "Besides, why am I the girl?"

"It's because hyung is pre- er, pretty ugly." Woohyun covered up, about to let his tongue slip.

"You make no sense sometimes... you know that right, Nam Woohyun?"


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Hours and 6  bottles of soju later...

"And she left me, for a freaking dinosaur looking musician." Woohyun hiccupped, dead drunk and rambling about his love life to the equally drunk Sunggyu.

"At least you had dated a girl before." Sunggyu said, his head pressed against the glass table in the living room. He shook the empty bottle in his hand, squinting and trying to see if there are anymore left.

The apartment was trashed. After eating a nice dinner made by Woohyun and an excuse of a soup made by Sunggyu and ramen powder, the two young men camped themselves in the living room and started to drown their sorrow in the alcohol. Junk food wrappers littered the ground where Woohyun was lying. Somehow, Woohyun's head was resting on Sunggyu's lap.

"Sorry hyung." Woohyun slurred.

"What for?"

"Sorry for making you drunk, sorry for taking away your first kiss, and sorry for existing." Woohyun laughed bitterly.

"Yah Nam Woohyun, You are wrong."

"What is it hyung~"

Leaning down dangerously close to Woohyun's face, Sunggyu'd breaths tickled the other boy's face.

"That," Sunggyu whispered, "wasn't my first kiss."




I AM BACK~~~ (starts to sing She's Back...btw that song is AMAZING. I love the Jap ver of the mv...)

Sorry for not updating for a week, I had THREE FREAKING TESTS IN ONE DAY ASJHDASJDA.

Anyone see OGS returns photos? Infinite Comeback. April. COMEBACKKKKKKKKKKK

(brb crying over my about to be empty wallet)



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Inspiritwer_11 #1
Chapter 20: Woogyu.......
sushisuke #2
Chapter 20: huahhhh..please update this so curious..please!! please!!
Chapter 20: OMG!!! authornim pls update soon~~~... really really want to know what happen and really really love your fic so pls~~~~ update!!! im begging sincerely while rolling in my bed for frustration such a cliffhanger ---- authornim pls~~~ showing you my best aegyo while throwing ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 20: sunggyu is gonna find out woohyun was the little boy yeah? aigoo namu chillax I feel you ;;;;;;
Chapter 20: lol how stupid is sunggyu nit to recognize his old caretaker xD poor namu, got left by our hamster

one step away from the truth!

oh btw you put lee jongsuk! awawaw xD
Good job! I enjoyed it!
Chapter 19: yaaaaaay they're a couple now ( ㄴ´ㅂ`)ㄴ
uh uh but i can't wait to see their reaction when they know their past xD
Chapter 19: what about myungyeol?? :((
but yay for woogyu
Chapter 18: is their officially dating? kyaaaaaa..woogyu XD