In Which U-Kwon Owes Taeyang an Explanation

heretofore untitled [a blockbang au]

"I refuse to speak without my lawyer present," Yukwon protests from his place curled on the corner of the couch.

"Who's your lawyer?" Youngbae asks, looking up at the boy in question from his place on the floor, covers pooled on his lap and a pillow at his back that he's more than ready to terrorize Yukwon with if he refuses to give an explanation as to why exactly he was so jealous about that episode of WinnerTV.

"He's asleep at the moment and I'm also prosecuting him so it's really complicated and I need him here to both defend me and also to terrorize him. This is lawyer client confidentiality being breached right now," Yukwon replies and Minhyuk pushes his shoulder hard which causes Yukwon to whip his head around to look at him with a falsely indignant glare.

"You're an idiot, Kwonnie. I hope you know that," Minhyuk states bluntly and Yukwon sticks his tongue out a him like a child.

"Whoa, wait, what did I do that I'm an idiot?" Jiyong asks as he reenters the living room after leading Jiho to his room to sleep, having heard Minhyuk's comment. He was absolutely terrified that the conversation they were having had something at all to do with how he was acting around Jiho. His paranoia always go the better of him in situations like this, especially considering that 4 of the people involved knew exactly how he got when he liked someone and he was sure now wasn't an exception. With a hammering heart and a faux look of confusion he vaults himself over the back of the couch and into the space between Minhyuk and Seungri.

"Oh no, not you, Yukwon. He doesn't want to spill exactly why he was so jealous about Youngbae-hyung and Seungyoon's interactions with each other on WinnerTV," Minhyuk elaborates and Jiyong lets out a steadying breath and shoots Yukwon a questioning look.

"I'm interested to know exactly why, too," he says which starts up a chorus of 'yeah, spill it!' and it only takes a few seconds of continued assault for him to absolutely snap.

"Okay fine! I'll tell you!" He exclaims, completely more than frustrated and embarrassed. "The only reason I was jealous - and I do mean this literally - is because Youngbae-hyung is my favorite idol and his music makes me feel better when I'm sad and I just wished I were in Seungyoon's place because who wouldn't?" He explains and there's a split between 'awww' and 'ugggh' in reactions. The 'ugggh's all coming from Yukwon's own group mates.

"This got really sappy really fast, let's go back to making fun of people. Jiho needs to wake up ASAP so we can rib him for his twenty minute hissy fit," Kyung says and Yukwon reaches his leg out pushes the back of Kyung's head with his foot. He's never actually been a fan of people belittling his feelings and this is no exception.

"You're such an , Kyung," he snaps and Kyung shrugs, his face clearly conveying the universal emotion for 'well, what do you want me to do about it?'

"How about we watch a movie before Yukwon throttles Kyung?" Jihoon suggests and the group concedes, turning on the SmartTV and loading Netflix.


Youngbae's spot on the floor is empty by the time they decide to watch High School Musical - for pure nostalgia, Seungri defends ("What? It came out a few months before our debut and I remember us watching it together and judging each other for actually liking a few songs! This is a bonding experience, you guys! We've watched this movie with literally everyone!") and Jiyong knows exactly what he's up to when he enters the room again with a self satisfied smile on his face.

"Do any of you know Jiho's twitter handle or Instagram? Or both? Preferably both?" He asks and Jiyong shakes his head disapprovingly.

"His twitter handle is Zico 92, no spaces. He doesn't have an Instagram, though," Kyung replies. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing really, just gonna mention him in something," Youngbae responds and the way he says it is incriminating enough as it is. There's the clack of keys and the rest have their phones out, heading to Youngbae's twitter profile. With a drag and a pop the app updates and everyone simultaeneous sputters with small giggles and cooing.

