Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE) Chapter 6

Artificial Love (Aoi - GazettE)

Artificial Love: Chapter 6

(**Note: I’m going to use 2nd person on this chapter for a while just to see if you guys like it or not for Kimiko, in other words: YOU. there may be some 1st person for Kimiko but most the time you’ll just see ‘you, Your, etc.’)

Today was your first day of Milk delivery; it was going well…that is, so far, going from different place to place streets to streets etc traveling like you wanted. Riding down a road with dirt around became a boring scenery as you stayed on the same path for 20 minutes on the road of Ohyani road. Closing your eyes not wanting to see the sight in front of you, begging god that your road would change course, your wish eventually came true.

Still, closing your eyes, without noticing, you came across an unknown pathway for the next destination you were headed. Riding down the road, the wind grew stronger, lifting your long hair strands in the air and hitting your face.

Reopening your eyes, you found yourself dropping down on a steep hill making your bike speed in a swift forward. Half panicking, you pressed on your brakes lightly, slowly coming into a complete stop. You reached where the road became flat again. From reaching your back pocket, you grabbed out a folded paper that had the entire directions list.

“Chugu Bridge? Where’s th--” as soon as you lifted your head up, you were no more in a surrounding of plain dirt. Instead, in a green world, surrounded by large trees in other words, beautiful nature. Healthy leaves from the trees shined brightly… where is this place? Looking over to your shoulder a brown post listed:

‘Mt. Hakusan/ Hakusan Super Rindo Forest Road’    

Remounting on your bike, you headed down the nice paved road, smoothing making your way towards the next opening. Yellow daisies, blight butterflies, a small stream down the other end next to you, it was all too exciting and it was all too perfect. Seeing at it is, you saw the exit way on the next path, sad to leave the world of green. As you approach the highest point of this forest road, more surprising views had made you flutter. Mt. Hakusan appeared over the beech wood, enabling you to view the noble figure of its dominant peak.  

“Hello world!” you screamed, seeing the view of the top mountains filled with wilderness trees. It felt so great, you knew you were going to love coming here every day and was lucky to get the schedule for this road; you kissed the folded paper and placed it in your pocket, then went back into sightseeing, lost in mother nature.

After 15 minutes of enjoying your time sightseeing you approached large bridge called Chugu seeing a magnificent river channel down at the bottom. From there on I saw a large private house hold. Taking out the paper once more, you read the address just in case you came across the wrong house. Coming forward to the gate, you grabbed the milk bottles from your bike cart and placed it into the owner’s milk bag. Placing your arms on your hips you read your list seeing that you needed two more deliveries to make till your day ends. As you were almost about to walk away something had caught the bottom of your pants preventing you from going.

“HUH?” looking down at your left leg a German Sheppard had grabbed your pants with and let goed then looking up at you with the friendliest expression while sticking his head underneath the gate. You smiled and kneeled down to at the same height.

“Ano, what’s your name?” you asked, patting and his fur. A bark came out and your arms, you gave a chuckle, “Woof!” I repeated after. The dog went away then came back with a bone in its mouth, dropping it, the dog pushed it towards me with its tip of its nose as a gift.

“Aww, you’re soo cute! Thank you!” you thanked grabbing the bone giving another pat on the head. I tried searching for his collar but it seemed there was none…

“Let’s see, I’ll call you…”  I looked at the bone in my hand, “I know! I’ll call you Bones! How about it?”

“Woof!”  the dog barked. “Alright! Then its settled” I said happily. “Let’s see, I don’t know what gender you are but I’m just going to assume you’re a girl for now okay?” you patted, “Woof!” was the reply back.

“Bones! Sing with me!~ woof woof bark bark!~” you sang, not long after Bones started howling at the end of our song and went into barking. You smiled at the cutest dog and kissed her on the head. “You made my day Bones!” you thanked and smiled, but then slowly faded into a small frown along with a sigh.

“Bones, you’re so lucky that you’re not in a tight situation like me…”

“See, there’s this guy… and--” searching your phone in your pocket to see the time, you flipped as you saw what time it was. “Aw, nani?! Already?” you said in a disappointed tone, “Ano, Bones I got to go.” She whimpered underneath the gate.

“Aw, I don’t want to leave either, but don’t worry, I’ll be back ever day! Tomorrow I’ll even bring you a treat for the bone you gave me! Okay?” you promised, Bones started your hands as you her fur. “You’re soo cute Bones!” I kissed her once more on the nose, “Stay out of trouble! And be good to your owner! Make them happy okay?”

??? POV

I needed space. I needed thinking time. I needed fresh air. Walking through the stone pavements, with my guitar, I pop up down on the patio bench swing and started playing random tunes from my guitar.

