In Which The News is Broken

heretofore untitled [a blockbang au]

Breathe, Jiho.

It's nothing bad.

There's nothing bad happening.

Everything has been going great so far.

Jiho's thoughts run rampant as he makes his way to CEO Kim's office, his group mates trailing behind him. They all have equally worried expressions on their faces and their steps feel heavy as they practically trudge down the hallway. Jiho's cynical side gets the better of him some time halfway down the hallway and it makes some pretty good points, points that leave a cold sheen of sweat on Jiho's forehead and the chill of something awful crawling down his spine.

You know how these things go, Jiho.

You get something good.

Then it gets beyond ed up somehow.

That's how it works when it comes to Block B and we all know it.

We're obviously not allowed to have good things and this is just another one of those times.

I'd be preparing myself for the worst, if I were you, which I am.

Jiho's swallow is thick and his hand shakes as he twists the entirely way too cold doorknob of the CEO's office. Before pushing the door open he looks back at s, who all look as equally horrified as him. They've been set up for failure time after time after time and they all have a sinking suspicion that this is going to be one of those times. With a steadying breath, Jiho closes his eyes, turns his head back to the door, and pushes it open slowly. The creaking of the door makes him cringe and he knows they all look worse for wear when CEO Kim gives them worried looks as they enter the office. The air around them is somber and seems to clash with the emotions CEO Kim seems to be giving off. They're actually not sure what emotions CEO Kim is giving off at the moment, so they clearly go from downtrodden to confused in the span of barely a few seconds.

Jiho clears his throat first.

"So, um, you wanted to see us Gyuwook hyung?" He asks, his voice shaky.

"Yes, I did. Though judging by the way you look it seems as though its for an entirely different reason than the one you probably believe I called you for," CEO Kim replies and the words seem to perk the group up to attention. They're not sure if the news is bad or not, but they're absolutely certain now that it's better than what they originally believed.

"I called you here to ask for your approval on something. We're a relatively small company, and we were made just for you, so I wanted your input on this before I took any steps forward," he continues and the group is absolutely buzzing. Jihoon is desperately attempting not to yell 'spit it out, already!' and it seems as though he's not the only one.

"What is it?" Yukwon asks almost timidly. The smile that CEO Kim gives is one that makes them feel like this is much bigger and much better than whatever it is their brains had been supplying at the present moment. Minhyuk's heart is hammering in his chest and he squeezes his hand to the point of almost bruising on Taeil's shoulder. The tension in the air is damn near palpable and they're so engrossed in the anticipation that they nearly miss CEO Kim's next few words.

"Well... A certain CEO approached me yesterday and proposed something very tempting. I didn't want to jump into anything and sound like an absolute nut, so I told him that I'd discuss it with you all before I took any action regarding his offer," CEO Kim responds - an almost Cheshire smile on his face - and the group is practically vibrating at this point. Jaehyo is biting down hard on his lip and wringing his hands so hard his fingers crack, providing practically the only sound in the short span of time before Jiho speaks up again, this time much more urgently.

"Well, who was it? What did he say?" Jiho nearly yells, almost at the edge of his seat, feet tapping impatiently, hands clenched on the armrests of the chair so hard his knuckles are white. Absolutely nothing of this sounds bad and they're prepared to take the jump for whatever it is so long as said CEO's name isn't Lee Soo Man (because Jiho knows exactly how overshadowed they're going to be, and exactly how SM they aren't.) So white-knuckled, teeth clenched, eyes wide, shaking apart at the seams with excitement, he waits.

"First of all, he proposed a merger between Seven Seasons and his entertainment company. The pay on both our ends would be about double what it is now, and trust me when I say you won't be disappointed with who it was," CEO Kim says, leaving them hanging once more for s and giggles. He found that playing around with the boys was as much fun as watching them act like fools with each other. They looked just about ready to snap from the excitement of it all. He can safely say he was reveling in it, but decided not to leave them hanging on for much longer, lest they strangle him for answers.

"Before you all lose your minds and commit a felony or a crime of passion or something of that sort, the CEO who approached me was none other than one Mr. Yang Hyun Suk," CEO Kim said, bracing himself for the impact of yelling bound to come from at least one of the members.

