I didn't know that you're in pain...just like me..

This is FM

"What's wrong? Aish come on Feii Onnie, stop being like a child. Everyone has problem on their own. It's not only you, Jaeballaeyo!" said Ndi, through phone.

"Then, Onnie, find yourself a boyfriend or a husband for instant, your life will change." Ndi said in a sarcastic tone.

"Okay! I'll be there in 3 minutes. Treat me one hot signature chocolate okay?" pleaded Ndi as soon as she about to hung up.

Ndi walked towards her closet to find something to wear. 

As she open the closet, all tone of pink colour dress, shirt, pants and the list goes on, were seen. She immediately smile as pink somehow makes her happy.

She keep searching and searching for the clothes. It took about 15 minutes for her to settle down with the clothes to be wear.

As soon as she founds the right dress to wear, she immediately wear it as she look at her phone, there's about 7 missed calls and 5 messages from Feii.

"She's in  a real anger this time, oh shoot." said Ndi as she runs her feet of just to go to Starbucks Cafe where Feii was waiting deadliest for her.

As soon as she arrived and heading towards Feii, who's looking so mad,she slowly sit in fornt of Feii.

Smiling like there's no tomorrow, Ndi try to cover her "lateness" infront of Feii.

"Ppang!!!!" the sound of a knuckle landed on a head.

"Yahh !  Boyaa!!! Neo jinjja jeogullae?" said Ndi, in pain.

"Yahh! You're really pissed me off. Really! Can't you come tomorrow? The hell Ndi, and one more thing, AM I NOT YOUR ONNIE? Why you always do Yaja? Aish~~~" said Feii, clearly not in a mood of their usual jokes.

"Okay onnie, mianei... so what is up? But wait, why the hell is that guy over there is keep looking at us? Is he my fan or what? Shoot, I knew it, because this dress is too stand out ait? Huhh~" said Ndi, pointing out a guy who seems to be familiar to Feii yet she can't remember it so well.

Feii stare at the guy, she's in a lot of thinking of the guy, trying hard to remember him.

"Oh snap! That's the guy from the ramyun shop. The one who sang that song, that song...." Feii stumble and can't even finish her words.

That guy noticed that both Feii and Ndi has realized his existence as he heading towards them. 

Without any shame, the guy sit next to Feii and have a sip of Feii's Ice Grande Green Tea Latte.

"Yahh! No shame ah? Who the hell are you Mr.? Get a life and stop disturbing me!" said Feii.

"How forgetful rookies nowadays. Don't you remember me? The one who had to pay for your ramyun when you left and crying. in fact, we're in the same neighbourhood as I always see you throwing your rubbish at night. Man, your face without makeup, hahaha" said the guy who is known as Riz.

"Hey, I'm not intended to do so, you make me feel deeper in sadness as you don't know what happen on me that day, you worsen my day you know that?" explained Feii in defence.

"I'm a rookie myself, of course I could relate the bad days a rookie experienced. The way you handle your tears and sadness is not a very good and efficient one, it's totally your fault for your own sadness." nagged Riz, being a so-called psychologist.

Feii speechless because Riz has all the point.

"Look I'm not trying to make you look bad okay, what I'm trying to say is that life is a learning, and by learning it means to be hurt, scold at, yell at and the list goes on. Look at me, myself is a rookie. It's always me who's in charge of any faults. Can't you try to relate my strategy of handling this kind of thing. I know it's hard. IT'S ALWAYS BE. Just relax. Things happened, what can you do? Panic? No, all you can do is, relax and improve. That's all." explained the so-called life expert, Riz.

Feii immediately stand up. She grabs Ndi's hand who's currently looking confused of this sudden "tazkirah" by Riz towards Feii.

"You still running away huh? For how long? Stay. I'll be here." said Riz whilst holding Feii's hand in order to stop her from escape.

"Let me go. You don't know my story. What rights do you own to talk to me like that? Have it on your own and stop being an "ustaz", you're in no shape of that!" insulted Feii.

Riz stand up. He grabs Feii's hand stronger as Feii is pulled towards him by the strong hand-grabbing force by Riz. 

Riz hugged Feii. Feii is trying to escape from Riz's arms as she's struggle so hard. Ndi just stand there, and watching the best drama scene ever.

Riz give an eye-signal towards Ndi, asking her to leave them alone, and as usual the naive Ndi will do what has been instructed for her.