The day I had bumped into that girl in the bus had been in my mind for the past week. My mood hadn't gotten any better or worse, but my curiosity about that girl made me get through all the discussion about tour schedules and the fan letters.

“Woof!”a female voice came, seeing around, no one was in sight, I looked back at my mail ignoring what had distracted my focus. My dog Ryu came into my sight, I sat down my guitar and clapped my hands.

“Ryu, come here” I commanded. But it was unusual. Without listening, Ryu went into his dog house and came out with a bone in his mouth and walked over towards the front gate wagging his tail vigorously than usual. ‘Weird…’

“Aww, thank you! um, since I don’t know your name, I’ll call you Bones? How about it?”

I heard Ryu bark at the gentle female’s voice. “Bones sing with me!~” I heard Ryu bark and howl multiple times and a giggle from the girl right after.

“Bones you’re lucky…”she said, “Aw, nani?! Already?... Ano bones I gotta go.” Ryu whimpered in a sad tone. “Aw don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll even give you a treat tomorrow okay?”

Wondering what’s going on, I put my hands in my pocket and fast walked over towards where Ryu was wagging his tail uncontrollably. I was very curious who the mysterious female was, her voice sounded so familiar but from where?

“Bones, make sure you be on your best behavior towards your owner, make him happy okay?”just hearing that made me smile, 

“Ja ne, bye bye!”I heard her saying goodbye. Her bell ranged making Ryu say his good bye.

“Eh? Ano!” I desperately called her out, opening my gate door, but it was too late, she rode her bike down the hill side towards the Chugu Bridge. Looking down at Ryu I smiled, his head, “Who’s that ‘Bones?’ ” I called his now new name from the girl. “Is that your girlfriend?” I laughed. I scrunched my eye brows realizing that the girl had called Ryu a girl, a small chuckle had came out, kneeling down to Ryu I scrunched his fur and hugged his neck. “I don’t see you as a girl at all boy!” I laughed hysterically, getting up, I grabbed my milk bottles from the bag, heading towards back to the bench as Ryu followed.

Kimiko’s POV

I laid my phone on top of my bed and crawled under the green blanket on my bed. “Miyuki! I’m not really dating him for the last time! Should I tell my mom or not?” you whined explaining Miyuki with my deal with Aoi.

 “NANI?! You’re f’en crazy by not really dating him, and are you stupid? You know how your mom will react to this! Personally, I suggest you just not tell her until your deal is off sweetie.” She said on the other line. “Ano…”

“Ano what? Kimiko?”

“Do you think I made the wrong decision Miyuki?” you asked, “Well, no, you’re doing it for your family, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with anything about it.” she answered. “Wait a minute” she started.

“Do you like Yuu?” she questioned. You choked on air and coughed violently, “No! No! NO! I certainly do not!” you answered angrily. “He’s nothing but good-look-for-nothing douche bag.” I pouted my lips.

“Geezes alright, alright, calm down honey! Just asking…”

“Yeah like the 10 millionth time!” you growled. “Oh Kimiko I gotta go! Ogawa asking for me! Bai bai!”
“Mmhm. Bye!”

I slowly drifted to sleep. That night I dreamed about that mysterious man on the bus, once again.

[Kimiko’s Dream]

There he was standing in my dream looking hot as ever. I walked over to him and smiled. He smiled back and said “Hi” in quiet hushed tone. “Hi” I replied rather loudly compared to his whisper. “Shh don’t be loud, you will wake up Kimiko”  

“Um okay.” I said wide eyed. “May I ask where I am?!” “Well Gorgeous, I’m pretty positive we’re in your dream” he smirked. “Oh yea. Duh” I whisper feeling like I could bang my head on the wall. “But why am I here at--” I looked down at my watch to see that it was midnight. “Midnight on a starry night?” I continued “Because you love me” he smiled. “Yea that’s true but that doesn’t explain why I’m HERE at midnight when I should be sleeping…and dreaming…?” “Shh” He replied and bent down and went close to your face, and your guys lips had almost touched…

[End of Kimiko’s Dream]

“Riiiiing!” you woke up startled by your phone ringing. “NOOO!” you hung up your home without bothering to see the caller ID, throwing your phone back to the other side of the bed and tried to fall back asleep. Another ring came from your phone, as you crawled to the other side “Grrr…” you flipped open your phone seeing the caller id, “Douche bag” aka Aoi.

“NANI?!” you growled, looking over at your alarm clock. ”WHAT THE ? ITS 1 AM! WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME AT THIS HOUR MORRON?!”