"he was all tuckered out. @ZICO92"

Attached is a picture of Jiho sleeping, arms tucked like an otters around a chunk of blanket, hair mussed on the pillow, and lips draped slightly open. Jiyong sighs a little and gives his phone a small smile before holding his finger down on the image and saving it. He follows back Jiho in the process. He stares at his phone a little longer than necessary and notices the look Seungri is giving him: a knowing smirk paired with wide eyes and Jiyong glares him down. Don't you ing dare say a word of this, he mouths menacingly and Seungri gives him a thumbs up and an 'okay' sign.

Which means he's going to have to talk to him about it later.



When Jiho wakes up, it's dark and he can't remember where he is. He knows this bed isn't his because his sheets don't smell like Givenchy and Old Spice (an odd combination that works surprisingly well in Jiho's nostrils) but, God, he feels like he's wrapped in designer clouds and the pure happiness so he burrows further into the warmth they provide. However, he does have a mission to figure out where in the hell he is, so he cocoons himself in the foreign covers and manages to get himself to a standing position, looking like some sort of extremely cozy nun with the covers over his head and wrapped around his body like a cloak.

It takes a few shuffling steps and hip checks into pieces of furniture but he manages to find his way out of the room and into the hallway. He hears voices but his ears are muffled so he can't distinguish them so he follows them instead. He clutches the front of the blanket cacoon he made for himself and rubs his eyes as he enters the room he hears the voices coming from and when he finally does manage to clear his head, the events of the day come crashing into him like a freight train.

These were G-Dragon's covers.

G-Dragon let him sleep in his bed.

He probably smells like G-Dragon now.

He's in BIGBANG's dorm.

Holy .

"Hey everyone, it's Sleeping Beauty!" Kyung exclaims and Jiho gives him a half conscious glare. He's still too asleep to deal with Kyung's bull.

He waddles over to the couch and motions for Minhyuk to scoot over. He is definitely not sitting his down on GD's comforter with the floor underneath it. Knowing the comforters owner, it probably cost more than Jiho's own life. And it was white. And once again really expensive. And probably had to be specially washed and dried. So Minhyuk was going to have to make himself scarce or make some space because Jiho wasn't going to be otherwise held responsible for the damage of such a fine article of bed covering.

"I'm not moving, there's no space," Minhyuk says adamantly and Jiho looks at him fiercely before shoving him off the sofa and onto Jihoon who was situated on the floor below Minhyuk.

"Now there is," Jiho retorts and the group breaks out in laughter as Jiho curls up onto the couch next to Jiyong.

Despite all the things he's managed not to notice he notices the way Jiyong hasn't really been looking at the movie at all, instead looking at him.

And something inside him flutters at that.


living in my own au where zico follows all the bb members on twitter because he's not a loser who doESNT FOLLOW PEOPLE WHO DONT FOLLOW HIM BACK (u tore the block b1a4 connection baro, he side hugged you on that hip hop collab stage, it was REAL. i thought you had something. rip me rip zico and rip block b1a4 [haru haru plays in the background]) also that link isnt real i made it up just to have a link uwu

anyways i hoped you liked this chapter! i had a lot of fun writing it uwu

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hazecraze 930 streak #1
Chapter 7: This whole chapter gave me 5MBC vibes, except with more juicy details hehe
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 6: Wow i was not expecting that spin the bottle scene. I hope its not too awkward the next day
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 5: Bigbang knows Jiyong too well. If only he could be comfortable with his uality though.
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 4: Aw JIyong's heart fluttering was adorable! He's already gone soft
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 3: Haha Jiho is the type of fan we all aspire to be! Him sleeping on GD's bed was so cute though! I can tell they are going to be whipped for each other real soon
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 2: That was such a beautiful reunion! I always love me some blockwinner
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 1: It would be so cool if this actually happened! Block B's very good era had visuals that reminded me of 2ne1
Sunshine_ #8
Chapter 7: Omg.... I need that update..... But I'm quite a few years late to find this story to begin with it seems.....
Update? ;~;
Chapter 7: I'm really enjoying this story. I'm super excited for the next chapter and what will happen next. good luck and good vibes <3