"YG?! YG Entertainment?! The Yang Hyun Suk wants us?! Oh my God, someone pinch me or set off the alarm or something because I have to be dreaming!" Jiho exclaims and s can help but smile and laugh a little at him. They're excited but something tells them they're not nearly excited as their leader, the biggest BIGBANG fangirl they've probably ever encountered. He's so YG biased he'd probably vote for a YG artist even if they were up against Block B. Jaehyo couldn't wait to tell at least one member of BIGBANG about Jiho's trunk full of BIGBANG merchandise.

"Okay, Ji, calm down. We know you're probably the most YG biased person in this room, but there's no need to shout," Kyung laughed, pushing Jiho's shoulder. The tension was completely diffused and CEO Kim was happy to see his artists just as ecstatic about the merger as he was. He wanted to do everything in his power to keep the boys happy and successful and this was just one of the many things he was willing to do for them.

"So I'm going to assume your enthusiasm means yes, right?" CEO Kim laughs, and the members nod vigorously in approval. What he's not expecting his the pile of bodies and arms on top of him just a moment later. The group hug is large and warm and filled with laughter and he feels like a proud father who just put his boys through one of the top colleges in the country. Pride and happiness well in his core and he hugs the boys back as best as he can with the limited arm span he has.

He's glad he's been able to pull the boys from the slump of awful thing after awful thing that have happened to them.

Later on in the day, he calls CEO Yang and confirms the merger.


"Perfect, I'll see you tomorrow morning to sort out the final paperwork and set the boys up with a few of the ground rules of the company. Have a nice day, Gyuwook," YG says, a satisfied smile on his face. Something about Block B's resilience and talent and originality reminded him a lot of his own artists. Speaking of which, he was more than happy to call them in for a company wide meeting regarding the merger. If there was one thing he wanted to drill through their heads was that product of a merger or not, Block B was now a part of the YG Family, whether anyone liked it or not. With a couple mouse clicks and the tap of a few keys, the company wide memo was on its way.

All artists report to the conference room 5:00pm, mandatory.

- CEO Yang Hyun Suk


"I've called you all here to inform you that earlier today I confirmed a merger with a small company by the name of Seven Seasons, most of you may not be aware of it which is fine, but I'm sure you're aware of the artist underneath the company," YG announces and he notices Mino's eyes widen, going glassy with tears, as he throws his hands over his mouth. YG knows exactly what Mino's history is and he knows exactly how close he is to Jihoon so he expected as much from the boy in terms of reaction.

"Weren't they formed specifically for that one group... Block... Block B or something?" Chaerin asks snapping her fingers in an attempt to remember the groups name. YG nods. The murmurs start up, all of them encouraging, seeing as now the group would be a part of the YG Family. They ranged from 'pretty ballsy of them to walk away from their company and manage to stay completely intact' to 'I've gotta admit, Very Good was a killer comeback song'. YG was immediately proud of his artists for already preemptively treating the group with acceptance and respect.

"Alright, that's enough chatter. I called you here to inform you of that and also to remind you that despite their status of entry into this company was on the basis of a merger that you are expected to treat them just like you would if it weren't. They are in YG Family now. No matter what you say or do, that isn't going to change, understood?" YG informs them and the ascent comes near instantly. 

"Good, you're all dismissed," he finishes and the artists all file out of the conference room, chatting all the way out of the room. Their voices can be heard going down the hall, muffled by the walls until there's no sound to pick up on due to distance.

He knows that tomorrow is going to be a long but exciting day.

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hazecraze 930 streak #1
Chapter 7: This whole chapter gave me 5MBC vibes, except with more juicy details hehe
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 6: Wow i was not expecting that spin the bottle scene. I hope its not too awkward the next day
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 5: Bigbang knows Jiyong too well. If only he could be comfortable with his uality though.
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 4: Aw JIyong's heart fluttering was adorable! He's already gone soft
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 3: Haha Jiho is the type of fan we all aspire to be! Him sleeping on GD's bed was so cute though! I can tell they are going to be whipped for each other real soon
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 2: That was such a beautiful reunion! I always love me some blockwinner
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 1: It would be so cool if this actually happened! Block B's very good era had visuals that reminded me of 2ne1
Sunshine_ #8
Chapter 7: Omg.... I need that update..... But I'm quite a few years late to find this story to begin with it seems.....
Update? ;~;
Chapter 7: I'm really enjoying this story. I'm super excited for the next chapter and what will happen next. good luck and good vibes <3