“Oh, uh is this Kimi by any chance?”an unknown man’s voice asked. “Ano, who is this?” I asked. “Ah, I’m just a friend of Yuu, uh sorry to call you at this hour, I’m terribly sorry, but do you mind coming here at Yuu’s house?”

 You got up slowly and sat on your bed rubbing your eyes. “Nani? Why?”

 “That is, Yuu had problems today and were not so sure why… he drank and drank all night and now is going crazy! Please kimi-chan~!”

“I don’t even know where he lives besides his parent’s house” You explained. “Oh no problem, I’ll just tell you where it is, in any case please help us!” you took a deep breath of annoyance and confirmed that you’d meet there with whoever was on the phone with you. You took your keys to your scooter which was now fixed since Shin had paid all the repairs.

[Fast Forward]

 You came across a rich hotel once again, going on to the elevator for room 56, You walked over to the door and ranged the door bell in your black sweat pants and an oversized white shirt. There a man with short black hair appeared opening the door and was stunned to see you standing there leaning against my door post. “Kimi!” he said in a hushed tone. “Uh hello…?” I waved shyly. “Come come!” he offered me and closing the door. I stood there stunned seeing 3 other men sitting in the room.

The Gazette

 “I couldn’t reach any one else on his phone but you so I figured you can help us” He replied grinning. “At 1 am??” you questioned. “And how exactly?” you asked, he itched the back of his head, unsure, “Ano…that is…”

“We were hoping you can talk things out with Aoi…” a man with spiked blonde hair with a nose band came up to me, “Oh…” I mumbled. “I’m Reita by the way” he bowed, “And try to figure out why…” a man with black streak marks on his neck came and bowed. “I’m Ruki”

“Oh and what…” the third man with blondish brownish hair said. “I’m Uruha”

“And lastly, for who!” the man with, what I thought, had the cutest dimples. “I’m Kai! Nice to meet you Kimi-chan~!” I bowed back to all, “Very nice to meet you all too…” I mumbled shyly. All four led me to Aoi’s room down a hallway not too far from the room where we were just in, “Um, well, Please do you very best.” Ruki pleaded. You nodded your head and headed inside.

Inside his room was nothing but clean, well, there might have been clothes on the floor but it was better than Miyuki’s room, whose room is a mountain of clothes. You shut his door lightly and walked over and sat on his shades of black colored bed. “Great color scheme.” you whispered. He rolled his body beside me and murmured non sense.  “gdkjdvjknv… Why are y-you here k-k-Kimi?” he murmured. You completely rolled your eyes and slapped his back, “I’m here because your friends needed me to help you!” you harshly said, giving him a glare. You looked at what he wore, where as he was wearing a black jacket, a white striped shirt and long black pants that had chains hanging on them to each leg along with his shoes still on his feet. You walked over to where his feet were and simply take his shoes off settle them on the floor. Then coming up on his bed, “Aoi c’mon, go get changed into whatever you sleep with.”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t, it just looks really uncomfortable wearing all that crap on you” you commented. “Right…” it was awkward silent, you tried to think of what to say, “So what happened today?” you asked half curious. 

“Tried getting a girl, but failed”

“That’s all you whined about? Pathetic…”

“N-n-ope, I was just k-k-kidding.” He paused. “Just saw someone t-that I didn’t expect to s-see.” He slurred his words and lift his arms and resting them on his eyes/head. You didn’t know why but for some reason you were desperate to know who. You came closer next to him and poked him, “Who may that be?”

“You don’t need to know…its none of your business” he replied. Your eyes relaxed in disappointment, “Fine I didn’t even wanted to know anyways.” You pouted. “It was just a friend” he added. “How is that bad?” you asked.

“It just is…”

“Oh, I get it, it’s a girl problem after all isn’t it?” you stated. Aoi made a loud angry grunt

“I don’t know” he glanced at you for a moment. “You know…” he got up into a sitting position and hazily looking at you. “You’re on my bed…” he smirked. Looking down and back up at him you gave a disgusted look, “Gross” you commented, as you were about to get off the bed he grabbed your shoulder making you twist around, and pinning you down gripping on both your wrist single handed. A faint blush rose up on your cheeks, the only sound that you could hear was the man in front of you breathing heavily yet a soothing sound of his constant breathing. Suddenly the sound of him shifting closer caught your attention. He propped up on his elbow and looked down at you for a moment, his expression unreadable.

His arm held your waist and gently brushed his nose along my collar bone. You shivered. His breath filled with strong scent of alcohol as he went close to your face. Both of your guys eyes never broke apart, you were just too shocked. Your eyes widen in fear “Aoi… what are you doing?” you broke apart eye contact with him. “Kimi-chan…” he started. “If you loved someone for a long time, but never got that love returned…what would you do?” he asked, in such sad tone, as the fan brushed his hair away from his eyes. You eyes slightly widen as his eyes read in such violent.

