In Which BIGBANG Confront G-Dragon

heretofore untitled [a blockbang au]


Jiyong knows exactly how ed he is when Block B bids their goodbyes after receiving a call from their manager telling them that their dorm is fully prepared for them to move into and he tells Jiho he can take the comforter as a housewarming gift. The looks s give him mean 'as soon as that door shuts we are having a very lengthy conversation'. The click of the door and the sound of receding footsteps is taken like a gunshot at the beginning of a race and Jiyong braces himself for the barrage of questions he is sure is coming his way in






"You like him, don't you?"


"That's not even questionable, he totally likes him."

"I absolutely do not!"

"Yeah, I remember the last time he gave away something of his to someone. He was crushing so hard on that girl he couldn't even keep a straight face if you even mentioned her."

"That's such a lie!"

"No, it's the truth. You wrote like 16 ty love songs about her. I bet you you're gonna do the same again."

"Shut up, it's not like that!"

"He's getting defensive, it totally is like that."

"It totally isn't like that!"

"Oh my God, he saved the picture you posted on his phone!"

"Wait, how did you get my phone you little ?!"

The back and forth continues for some where around 10 minutes until Daesung - who remained silent the entire exchange - silenced the bickering group with a loud whistle. He couldn't believe he had to resort to the method used to calm kindergartners to calm his hyungs, but it seemed to be the only thing that would get them to shut up about this. What had to happen was a conversation about the alleged crush, and ways to ensure that a) Jiyong wouldn't be weird about it and b) he and Jiho would start dating. If there was one thing everyone was on board ever since 2011 it would have to be that they'd help make sure everyone stayed happy. If dating Jiho would make Jiyong happy then, goddammit, they would help make it happen.

"Can we all be adults now? Jiyong, denying the fact that you like him even just a little bit is childish. And the way that you guys started grilling him was equally childish. We don't mind if you like him or not, you know that right?" He says and Jiyong sighs. Seungri guiltily slides Jiyong's phone back at him.

The silence that follows is contemplative and no one is sure how to break it. Despite the support Jiyong will get from his friends and his label he's sure he won't receive from his peers. They're living in a country whose antiquity and societal set backs outweigh its technological advances. The harassment people receive from just support of people (people like him, he concludes in his mind, the finality of it making him swallow) is beyond what Jiyong has the courage to stomach.

"Maybe I should just pretend I don't. Pretend I'm not... Whatever it is I am," he says, slicing through the silence with a knife that raises indignation amongst his group mates.

"Pretend that you're not attracted to someone just to avoid criticism?" Seungri asks, tone harsh, and eyes steely and Jiyong can't bring himself to keep silent.

"It's not just criticism, Seungri, it's hatred. You've seen how this country reacts to people like me," he bites back. It's easy for Seungri to call it criticism since he'll never experience the outright hatred that comes with not being straight. "They'll literally hate me. They'll call me diseased, they'll harass me. You can't say tell me to just forget all that and be myself. That's not how it works."

"According to you that's exactly how it works. You said it yourself: 'Fear the heart that is no longer brave enough to take risks and embrace challenges.' Why start fearing your own heart now?" Seungri states. "The thing is is that you're either going to spend your time hating yourself over something you have no control over or you're going to accept that you are just as normal as everyone else despite what people think and you're going to date the boy you like - and any boy you may happen to find yourself liking later on - and be happy. Because you deserve it."

There's silence once more and Jiyong can only manage a watery smile before he pulls Seungri in for a tight hug that ends with the rest of the members joining in and somehow managing to topple over and crush Seungri underneath them as nature always seems to want happen. They un-pile from atop him laughing and plop themselves onto the couch with a synchronized flourish.

"Okay, now we're gonna discuss how in the world we're gonna figure out how to get you two together because God knows that boy has got it bad."


ugh this was short and ty i promise the next chapter is gonna be longer rip also whenever there might be something triggering in the chapter i'll put it big and bold in the very beginning to let people know. anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it was so short OTL

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hazecraze 930 streak #1
Chapter 7: This whole chapter gave me 5MBC vibes, except with more juicy details hehe
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 6: Wow i was not expecting that spin the bottle scene. I hope its not too awkward the next day
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 5: Bigbang knows Jiyong too well. If only he could be comfortable with his uality though.
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 4: Aw JIyong's heart fluttering was adorable! He's already gone soft
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 3: Haha Jiho is the type of fan we all aspire to be! Him sleeping on GD's bed was so cute though! I can tell they are going to be whipped for each other real soon
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 2: That was such a beautiful reunion! I always love me some blockwinner
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 1: It would be so cool if this actually happened! Block B's very good era had visuals that reminded me of 2ne1
Sunshine_ #8
Chapter 7: Omg.... I need that update..... But I'm quite a few years late to find this story to begin with it seems.....
Update? ;~;
Chapter 7: I'm really enjoying this story. I'm super excited for the next chapter and what will happen next. good luck and good vibes <3