
This is FM

"How are you, dear? I hope you're doing fine there. Your father, me and Aisy will go travelling next week. Sadly you're not going to join us..." said Mrs. Na.

" That's okay mummy. I'll be fine here. We're having much fun, now don't you worry and enjoy the trip okay. May you pass the phone to Aisy, i have some words for him." said Ara

As her mum passed the phone to Aisy, her little brother, she started to cry as her voice is cracking a bit.

"Aisy..don't be naughty okay! I know that you're going to make me jealous as always but...josh I can't believe that I'm going to say this but I MISS YOU and going to miss you even more!!!" said a cry baby sister, Ara.

"You're so ugly and now you're crying, Man, what did I do in the past that God punished me to have you as my sister. Enjoy your life on becoming an idol star, only then I could be proud to show you off to flirt with Angela. Okay!!!!" said Aisy, annoyed by her sister's love towards him

"You jerk! Okay got to go. Bye!!!!" said Ara, hurriedly as she hung up the moment she saw an ice cream truck passing outside the JjangE building.

Ara run, chasing the ice cream truck as she really loves ice cream.

She manage to stop the ice cream truck. She buy 3 cones of ice cream. She ate it along her way back to the JjangE building. 

On her way back, she accidentally spilled one of the ice cream on a guy's shirt as she wasn't looking forward whilst walking. 

"What the--Do you had enough of your life? Do you really want to die?" yell the guy as his clothes is dirty because of Ara's ice cream. 

"I..I'm so..so.." Ara hummed of scaredness.

"Pay. Now! This is a branded clothes which cost almmost 10K Won." said the guy.








Ara quickly speed dial Feii's number and ask her to come to the accident site.

As Feii arrived with just red fipper, white skinny jeans, sleveless "I'm Worthy" shirt and a medium-long cardigan, Feii was ultimately shocked as she recognized the guy.

"You b*tch! Abe stop pranking girls will ya? This is my sister. Goshh, get a freaking life!" said Feii directly as she saw Ara in a big sadness and about to cry her fault out.

"What the? Feii, she's the one who did the wrong thing here. It's not fair that you cursed me out without knowing the truth which she's the one who's in fault. I just bought this awesome turqoise-silver-white plaided shirt with my very own first pay. Jeez" explained Abraham or best known as Abe, Feii's friend during her time in the orphanage.

Feii looked at Ara,"Do you have 4500 won? Pay him for dry cleaning." instructed Feii.

"Wo..Wo.. wait a second ladies, this shirt is highly..." hummed Abe as Feii put her bare fist in 
Abe's mouth as she knew that Abe will start blabbering about how hard and how expensive the shirt to be bought by him. 

"Shut up Abe! I'll tell Ma Yong if you don't stop what you're doing. Just have that 4500 Won and send you clothes to the dry clean services, okay. We have hings to do. So get busy yourself. Come on Ara."asked Feii as she give the 4500 Won from Ara to Abe and rushed Ara to walk with her to the JjangE building.

"I'm so gonna get you, girl!" Abe sighed in despair as he really mad at Ara. 

"Because of that clumsy girl, I lost my opportunity to have a rich girlfriend today. Jeez!!! Among many days of mine, why today? I'm just an inch close to haveStephanie as my girlfriend. Ughh!!!! I just lost my gold.."sighed Abe walking back home as he called Stephanie to cancelled the date, and then Stephanie ask him to never see her again.

It's indeed a big slap of reality for Abe, as he shouldn't love people by their wealth. 





P/S:  Ara is clumsy, baby and such an adorable member. Feii always thought Ara as her sister as Ara always chatting with Feii about almost everything. Ara loves her baby brother so much but always bullied him as he's a pain in a neck for Ara each and every time. Stay tuned for more suprise from Ara...the baby of FM.

XOXO FM's Feii.

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Chapter 5: Chinese-Thai-Korean ... kekeke ><
IaMmeyou #2
Chapter 5: ahahaha..awwww~<3 xD
bap_exo_otp #3
Chapter 2: Pfftt!!!...Xp
IaMmeyou #4
yo!update soon xD
bap_exo_otp #5
Lol ada jg yg baca ahh (orng lain) XD
Chapter 1: yay~ OTPs!!
hihi~ ^_^
updateeee author-nim!!~~~~ :D
Heartbreaker2013 #8
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?
bap_exo_otp #9
bap_exo_otp #10
Grammar ngam ahh. Pffft!! Pda hal aq sndri cincaii