Feii didn't notice the absence of Ndi as she's playing hard to escape from Riz's arms. Everyone who's passing by just look at them as they thought that this  seems like one of the cliche  "break up scene" in dramas. Yet, they could be careless about it as that's none of their bussiness.

Feii who's tired enough to fight within the force of Riz's arms is now sitting, as well as Riz does.

"Do you like me?" asked Feii.

"Does it seems obvious?" answered Riz.

"Wait, what? Why do you like me? I don't even like you. No, I don't even know you. Why do you acted like you've known me or that we've been into a relationship before. If you keep annoyed me like this, I'll never get married then. Please leave me alone." pleaded Feii.

"Because you're the first person that I hugged, love can grow you can take your time on that, I'm not acting, I'm "reality-ing" that without asking you to be my girlfriend cause I'll know the answer if I ask, AND don't worry cause the one and only guy who's going to marry you is Me." explained Riz with a wink at the end of his words.

Feii again become speechless. They stare each other for a while.

"Look, I have never been into a relationship before. I'm no good in this okay. You'll get hurt. Trust me." Feii convincing Riz about the risk of him dating her.

"Who cares? Life is a risk, I'm willing to get hurt than regret about this in the future!" said Riz.

"Ugh! So what now? Huh?!" asked Feii dissatisfied.

Riz grabs Feii's phone and dialed his number. 

"I'll call you  each and every night. I'll make sure to listen to all of your concerns and I'll try my best to be there for you, I'll..no what I mean is, we'll work together okay." pleaded Riz.

"I'm harsh you know, I'll curse you out as I wish. You'll end up hurting yourself even more.I'm not easy to fall in love and I'm not good at being kind and nice. Seriously" explained Feii, vulnerably

"Haha, well you don't know me so well either right, bear with me, and we'll learn about each other slowly each an every day. Besides, we're going into the entertainment world, dating will be hard as we'll have fans and haters rising each and every seconds, haven't you thought about it?  How can we build our marriage if we're gonna be in a world full of hectic and chaos as a rising star." explained Riz, further ahead.

Feii just stumble there, saying nothing.

 Riz really has all the point that Feii clearly unable to look through.

"He is really motivated. I wonder how  he reacts as bad thing struck his face out. How I wish I could be that strong. This guy...somehow....makes my heart skip a beat..What a strange feels..." Feii monologue as she stares Riz who's sipping Feii's Green Tea Latte.

"Okay, let's go. I drove you home. We're neighbours remember?" said Riz whilst grabbing Feii'shand, forcing her to follow him towards his car.

Feii just follows him as she has nothing to struggle for. 

Riz and Feii drive home.  Things was not awkward but slightly peace and quiet as the only music they could hear is

Riz's recording song (solo part) entitled, "My Tears".

Feii could feel every rhythym and every bait of the lyrics sang by Riz as it really related to how she feels.  

"What inspire you to write this song?" asked Feii.

"My mum" answered Riz.


"Wow, your mum sure is an amazing person as it become your greatest inspirational."complimented Feii.

"She's dead." said Riz with a tone of anger.

"Oh I'm s-s.." said Feii.

"Don't be. It's my father who should be sorry, not you. My father left my mum for his first love.But my father is my mother's first love. Even after I was born he still chase after her. I hate my father and that woman. They've ruined somebody's life for their own happiness. It's unfair. My mum...she died after my father reveal his scandal. My mother, she's willing to share my father but that woman, she's greedy enough to kill my mum and have my father on her own. I swear to God, that I'll pay some revenge on her sooner. I swear. Feii!" explained Riz angrily.

Feii just stood there. It makes her heart ache. Seeing how much Riz has suffer which she herself can relate, really makes her heart ache.

Feii looked at the outside. "How can I make your pain go away, Riz? I wish I could but me, myself is suffering..." 



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Chapter 5: Chinese-Thai-Korean ... kekeke ><
IaMmeyou #2
Chapter 5: ahahaha..awwww~<3 xD
bap_exo_otp #3
Chapter 2: Pfftt!!!...Xp
IaMmeyou #4
yo!update soon xD
bap_exo_otp #5
Lol ada jg yg baca ahh (orng lain) XD
Chapter 1: yay~ OTPs!!
hihi~ ^_^
updateeee author-nim!!~~~~ :D
Heartbreaker2013 #8
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?
bap_exo_otp #9
bap_exo_otp #10
Grammar ngam ahh. Pffft!! Pda hal aq sndri cincaii