In Which House Warming Doesn't Happen but Noraebang Spin the Bottle Does

heretofore untitled [a blockbang au]

The knock at the Block B dorm's door comes unexpected some around the late afternoon. Tomorrow would be their first official comeback preparation day under YG Entertainment so today they'd done nothing but laze around the house in their pajamas watching movies and eating jjajangmyeon, so the knock at their door comes as a bit of a surprise. Everyone stares at the door for a little bit before Jihoon gives a big heaving sigh before hefting himself up off the floor with a: 'fine, I'll get it.'

At the door he sees not only the members of BIGBANG but also the members of 2NE1 and Winner.

All dressed much nicer than everyone in the dorm.

He's wearing boxers.

And his shirt is stained with jjajangmyeon.

So naturally - wide eyed and embarrassed for himself - he slams the door shut.

In Lee Chaerin's face.

"Jihoon!" Taeil yells before rushing to the door and throwing it open himself. He bows deeply several times, face red with embarrassment on the part of their incompetent maknae.

"I'm so sorry, we weren't expecting guests and Jihoon is really impulsive," he apologizes, eyes averted downward, swallowing thickly.

"Don't worry about it, we were just coming over to maybe have a little housewarming get together, but it seems as though you've all had more than your fill of jjajangmyeon. So maybe we could go out for drinks or something?" Chaerin forgave, smiling fondly at the shorter male.

"Oh, yeah sure! Come in, we'll get ready. Help yourselves to whatever you want!" Taeil called as he sprinted to the bathroom before any of the other members could shower before him. Jaehyo, who was already ready to jump in the shower cursed under his breath. The rest of the group stood up and bowed in greeting, offering spots to sit and drinks before they went to their shared rooms quickly to pick out clothes. It takes a bit of time but they emerge from their caves fully dressed and looking significantly better than they did about an hour and a half prior.

"Alright, we're ready if you guys are!" Yukwon announces, smiling and the rest of the people milling around the dorm collect themselves and prepare to head out.


After a bit of driving they decide to go to a noraebang. They rent the largest private room for a few hours and file into it, the youngest immediately having wars for the microphones while the elders ordered rounds of alcohol for the group. It was amusing to see Taehyun pushing Mino away from the mic under the pretense of 'saving everyone's ear drums from that monstrosity you call a singing voice'. Mino countered that he'd only do the rap parts and was immediately shot back with 'you think your rapping is better than your singing?'

The battle was finally finished by an unapologetic Minji who plucked the microphone from Taehyun's hands and searched through the song menu to find a song to sing.

"Ah, here it is," she says, tapping the song on the menu with a manicured nail. The instrumental for Tiny G's Miss You plays through the speakers and the remaining members of 2NE1 snatch the remaining three microphones before anyone else has a chance to grab them. As they sing and dance, with various members of the remaining groups cheering them on, Jiyong finds his way through the room to seat himself next to Jiho, two drinks in his hands.

"Want one?" He asks the distracted Jiho, who jumps slightly before realizing it's Jiyong. He gives a smile that leaves Jiyong's insides twisting.

"Of course," he answers before taking the chilled bottle of soju from Jiyong's hand and twisting it open with his teeth. They nurse the soju, watching the girls do their thing until the song ends. They all clap and the way the girls turn around with smug smiles on their faces denotes that this is no longer for fun, but a competition. It's sealed with a 'beat that' and a synchronized strut back to the large couch against the wall that leaves the room 'oooh'ing.

"Well who's next?" Dara asks and before the joke has a chance to begin she shoots a warning 'don't' at the remaining people in the room who deflate at the loss of a really good pun.


The night goes on with various groups of people getting progressively drunker and singing progressively sloppier until nothing sounds remotely like the songs that were playing in the background. The girls are declared the unanimous victors, being that Winner goofed off their entire time on the mic, and no one in BIGBANG or Block B even tried because they were half tipsy by the time their turns rolled around.

Since they decided they weren't sober enough for singing yet still had a couple hours left rented out and the night was fairly young, they decided on what to do in the room until their time ran out.