He came down closer with his lips almost, just almost! Touching with yours, and he whispered, “Don’t get your nose into my business.” He warned. You slightly shook your body in slight fear, as he realized, he took a deep sigh. 

 “I’m sorry” he said pulling away from you. “No it’s fine.” You got up on the opposite side of him. “It’s my fault for asking…” You ran your fingers through your hair. You heard a small chuckle coming from him “I’m just kidding” he grinned giving you a peace sign leaving you confused. “EH?” you stated.

“Stupid I’m fine. Just stressed out on someone I know” He sighed. He began taking off his jacket, his socks, then his shirt.

Your expression: O_O;

“Eh, what are you doing?” you stopped his arm just before he lifted his shirt. “What do you mean? I’m taking off my shirt? What else?” he said then fully taking off his shirt, revealing lots of skin. “Ano…this is awkward…” you admitted. Once again Aoi gave a smirk and pinned you down.  “Serves you right, you butting into my business! And yes, I might do something to you that involves a lot of body connections…” he smiled. “What?! EWW GET OFF OF ME! YOU PREV!”  you yelled. The door knob jigged as the door opened.

" Ano, is everything o- WHOA!" You both jumped and you gasped, sitting up. A red blossom colored Kai’s cheeks, his eyes bugging out of his sockets, met both your gazes.
"Ano, Kai! You got it wrong! Me and her were ju--" Aoi started, shaking his hands while his face grew red.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so so so sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't know! Honestly! I didn’t!" Kai yelled out apologies and quickly shut the door; even from outside he blurted out more apologies and walked away. You blushed deeply, running your fingers through your hair as you stood up, Aoi turned away in embarrassment. You grabbed a pillow from his bed and planted your face in it and muffled your screams in embarrassment.

“YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!” you screamed at Aoi, grabbing the pillow and hitting. “Ano, please! Hey! I’m sorry!~” he pleaded grabbing another pillow for his defense.

[Fast Forward]                                 

After telling Kai privately what had happened he sent his regards and clearly understood thankfully and swore not to tell anyone. As you came back into your room you started remembering Aoi’s unreadable expressions and his violent eyes he gave you earlier.

“If you loved someone for the longest time, yet never got that love returned… what would you do?”

His quote ran through my head nonstop, “Perhaps he had someone?” you thought out loud. Turning off your lights, you closed your eyes for it was 3:00 am. You laid down on your bed trying to get comfortable, finally you did and instantly drifted to sleep.

“If you loved someone for the longest time, yet never got that love returned… what would you do?”

“If you loved someone for the longest time, yet never got that love returned… what would you do?”

“If you loved someone for the longest time, yet never got that love returned… what would you do?”

It went repeating into my head, again, again, and again…

To be continued.

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There finally made an update after a year!


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themissD #1
well this is my 1st Fanfic that I'll be reading ever (suggested by a friend)I hope I can get through it without LOL'n to much!!! But now, after reading this page I'm reminded of "Coffee Prince" (K-Drama) hopefully it won't follow that plot line to much >^.^<
yunvi_blingkey #2
Chapter 17: This was very unexpected... XD I mean, the updating. I thought you had ditched it, Im so happy you didnt!! I love this story, I'm so glad you are back.
Hope you wont take that long for next chapter, thanks!!
hunoru #3
Chapter 17: YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
This chapter was so good!!!!
It was so long, I'm glad you updated.
cover_girl #4
ohhhhhhhhhhh Pleaseeeeeeee update it again. i really love this story. I wonder who will Kimi choose: Aoi or Hiroto. Ofc I love Aoi but I think I hate him in this story ( so rude of me ). Amd even I dun know much about Hiroto, I'm gonna love him for now. So please, update this again
hunoru #5
Please update soon!!
I really like this story.
Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!
Angellovesgazette #6
Chapter 16: Please update!!!!! I love this story, I've been waiting~ xD

Hopefully Aoi is okay, ; - ;

Update soon please~!!!!!
Chapter 16: I'm still waiting for the next chapter T___T really hope that you can update, i really love this story! so please don't give up on the story, we are waiting!
yunvi_blingkey #8
Chapter 16: OMG!! I TOTALLY LOVE YOUR STORY! *w* please continue :D you can't leave me like this >-< <3 lol
I really hope you don't give up on the story, it's really good :'3
Gazelove #9
YAY!! Amazing update!!!! Now I'm dying for the next chapter... XD