Behind The Scene : Mong Pan

This is FM

It's a sunny Sunday. FM's member are on their off day because they had worked hard these past few weeks. 

Feii and Ndi went to the zoo. While Eli was called by the manager to discuss about the next FM's activity planner.

Kato has cooking lesson, again. While FM's fake maknae is busy sleeping as it's the only day she could have the rest she ever wanted.

While the one and only hardworking member of all,  Mong Pan is busy dancing in JjangE's dance practice room.
She dances hard into every beat of the rhythym played. It's like she's in her own world as she started to dance into the melody. 

Whilst dancing, she indirectly flashback-ing her past. 

Mong Pan has the past that everyone could never imagined that, that could happened to her as she seems living a normal, problem-free life.

Yes. Mong Pan is one of the victim of a hardcore bully.

She ever been beat, slapped and punch several times during her junior and senior high school.

The ONLY reason for her sufferness is because, she's a scholarship student.

She's in no rank in the school.

And that makes her as an easy target for those so-called high class community to get into her nerve. She could never fight back, as she's too humble because she knew her position. She's nothing.

But, there's always a cliche plot in Pan's story, as there's a hero, a prince charming (i must say) who seems to be Pan's guardian angel.

Each and every day he protected Pan by stopping the chaos started by the bully. He ever get caught punching and beating a politician son who always tease Pan in a bad way. 

Yet, everytime Pan wants to say thank you, the boy or must I say his name, Hunter or best known as Hunt always avoid her. It confused Pan yet somehow it makes her heart skip a beat.

Is it love or is it just some kind of thankful relief...?

"Dance so hard eh? May I join?" Asked the Manager's son, Blew. The manager is also half Thailand. Pan's great-great grandfather is Thai people but he convert to South Korea as he found a better job opportunity there. 

"Suit yourself in, Blew" answered Pan.

Blew copying Pan's dance step. They dance to Exo's Baby Don't Cry.

After a while of dancing, Pan and Blew rest in the corner of the room.

"I still had a dream about him,Blew. He's still avoiding me even in my dream. But my heart still skip a beat even just a thought of him for a sec. Huhhh~" sighed Pan.

"Why don't you just forget about him, Pan? He's not into you, obviously." explained Blew.

"Blew! Are you crazy? I've tried that, I even skip my sleep just so that I couldn't dream of him. Thu yak thi thaxay thyu..." explained Pan mixed with her Thai language.

Blew laughed. They change the topic as it fade away slowly. After a chit chat, they starting to starve for food.

Blew asked Pan to join him for lunch and Pan agreed.

They had a day full of joy especially for Blew, the one who always care for Pan but truly a chicken when it comes to confessing it to her.

After lunch, Blew send Pan to FM's dorm before he headed home. And the rest of the day goes on as they reached their home respectively.

P/S : Mong Pan is Chinese-Thai-Korean. She's living a moderate life yet she's a scholarship student which has a daebak talent in dancing. The only way she could do to release the stress is by dancing the stress away.  Pan is indeed awesome in person.


XOXO FM's Feii. 

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Chapter 5: Chinese-Thai-Korean ... kekeke ><
IaMmeyou #2
Chapter 5: ahahaha..awwww~<3 xD
bap_exo_otp #3
Chapter 2: Pfftt!!!...Xp
IaMmeyou #4
yo!update soon xD
bap_exo_otp #5
Lol ada jg yg baca ahh (orng lain) XD
Chapter 1: yay~ OTPs!!
hihi~ ^_^
updateeee author-nim!!~~~~ :D
Heartbreaker2013 #8
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?
bap_exo_otp #9
bap_exo_otp #10
Grammar ngam ahh. Pffft!! Pda hal aq sndri cincaii