"Spin the bottle!" Seunghoon exclaimed and everyone was too drunk to protest the horribly bad idea and actually agreed heartily, all big smiles and stumbles onto the floor, an empty bottle of soju in the messy circle they managed to make. Boldly, Seunghoon grabs the bottle first and gives it a hard spin, it nearly careens away but steadies itself and lands on a stunned Minji. She's too tipsy to care though, so she plants one on him and plops back down to her seat, laughing.

It continues like that until it's Jiyong's turn, he's currently wiping the gloss of his mouth from a hilariously drunk kiss between him and Chaerin. He laughs and comments 'that's exactly why we need to stay friends'. He grabs the bottle with clumsy hands and spins it with a twist of his wrist. The chinking sound of the bottle spinning on the floor is the only sound in the room until it slows and stops. Jiyong lifts his eyes from the bottle to who it's pointed at.

And - just his luck - it's Woo ing Jiho.

There's a collective chorus of 'oooh's before Jiyong puts on a predatory smirk and leans over the bottle on hands and knees to where Jiho is seated and drags him in for a kiss.

Their lips brush lightly until they press forward just a little more, lips molding to each other. Their eyes slide shut and Jiho just ing melts. Its like the alcohol in his system can't even bring itself to cloud the moment. Jiho's mouth opens of its own accord and soon the press of lips turns into a full out make out session. Their tongues slide together and the electricity between them is palpable, unaware of time or how long they've actually been kissing each other for. Neither are important at the moment, since everything feels so perfect in the exact moment they're stuck in. The kiss is more sobering than either of them expected. Their breathing is heavy and their eyes are lidded when they pull away, lips red and shiny.

The silence is deafenng until Kyung breaks it with an audible and significantly less slurred voice.

"Holy ."


The incident at the noraebang is left forgotten and they leave the building smiling and laughing, slightly more sober than when they started spin the bottle. However, Jiho's lips still tingle and his insides feel like liquid. He really wonders what the hell it all means but all he can think about was how right it was. How right it felt to be kissing him, how right their lips felt together, how right they seemed to fit. Jiyong, on the other hand, is a weak-knee'd-sweaty-palmed-head-pounding-nail-picking mess. He always notes that he knows he's fallen for someone when the moment after they kiss he wonders what their kids are going to look like and if they'd like to have dinner at the very top of the Eiffel tower, maybe. Those thoughts are crossing through his mind and all he can do is panic.

When he gets home he doesn't sleep.


When Jiho gets home he grabs the bear from the trunk without a care, curls into the comforters Jiyong gave him, and breathes out a cheek splitting smile.

He sleeps better than he has in a while, the nest of butterflies in his stomach making for a especially saccharine dream sequence.


iM SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG TO UPDATE OTL. yesterday i was contemplating the possibilities of writing a really dark fic and then i kinda veered off the track of fluffiness this fic required and i kept getting interrupted while writing.


oh man things are pickin up im so excited for when they actUALLY STArt dating [hyperventilates]

the song 2ne1 sings in this chapter is right here if you havent heard it. i absolutely adore tiny g lol

anyways i hope you guys enjoy it and since i need some more pairings for this it would be super a+ if you could comment any pairings you'd like to see even in passing! im in desperate need for more pairings to add to this since there are so many people lol

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hazecraze 930 streak #1
Chapter 7: This whole chapter gave me 5MBC vibes, except with more juicy details hehe
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 6: Wow i was not expecting that spin the bottle scene. I hope its not too awkward the next day
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 5: Bigbang knows Jiyong too well. If only he could be comfortable with his uality though.
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 4: Aw JIyong's heart fluttering was adorable! He's already gone soft
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 3: Haha Jiho is the type of fan we all aspire to be! Him sleeping on GD's bed was so cute though! I can tell they are going to be whipped for each other real soon
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 2: That was such a beautiful reunion! I always love me some blockwinner
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 1: It would be so cool if this actually happened! Block B's very good era had visuals that reminded me of 2ne1
Sunshine_ #8
Chapter 7: Omg.... I need that update..... But I'm quite a few years late to find this story to begin with it seems.....
Update? ;~;
Chapter 7: I'm really enjoying this story. I'm super excited for the next chapter and what will happen next. good luck and good vibes <3